
Episode 96 - Practicing At Your Highest Level With Dr. Mark Eltis

At your highest level, practicing means always looking for new knowledge, making connections between seemingly unrelated topics, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. In this episode, Dr. Mark Eltis discusses practicing at your highest level. Dr. Eltis is an exclusive expert in the field of dry eye and glaucoma, and we'll be discussing how these two topics are linked. While previous conversations have covered dry eye, Dr. Eltis sheds new light on the topic and provides insights into its relationship with glaucoma. This episode is not only relevant for students who are studying optometry but also for optometrists who want to improve their knowledge and skills for board and fellowship. Apart from his expertise in the field, Dr. Eltis has also built a high-end practice in the Toronto area. He shares tips and tricks on how he accomplished this and offers advice to optometrists who are looking to build a similar practice. Join us as we delve into the world of dry eye and glaucoma with Dr. Mark Eltis and learn how to practice at your highest level.

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Practicing At Your Highest Level With Dr. Mark Eltis

As always, I am humbled and so grateful for all the support everybody who's been sharing, liking, commenting, reviewing and all of that stuff. It's been incredible. Thank you for all of that. In return, I'm always trying to bring as much value as I can to the show by bringing on incredible guests like Dr. Mark Eltis, whom I have here with me. I'm sure if you spend any amount of time on social media or if you attend any CE lectures, especially related to glaucoma, dry eye or the type of stuff we're going to talk about, you've seen Mark multiple times. You know that he's an amazing, highly trained, highly educated person.

To give you a quick rundown of who he is before we get started so you know the caliber of guests that we're dealing with, Mark is the newly appointed President of the College of Optometrists of Ontario. What an accomplishment. Congratulations on that. As a quick disclaimer, he's not speaking in that capacity in this episode.

He is also a newly appointed Canadian Ambassador for the American Board of Optometry. He is himself a fellow and a diplomate of the American Board of Optometry. He is also a member of a very prestigious group called the Optometric Glaucoma Society, a very exclusive group of only a handful of optometrists in Canada and over 150 optometrists across the world who have this certain level of training and expertise in glaucoma. It's incredible to have somebody like this on the show. It's been a long time coming, Mark. We've been talking about this for a while. Thank you so much for coming on. I appreciate it.

It's my pleasure. We had so much fun when we met in person as well. I'm looking forward. I don’t know if you're going to be at BCDO in 2023 but I hope to see you again.

I'm always there. Every year I go. Even if I'm not speaking or attending too many lectures, I always try to attend because I show support for our association. Also, it's one of the more fun events for me to network and reconnect with local friends. I'm glad to hear you'll be there. That's awesome. To set the agenda for our audience, we're going to want to talk about dry eye because that's one of your big specialties. You do a lot of talking on that.

Dry eye is, to some degree, a topic that's been exhausted in a lot of ways. Myself being guilty of that too. I talk about it a lot. We're going to also talk about glaucoma. You are one of these high-level exclusive experts in the field but we're also going to tie dry eye to glaucoma. I know you've done some work on that space.

For the students out there who are studying or even optometrists who are looking to become more highly trained in the fellowship and the board certification, we're going to talk about some of that too. One of the things I want to pick your brain about is you've helped to build this high-end practice out in the Toronto area.

I want to learn from you a little bit about how you've done that and what tips and tricks you have for ODs looking to build that type of practice. That's a lot of stuff. Let's start with dry eye and I'm going to defer to you a little bit. I don't have too many specific nitty-gritty questions. I want to start with what's exciting in dry eye. What are you doing that you feel like you want to help people?

If I were to make a comment about dry eye, especially for young optometrists and people trying to get into it from a practice even management standpoint, you don't need a lot of fancy stuff. Let's put it this way. Fancy stuff does not make you a dry eye expert. Like everything else, it's about the education of the doctor and the training. I still say sometimes that I started lecturing on dry eye in 2009 or right before I was in LA. I was giving a lecture and it’s still on youtube. I called it Keeping a Lid on it: The Underdiagnosis and Management of Blepharitis. At the time, everybody was like, “What are you talking about?”

I remember graduating in 2003 and people were like, “Dry eye is connected to the mucus membrane,” or this kind of thing. We understand the connection with inflammation. I remember speaking on it and people are like, “Why are you even talking about this? This isn't a sexy topic. This is boring.” Sure enough, at that time and shortly thereafter, people were making the connection between inflammation and dry eye.

At the time, it was funny. It wasn't even a given. It's one of those things that they say in life. First, people deny it or ridicule it. Once it's accepted, they're like, “It’s connected. What are you talking about? We're at that stage.” My point is that while it's amazing to buy all the high-tech toys and I believe in them, the toys don't make you a dry eye expert.

I tell people, “Think about going to the dentist. Do you know any of the equipment they're using or the differentiation between a certain drill or scaling tool? You don't.” Ultimately, these things are going to even out. Everyone's going to have an IPL or whatever it may be. What's going to make the difference? It's back to the basics, which is how you treat your patients, how they feel in your chair, what you know and what are your levels of expertise when it comes to these issues.

With the technology, you can be the first and it's great to be the first or one of the fewer or to be groundbreaking. There's always better technology but I don't think that makes the difference between a good doctor and a bad doctor necessarily. I’ve worked in offices in the past where I had very little technology, either for dry eye or glaucoma and I still made it work. I don't want people to think that if you don't have that stuff, you can't be an authority in the field.

Having technology in the medical field is groundbreaking. But that doesn’t mean that if you don’t have the stuff, you can’t be an authority in the field.

That's a great point to start with. I’ve started talking about dry eye much later than you. One of the important pieces of advice I got from a mentor at that time because I was like, “What do I buy? Which meibographer? Which IPL,” was, “Do you have a slit lamp? Do you have fluorescein?” “Yes.” “Good. You're good to go.”

That's extremely important. A lot of people get bogged down in trying to buy all the technology. Thank you. From an expert standpoint, that's very important. Let's say that you've been doing that for a while and are looking to upgrade. We're not talking necessarily about brands but what types of things should one have to think about elevating their practice in the dry eye space?

Everything works in concert. IPL will help in most cases, for instance. However, you need to take an individualized approach. That's the other aspect maybe, which I was starting to talk about but didn't zero in on. You need to assess all levels. Let's say a mechanized expression, not to name particular brands, you need something that does that. Maybe they're afraid for whatever reason of certain techniques. There's low-level life therapy or something else that can be used which fits a patient's needs and also, their comfort level.

Not everybody's a candidate, for instance, for certain techniques but they are for others or even something more basic. I still start with expression, debridement and some microblepharoexfoliation. For me, that’s the starting point where I get to assess things and see it manually and see what's happening and how the patient responds to things touching their eye, being close and how they respond to certain things.

If you hook them up to them and you start something very elaborate and they're not even okay with you getting close to their eye, we have a problem. That's where I'm at. You can take it up to the next level. That trust builds, especially if you're going to do something which has even some mild side effects. You may not have that level of trust yet and that could break apart the situation.

I remember I watched an old lecture I used to give on dry eye. Even when we were using tea tree oil more commonly, I don't use it as much anymore for Ocrevus treatments and others. I don't start with the tea tree oil because it can be a little bit more aggressive. People can be like, “I don't want to do the cleaning because it burns.” Sometimes even though you want to go and throw everything but the kitchen sink at them, you may want to start a more stepwise approach to build that trust and confidence and get the buy-in from the patient.

I’ve had those patients where we're like, “We're going to do radio frequency and extraction on you,” and the patient's like, “I can't have anything near my eyes.” Some patients will tell us up front, “I’m bad with anything around my eyes but I'm going to try to tough it out.” You see them squirming and laying in the chair. It's funny. I give them a lot of credit for going through it. This stuff with dry eye, not to take anything away from you Mark and your expertise in it but we hear it a lot. There are lots of discussions around the dry eye. Am I right? You wrote an article or something about the connection between dry eye and glaucoma. There’s an overlap there. Tell me a little bit about that.

It's my two loves, dry eye and glaucoma. The connection is that, first of all, you know everybody has dry eye pretty much. It's an epidemic on its own. I see it in five-year-olds. I'm sure you do. That's not new probably to anybody who's focused on the field. What we neglect to think about is with glaucoma, why do people go blind? Is it that we don't have treatments? For the most part, we do have treatments. It's patient nonadherence, let's say. People are not taking their medications or not coming back for follow-ups. Why? It's not that glaucoma is necessarily painful if we're talking about POG or NTG. It's that the treatment can be uncomfortable like burning, stinging or ocular surface disease.

That's part of the dry eye world. If you improve their dry eye symptoms, you're more likely to have a patient who's going to take their medication. You can do multiple things like non-preserved medication but also treating their ocular surface. The dry eye blepharitis and meibomian gland dysfunction will probably make them take their glaucoma medication more consistently. My main point is if someone has glaucoma and they more than likely have dry eye, treat the dry eye because that's probably your best bet to prevent vision loss. They're going to become more compliant with their medication.

Glaucoma: If someone has glaucoma and they more than likely have dry eye, treat the dry eye because that's probably your best bet to prevent vision loss. They're going to become more compliant with their medication.

It's funny how you said it. A lot of times in the beginning, people would be like, “No, that doesn’t make any sense.” Later, when it all comes to it, they’re like, “Of course, that makes sense.” It seems so obvious. I don't do a whole lot of glaucoma. I'm going to be very upfront here but one of the biggest complaints that patients have is that the drop sting or their eyes get red. What's happening on the ocular surface that we can perhaps help to minimize?

Supporting the ocular surface with dry eye treatments and things makes a lot of sense. It seems almost too obvious to even talk about but it's not. It's still something that needs to be brought to light. What's the response that you've been getting? What do you recommend to ODs to start to do a bit more?

It's nothing complicated. You're taking a glaucoma patient or suspect because I see a lot of suspects. I tell my patients, “Ninety percent of you who are being monitored for glaucoma are never going to have it.” The problem is if you're in that 10% or we can argue about the exact percentage but if you're in that small percentage, you can lose vision. Unfortunately, I’ve seen a handful of patients who were in that category who weren't followed at my office but were seen by other places. Some of it's the patients not following up as much as they should have but sometimes it's also doctors being a little more blasé about following up 3 to 6 months if needed.

90% of you who are being monitored for glaucoma are never going to have it. The problem is if you're in that 10%, you can lose vision.

Sometimes I tell patients, “I know it can be costly and annoying but if you're in that category of the patient that's going to have more rapidly progressing glaucoma, you have an issue.” This is another misconception about glaucoma. It's a slow-moving disease. It is, except in times when it's not. It's hard to tell. You can say, “Higher myopes have a risk or certain patient demographics,” but we can't be 100% sure. I leave it to the patient.

I'm not one of those people that pulls the trigger on treatment very quickly. I talk about it with a patient. That connects to my earlier point about dry eye. If you want to be a glaucoma-focused optometrist, patient education and the relationship with your patient are probably paramount because you need to explain to them, “It's usually a slow-moving disease. I don't think you have it but one can never be 100% sure. Even with all the technology, OCT, HRT, corneal hysteresis, all that stuff and the most advanced visual field machine, there's still that level of uncertainty.”

“How do we mitigate that risk? I can see you more often and we can discuss the risk and benefits of putting you on treatment, which is lifetime or observing very closely.” I compare it sometimes to the stock market where I say, “If you watch it for 1 day or 2, you're not getting a sense of what's happening. More readings over time tell you what's happening.” It's like the Berkshire Hathaway CEO says, Warren Buffett, “Stocks all over the place in the long-term is where you see the reality of what was happening.”

That's the same thing in glaucoma where I can do an OCT two days in a row and one can look like in the red zone and the other one can look perfectly normal. Which one is true? Probably the 3rd one or the 4th or the 5th. If we do them in sequence and we don't wait six months, then we're going to panic if all of a sudden they were perfect in testing one. At testing two, it's like you've lost all this RNFL, supposedly. You're like, “We got to treat it.” No, we should have watched it more carefully to get more data points.

If there's ever any voice of reason in the world of the crazy stock market, it's him. It makes sense that you have to look at the big picture but also, to get that big picture, you got to have people keep coming back. You got to get those multiple data points. Without that, you can't choose the right course of action. What would you suggest for somebody similar to what I was saying about dry eyes somebody who's looking to maybe do a bit more glaucoma? I don't do any or very little other than monitor certain things. We have the technology. I don't spend as much time seeing the patients who have those conditions. What would you say to me to get me more into it? What should I be doing to be helping those patients who have glaucoma to treat it more in my office?

The first thing I'd say is you don't need to have all the fanciest equipment but it's great if you do. I’ve been using OCT and HRT, not in my clinic necessarily but for a time I was sending out to another clinic where they were doing the testing where I didn't have the equipment. Glaucoma's not like something like a retinal detachment.

Generally speaking, you don't need the result on the same day. If it takes a couple of weeks to get the OCT or a month, it's probably not a big issue. If it is, you probably shouldn't be holding onto it anyway. The thing is so people understand the back-to-the-basics. I was taking a lot of courses at Berkeley on this. They were emphasizing a more back-to-basics approach with the photos and looking at the optic nerve.

Don Hood at Columbia is the opposite approach where with an OCT, you can pretty much tell glaucoma without looking at anything else, maybe the visual field but that's it. I tend to not adhere to one school of thought exclusively. I'm like, “Look at the images and yes, have the technology to help you.” The research shows that if you're a glaucoma specialist ophthalmologist, you can do just as well with imaging, 3D photos, stereoscopic photos and visual field as you can do with OCT. Certainly, myself included, are not that good. I would benefit from the OCT and all the other fancy tools.

What I would say is to use everything that you have. You don't have to be a hero. You don't have to diagnose it off a photo. If you're not sure about the OCT, there's nothing wrong with sending it out to a specialist to get an opinion. A lot of the time, I’ll tell you that I still get an opinion before putting on a borderline case on medication. If we're going to initiate lifetime treatment, I don't mind having that second opinion.

This is the thing that people don't get. When you go into a lecture and everybody's so sure about what glaucoma is and isn't, you're probably not in the best lecture circuit. When I’ve gone to Optometric Glaucoma Society meetings and you get experts from Harvard and Johns Hopkins, they tell you that they weren't sure or they show you where they made a mistake or they explain, “I thought this person didn't have glaucoma for 5 or 10 years. Looking back, it was obvious that they did.”

The thing is that it's a very difficult disease to diagnose. You may not be right at first. The issue is that it's okay. As long as you're monitoring close enough, it won't make an impact on the patient's vision. If you're too arrogant about knowing when it is and isn't or you're not doing enough testing, that can be the issue. Once the vision loss is there, then it becomes too late. Early on, if there are a few drops in the points on the OCT or some peripheral visual field defect, the patient's life isn't going to change. What will change is if you miss the big stuff.

The take-home message I feel like is simply getting the data points and monitoring the patients closely if you feel like there is a risk of developing glaucoma or progressing. That's the number one most back-to-basics thing. It's funny you mentioned the photographs. When I was doing one of my clinical rotations at an ophthalmology practice in Florida, one of the ophthalmologists was older even at that time. I'm sure at that time, he was in his 60s or 70s so he'd been practicing in the old days before a lot of these technologies had come around. He would look at a photo and a nerve and say, “I see this.”

He would look at it for ten seconds whereas we, as the students, would be blinding the patients in the slit lamp for ten minutes trying to see all the details that he was seeing and was able to pick up things that we were only able to compile after visual field, OCT photos, all the stuff together. It's cool and special to see the way that the brain works of somebody who's got that experience.

Let's talk about boards your board certification and a diplomate of the American Board of Optometry. That's different than me taking the board's exam to become an optometrist. You do a lot to talk to a lot of students and you help them get through that whole thing. You talked about the board process, like the KMK board process. Being an ambassador for the American Board of Optometry, you're also helping people go through that process. How do you become a diplomate? How do you do all these things?

Let's start with the student side of the conversation then we'll work our way to optometrists people who already graduate and working who want to elevate their training. From the student perspective, I'd love to have a section here where I could share this with students about, “Here's what you could do. Here's what Dr. Eltis has to share with you to prepare for boards.” You're talking about the psychology of it.

That's important because there's such a psychological aspect to it beyond just understanding the information. I’ll leave it to you before I give away the punchline here. Tell us what you'd like to share with students and what can we impart to upcoming optometrists here to make sure they're well prepared.

In terms of academics, if you study for long enough and there are wonderful programs out there like you mentioned KMK, you can get the training in terms of the information that's going to be on the board exam. What students don't focus on or people don't talk about is the psychological aspect. That can be the silly things.

The theme of our conversation is glaucoma and dry eye like, “That makes sense. Why doesn’t anybody talk about that?” It's the simple things like do you have the clothing you're going to wear for your board exams? Do you have whatever equipment you need? Do you know how to get to the place you're going to be to? I guess in 2023, it'd be in Charlotte for the NBOs. Do you know how to get there? Did you arrive one day before and get to that place so you know how to arrive?

The reason I mentioned these things is that they seem like, “That's pretty easy and simple.” As a former examiner for national boards in Canada and the US, I’ve seen how students can get derailed if they're not in the right frame of mind when they enter the exam room. It doesn't take much. Anything that flusters you or gets you out of that zone can be an issue when you're talking about a practical examination.

Students can get derailed if they're not in the right frame of mind when they enter the exam room. It doesn't take much. Anything that flusters you or gets you out of that zone can be an issue when you're talking about a practical examination.

What you need to do is get everything in order, everything from what you're going to eat the night before and not studying or staying up late or getting into some panic or getting into an argument with somebody that day off. These are all things that will make a huge difference when you're taking your actual exam.

The second thing I would say, even putting the practical aside or for anything that requires this level of thinking and preparation for months, is you were going to get confused or the fog of war on how well you're doing. I’ve seen a lot of students give up halfway through even a written examination. They've told me so or in a practical exam, losing their focus and being demoralized, going from one station to another because they think they did disastrously and it's over. Most of the time, that’s not true.

It's weird because I’ve had that feeling too as a student where I think that things have gone badly and in the end, they didn't. Your mind will start playing tricks on you. I liken it to the fog of war where you don't know what the enemy is doing. You feel like it's hopeless but yet you don't know you're potentially advancing or things are going much better than you think.

It's in the confusion, chaos and emotional challenges that these situations present, your mind will not give you information as it truly is in the world. We all have that when we're angry or we have some life crisis. We're not perceiving information the way it truly is. We're perceiving it through the filter of our experience.

When confusion, chaos, and emotional challenges are present, your mind will not give you information as it truly is in the world.

That's my first message to students. You have to not give up. You have to keep fighting no matter what happens or what happened or what you think has happened, ignore it and proceed like nothing has happened and you're in the moment. Otherwise, in most of these situations, you’ll regret it because you were still in the game and you think you're not.

That's a huge piece of advice. I forgot to mention that you are formerly an examiner for the Canadian and American Board exams. Your input here is invaluable coming from that perspective. In theory, it's easier said than done. It’s like, “Wash your mind of that. Let's move on.” That mindset is very important to have. Having the memory of a goldfish is very important to have in so many aspects of life like in business education or wherever. Any practical tips for a student in that situation? You're in part three doing the practical side and came out of one room and you're like, “I think I messed that up.” How would you suggest to somebody to wash your mind off that and move on to the next?

The easiest way to do it is to say, “It doesn't matter if you failed the previous section. It doesn't matter what you do in this one. You might as well do well. Practice for the next time you're going to take it.” You're probably going to do a lot better because there's less on the line. The only thing you shouldn't do is say, “Forget it. It doesn't matter.” Even if you say, “I failed the previous section or whatever it is. I’ve got too many things wrong in the written part or I screwed up retinoscopy,” who cares? Do this. Practice for the next time you take it then.

I guarantee you, most of the time, you did fine in the previous section. If you want, I’ll share my absolute best tip. This is something which the rules change every year. It depends on which board exam you take. Even in school, it's never a good idea to redo a section in a practical exam. Even teaching at Waterloo or all these board examinations, I’ve never seen anything good come out of someone redoing a section if they allow you to do It.

The reason why is that you get points for the process. You are thinking about it methodically. When you redo it, you're focused on what you missed but you end up not doing all the other stuff correctly. The timing. You're forgetting that now you have less time so you're more under the gun. In all the time I’ve taught and I’ve been teaching academia for many years, I’ve never seen anything good come out of redoing a practical. I'm seeing it at that particular moment. In that same examination period, if you've got five minutes left, you're like, “I did this poorly. I'm going to redo it.”

You probably did fine. I’ve never seen someone redo it with a need to redo it. When it's disastrous, people run out of time and that's another concept of controlling the clock. You need to watch the clock. That's something where lecturing these things. I'm constantly watching the clock. Sometimes I’ll throw in a story and I’m like, “I’ve got less time to finish everything else. I need to know how I'm going to bring myself to that 50 minutes or 1 hour.” It's the same thing in examinations where you need to understand where you are relative to where you need to end. The last thing you want is to run out of time.

The last thing you want is to run out of time.

I feel like the time component is a deliberate thing in a lot of cases where they're deliberately putting in a bit of a time crunch to force you to think a little more quickly. Going back to your thing about redoing, it's important to trust that you prepared yourself and trust your process of thinking enough that going back is not going to help you any more than doing it the first time over. That's a key piece of advice. It's so easy to second-guess yourself in those situations.

It's been years since I’ve been in that position but going over it the second time would not help me. Go through it once. Trust that you've prepared yourself well enough. If it didn't work out, then you get a chance to do it again at another time. That's great advice. Thank you for sharing that. Let's move on to the optometrist who wants to elevate their training. Fellowship or a diplomate of the American Board of Optometry. Tell me a little bit about that process. What would you share with somebody who's looking to go into that area of specialty?

I remember even after a few years of practice before I started teaching, I got a little bored. The truth was I was doing the same thing every day. I had my little interests but I didn't know more than what I was taught in school. The thing is people sometimes think, “I don't want to do all that. It's going to be a lot of work.” I’ll be honest. It’s not that the average optometrist or patient is going to say, “They're a this or that or have this title.” No one will recognize that unless they're doing research into what it means. Your career is going to change things.

When I started my first paper on blepharitis, I was like, “I didn't know anything about this.” I didn't know about the research. Every time I write a paper, I find out how little I knew about a specific topic. The truth is that in a field such as ours, there's not enough time in one's lifetime to know about BV or low vision, glaucoma or dry eye. There are too many things. As much as you can dive into it, what interests you, you can focus on, for instance, a fellowship in the American Academy of Optometry.

That’s a nice place to start because you can write papers towards your fellowship and you’re focusing on things that you care about and that you’re interested in like case reports. You’re going to fall in love again with what you were interested in and dive deeper into it. A lot of the time, doctors ask me, “How do you sell the glaucoma testing or dry eye stuff?” I'm not selling. I believe in it. I'm confident in what the patient needs. I explain it to the patient. No selling is required.

If the patient doesn't want it, that's fine. I know the next patient will want it or the patient after that. I'm not the type of doctor who pushes. The only time I will even give a rebuttal is when it's a matter of making sure the patient understands the risks of not doing whatever I suggested. Once I'm clear that they've understood it, I don't try to push. I don't feel it's getting anywhere and that's what's needed. Certainly, even if you look at it from a business standpoint, I don't believe in that. I don't want to cheapen the process of seeing a doctor by me pushing anything. I explain what they need or what I think would be good for them or options.

Sometimes I tell them, “You don't have to do the glaucoma testing now. You have a family history but no other risk factors. You have a bit of mild dry eye these days. Everyone does. This is what we can do. If you don't want to do that, that's okay. I want you to have an awareness so that when you're having the symptoms, you're like, ‘Dr. Eltis told me this is an issue. I can revisit it and take it to the next level.’”

That's the way to go. I'm connecting that to the additional qualifications because you can respond when patients push back on something and say, “Glaucoma usually is high pressure. I don't have high pressure.” You can learn from doing research that about half of glaucoma patients have high pressure and NTG, Normal Tension Glaucoma, is a big deal, especially in certain populations. In the Japanese population, 90% of glaucoma patients never have a pressure above the statistical norm. If you understand those things, you can articulate why you're doing certain things and you can protect your patients from vision loss.

Glaucoma: If you understand important research about NTG, you can articulate why you're doing certain things, and you can protect your patients from vision loss.

That's a great correlation or segue to make there. I appreciate that. As you were saying that, I was like, “This is going to be perfect.” We're going to start talking about how you talk in practice but having those qualifications can often help you make a bit more of an impression on the patient. How about outside of patient care? What about other aspects?

Talk about doing research or writing papers. There's a certain type of person who's going to be interested in that. I'm not one of those people but what would you say to that person? Maybe they have a bit of an inclination for writing articles or doing research themselves. How can they get started or dive further into that?

If you see a case that interests you, keep it aside and then the research comes after. You can see a case. You don't have to have done something monumental. The truth was that a lot of the cases I used were simple cases that you see in practice like a primary open and glaucoma case, blepharitis or common things. Contact lens microbial keratitis. I talked about corneal ulcers. They're like, “This is cool.”

After you've recorded the case, then you go into the research. You have to go to PubMed, read articles, select them and then write a paper, which is not the easiest thing. It's like when my students at Waterloo complain about having to write a paper for their course. What I tell them is, “You're never going to learn as much. When you listen to a presentation, you absorb 5%, 10% of it or maybe 15%. When you are writing a paper, you will never forget that stuff because you keep going through it. You're reading the article that you have to put into your paper.”

I have to think of how it relates to everything you've researched in your case. When I'm going to a lecture about something I’ve already written a paper on, that is a lecture that is so easy to give because I know it inside out. When I'm preparing a lecture because it's needed on a topic and I’ve never written about it or talked about it in great detail or thought about it, it's a lot harder. You always feel like, “I hope they don't ask me about this.” I'd say, “That's a great question. I'm not sure.” My latest paper, which took me years to write, is about the long-term outcomes and recent advances in refractive surgery.

I’ve written a two-part piece and it's in the Canadian Journal of Optometry. It's because everybody keeps asking me at parties or anywhere I go, “What do you think about LASIK or the long-term outcome?” I was like, “This is a great question. I need to do my research on it.” Yes, it takes a long time but I feel excited and so confident to talk about that. If you're thinking about it, even elevating your career, like on being online or having a presence is important. Also, differentiate yourself from other doctors.

Having speaking engagements and writing is how patients find you. Even other professionals. You see it in law and accounting. They're publishing papers or articles because that's how people find you online and it sets you apart. People get to know you. They feel they understand what you're about or they sense a higher level of qualifications by reading these things or watching you speak. A TV interview or these things will also elevate you in the eyes of patients. Rightly or wrongly, I'm not saying that everybody that has written something and has made an appearance on whatever media is more qualified. I'm simply saying that that is a way to differentiate yourself from the average practitioner.

Glaucoma: There is always a way to differentiate yourself from the average practitioner.

I can imagine how much work that must be, the research, writing the article and all of that, the journal, although I was thinking maybe ChatGPT might be able to speed things up a little bit. Write an article that makes me look like a specialist in corneal refractive surgery.

You always get those doctors. I see it all the time. It's hurtful because you go through all these things and they say, “We're triple board certified. You're not even board certified.” It's not because you passed the licensing examination. That's not board certified.

I passed three parts of the board exam.

It's true. A lot of the public may not know or understand the difference but some people do. I say this as a dinosaur. In the end, there is a big difference between filming yourself on Tiktok or Instagram because you read a snippet from someone else's article and being in front of 1,000 people speaking about a topic and answering questions live. I will tell you that especially in social media, a lot of certain personalities will get a speaking gig because they do have a large following. It is a big difference to speak live in front of a huge audience and answering questions in real-time than it is being in front of a screen scripting your response or taking 50 takes of it.

That was not on the list of topics for us to discuss but that's a big one. I have a lot of respect for our colleagues in our profession or other professions who are out there on social media and building their presence. I'm doing that myself so I understand what goes into it but you're right. It's not a fine line. There's a pretty clear dividing line between social media content and online content versus being an expert and speaking in front of other people who are experts or well-educated and informed on that topic so they can ask you questions that will be hard to answer in a lot of cases. I’ve been in that position too.

Going back to what you said, I'm like, “I'm not sure I’ll have to look into that.” It's not a comfortable place to be. It takes guts to put yourself in that position. I’m not trying to pump my tires here but knowing how many times you've put yourself on those stages, there's a difference. I'd like to make sure that our colleagues know that too. I respect that when you educate yourself to this level and go out there to teach other people who are already educated in this area. That's a whole different ballgame. Good for you and thanks for doing it.

One other thing I wanted to talk about, which you already teased for us, was the practice, specifically high-end practice. Some people might take that the wrong way. We are talking about high-end in a couple of different ways or high-level practice. Let's talk about what that maybe means on the clinical side to have a high-end practice and what it means on the retail side. I'm trying to build up the higher end of the retail side of my practice. We have these mid-level mainstream frames and brands and stuff. We're slowly trying to work our way up to having a bit more of a boutique and high-end practice. I'd love to hear your take on that. Let's start with that because that's the side that I'm most concerned about. I'm being selfish here. Tell me your thoughts on that and we'll go from there.

It all comes down to the same thing. At the risk of being a broken record, if you've ever flown first class or you've gone to a nice boutique, even if you haven't bought anything, you go into Louis Vuitton or something like this, what is the difference? What is being offered? It's customer service. I’ll even split it into two parts. Those who know me know I like Disney. What's the difference when you go to Disney? Why is their customer service so world-renowned? Is it that they're offering you gold when you walk in and Dom Perignon on arrival? No. It's two things.

I’ll start with Disney because it's the motivation of the staff. People who work for Disney love Disney. If you can get even a little bit of that for your staff, you're already a step ahead. They are happy to be there. You travel a lot too. I'm sure you've hit I don't know which airline, let's say the equivalent of Star Lines Gold or whatever that is. When you walk into that lounge, what is different? What's different between that and the pizza shop at the airport? The difference is the greeting, the serenity and the little things that can be helped. If you ask the person of the attendant, “Is this flight delayed or not,” they can look it up for you. That smile. They're generally in a good mood, hopefully.

It depends on which airport but certainly, the level of care is higher than at the food court in the airport, the chaos that you have there and the level of, “I'm doing this as a job,” as opposed to, “We're treating you like a VIP.” It doesn't cost much more. You need the caliber of an employee but it doesn't cost much more even as the doctor to treat your patients as a VIP. I'm not talking about offering them incredibly expensive things but it's your time, care and attentiveness.

I went to the dentist before. I had a wisdom tooth extracted. The funny part about this was this doctor thought I couldn't tell he was somewhere else and didn't care about me. He was answering my questions. It wasn't that he wasn't giving me the answer but I could tell from their tone and the eye contact or lack thereof that they were thinking about what they will watch on Netflix that night. I'm touching on different elements. It may not be as structured as you would've hoped but it's about caring for the person serving you and being invested in the outcome.

Glaucoma: Being a doctor is about caring for the person serving you and being invested in the outcome.

It's about the perception that they are offering you their full attention and time, that they care as much about what's going to happen with that pair of glasses as you do. The truth is that if you're talking about accessories, for instance, a dry eye mask or a drop, when I first started selling drops, there were six times the price of something you can find in the pharmacy. I thought people were going to come back, complain and ask for refunds all the time. It's only happened a couple of times out of thousands of sales. Why? It’s because they perceived the value in the product. I’ve explained it. You can't do high-end sales like low-end. You can't be like, “Here's a drop. It is $60. Buy it.” That's not going to work.

If they don't find that you've invested the time in explaining their dry eye and situation, why this is the right drop for them? Opening it up and showing them how to use it. This takes a little bit of time. It can be staff as well but it's that extra investment of time. You can't have five-minute exams at no charge in a high-end area or somewhere where they're going to invest that time, energy and effort. You can't combine those two elements but why do you want to go into that space? It's because that's how you're going to differentiate your practice.

Starbucks does not want to be Tim Hortons. It never tries to. Everyone knows the coffee is $7 as opposed to $1 but they're willing to pay that to say, “I want the no cup, no coffee, no sugar, no anything, latte.” For whatever value they place on that, that's what you're offering in that practice. I have a lot of patients coming in for 2nd, 3rd and sometimes 10th opinions and they say, “I'm scared to get my pressure checked. I don't want anything close to my eye. What can you do for me?”

I understand from my regulatory body experience because people are going to say that in the comments. The standard of care is the glaucoma tonometry visual field. If a patient declines that level of care, you can do what they are comfortable with. Document properly and take into account all the regulatory stuff but give them that tailored service. If a patient walks in and says, “No, you have to have the air puff test. You're not a patient at this office.”

Aside from that being problematic in many respects, you're not giving them that tailored experience and not being sympathetic. I’ve seen surgeons too. I had a patient come back and say, “Thank you so much for sending me to that specific surgeon because he understood my specific anxiety and concerns and addressed it to the best that it could be addressed.” I'm not saying tell them, “Don't worry, surgery isn't going to hurt,” or this thing when it's not true. I'm saying, “We can put you under general anesthetic if you are too anxious to have the cataract surgery otherwise,” or this kind of thing.

As far as when we're talking about building a high-end practice and leveling up, in your opinion, the number one thing perhaps many people are missing is the service aspect of it, providing that high level of service. That creates the impression of higher quality and everything else beyond that. I’ve heard different offices will do different things like have a concierge or greeter. Do you think that's important? Do you have something like that at the practice that you're at?

It depends on what you consider concierge but I answer my emails. I make it available to patients after hours. Frankly, it saves you a lot of grief. You don't want them to have a complication or have an issue and then connect it to you. If you look at the research and lectures, why do patients complain about doctors or sue doctors? It's a perceived lack of interest or care on the part of the doctor. That's number one. Not dilating this thing is another major issue but it's a perception that the doctor didn't care about me or the outcome.

For instance, I had a flash and floater on the last patient on a Friday. I explained to them. I said, “I'm doing everything I can to prevent this from being an issue. We looked at the back of your eye and there's nothing there. However, there's always that chance early in a retinal tear. It can be missed with all the technology, dilation, opt dose and whatever else you have. If you think something's changing, go to emergency right away or message me right away. If I don't answer, go to emergency.”

The thing is if the patient has a retinal detachment and they go to emergency, they're not going to say, “That doctor didn't care about me. They didn't even think about this could happen. They missed it.” No matter what the doctor at emergency says or no matter what happens after that, they say, “I was warned about this.” It comes back to one of the things I constantly say to students.

It's better to explain first than apologize later. There's a complete difference between you saying, “It's going to be hard to adapt to that minus nine,” from a patient coming back and saying, “It's a little tough. I’ve worn it for a couple of days and I'm still not adapting.” You say, “It's tough with a minus nine.” It's a different experience for the patient.

On that note, as far as adaptation and prescribing, having that conversation with patients ahead of time is extremely valuable because they know that it's going to take time. A separate little clinical tip that I’ve found super helpful over the years is trial framing is huge. I started never trial framing and doing it sometimes. Over the last few years, I trial frame most people's prescriptions, sometimes for the actual function of making sure that they're comfortable. People with a lot of sills and stuff like that will make some minor adjustments through there.

A lot of times, it's the perception of giving that patient that extra step and level of care saying, “Here's what your new glasses are going to look like. I want to make sure that you like this before we prescribe it for you.” Even if it's a minus 150 and they're going to be fine, that goes a long way. Doing those little things throughout every part of that patient journey is what's going to elevate that level of care.

The thing is that some doctors do a quick exam and they like seeing patients having a short interaction. I love that longer interaction. If I'm seeing a patient every 45 minutes, it's going to be a different experience. You can offer more services but also discuss them and there's going to be buy-in to whatever they may need. You can mention dry eye and other services that you provide. That's another way to differentiate yourself. The revenue will come because they're buying into those treatments. It's not like you can simply have a staff member at the front.

I remember going to a dermatologist. I was there for a while. Everybody that walked out the receptionist said, “The doctor recommends this cream, lotion and shampoo for you.” It’s the script. Everybody that walked out got the same pitch. That doesn't work as well as you individualize treatment and care when you say, “No, I'm suggesting this dry eye treatment or procedures for you or this glaucoma test because,” and that's a different thing. There's staff, which is excellent. We have some to explain specific side effects or specific procedures to an extent but the doctor also needs to invest their time and energy into the patient to make the patient buy into additional care.

A lot of times, doctors have that pushback. When I talk to them about implementing dry eye or myopia management by having more of these conversations, the pushback is, "I don't have enough time in the exam room.” It does take more time. I would be lying to be like, “No, it's not going to take you any more time to have this extra conversation on top of what you're already doing.” It does take more time. It started by taking honestly 10 or 15 minutes sometimes to have a long conversation about all the things related to the dry eye that I wanted to tell the patient initially.

I streamline it down to maybe five minutes. If I want to have a good in-depth conversation about dry eye, I have images and all these things that I have set. The same with myopia management. I’ve streamlined it down to a few minutes of conversation with a parent. If it's going to go beyond that, we know what to do next. What's your feedback or suggestion to those doctors who are like, “I don't have the time during my eye exam to add this aspect?”

First, I'd say it's okay not to do dry eye or glaucoma stuff. You can send it to someone else. You can have an associate who does that stuff. That's okay. No one says you have to. As long as the patient's getting the ultimate treatment they need or you're making the referral, that's perfectly fine. Inter-optometric referrals are something we don't do enough as a profession. I know all my BV. I tell patients right away I don't dabble in BV. If you've got something beyond the most basic BV issue, I'm sending it out.

Same with low vision. I don't do neurorehabilitation. I don't waste a patient's time and I know what I know well. I don't want to dabble because I don't want to be that guy where I'm not going to do the right thing. Another expert will say, “He should have done this or that.” I don't want to get into that situation. The other thing I’ll say is for young practitioners, having someone in your practice who does a lot of social media helps. A lot of patients say even at that time that they're not ready to plunge into the dry eye treatment or you have to structure it for a different schedule, whatever procedure or technique you're going to do.

That's where you can say, “I post a lot of my techniques online.” This is where you can look and direct them to the information or your articles. This is where all that stuff makes a difference. It's one thing to direct them to some show about dry eye or other doctors. It's another thing for them to see what you've been doing, what you are passionate about and how you implement it in your office. It makes them feel more comfortable. It's not on your time. The internet is 24 hours a day at their convenience.

Leveraging social media and other online platforms is huge. It has to be done. I do an eCommerce digital branding lecture and that's one of the most important take-home messages. I'm up at whatever time in the morning and get the kids ready, take them to school, go to work, commute home, then it's dinnertime, bedtime for the kids. Next thing you know, it’s 9:00 PM and I'm sitting on a couch.

Am I going to call somebody and be like, “Can you explain this procedure to me?” No, I'm going to go online. If I’m going to buy something, I go online. This is the case for so many people. If you're not presenting at least the basics of what you do on a good website and social media, you're missing a massive opportunity with a good chunk of the population. It’s very important.

My social media is tailored more for patients. I think about my fellow practitioners and it's for fun. When I say it's for patients, it's more for existing patients if they want to see what I'm up to, what I'm doing and what's new. Someone's not going to look at your Instagram or TikTok and be like, “I want this person as my doctor.” They're probably not in the same jurisdiction. They're halfway around the world. I don't think that's so effective. I do think a patient of yours whom you've mentioned a technique or your passion about this particular topic or myopia management and that's what you're into, can look and say, “I get it. I see. It's for this and that.”

A lot of their questions are answered in their time. They can do their research and compare it to other doctors as well and they can see a difference. We've all seen those web pages where there is generic writing about conditions. It falls flat to me. I can't say from a patient perspective but you're like, “I can tell this is from a generic response.”

Social media adds that personal touch. It's a piece of the puzzle. Sometimes it is but often it's not going to be the one thing that draws a person in. Let's say they got the same information from the website. There are 3 wonderful websites for 3 nice-looking clinics. They all offer the three same techniques. My next step is, “Let's see what their social media account looks like.” That's how I function and I know I'm not alone. I can go there and get the personal feeling behind the scenes.

If your social media is very generic looking or it has been put together by some media company or whatever social media that you've outsourced, then I'm going to weigh that out with, “Here I see the doctors are making videos of themselves and talking and telling me more about what they do,” versus the generic looking, very nicely polished feed. I'm likely to go with that one where I’ve gotten to see what the doctors are about. It's a nice little piece of that puzzle, for sure. Mark, in every episode, I end with two questions. Before we get into those questions, I want to ask you. How can people get in touch with you? Where can they find you?

Speaking of social media, I try to be active. Everything from LinkedIn to Instagram and Facebook. That's where I post stuff at practice. If you look me up online, look up my name. You can find me. Just google.

Remember, most people are reading and not watching. It's the same question that I ask every guest at the end of every episode. Number one is if we could step in the time machine and we could go back to a time in your life that was difficult, you're more than welcome to share that moment if you'd like to. More importantly, what advice would you give to younger Mark at that time?

I’ll make it very clinically relevant. When I was in school, my biggest regret as an optometry student was not asking enough questions. When I was in the clinic and the clinician tried to show me something, I felt like I needed to be like, “Yes, I see it,” when I didn't see anything. I felt like my grade was going to be affected and I'm not going to pass and I'm going to fail and my life is going to be over. The truth is looking back, it didn't matter. I should have taken that clinical time saying, “No, I don't see it. Can you show me again? I don't understand this concept.” That would've propelled me forward.

Glaucoma: One of the biggest regrets an optometry student can have is not asking enough questions.

I did a lot of my learning by doing my fellowship and diplomate. That was another learning experience for me. Even during boards, you learn new stuff, doing the preparatory stuff but I wish I would've in clinic asked more questions and allowed myself, even if it's a mean supervisor and say, “How come you don't know this? You should know this by now.” Who cares? What is the worst they were going to do?

I remember the worst grade I got in clinic one day was something that wasn't my fault. The supervisors took it out on me and gave me a 5 out of 10. What does it matter? I could have asked more questions on other days and gotten so much further ahead in my education by not being afraid of them saying, “You don't know that? I'm going to give you a 5 out of 10.” Is that 90 on a day where you didn't learn anything? In your 1st year in practice, you have taken a 7 on that day with the information rather than a 9 because that 9s not going to do anything for you.

I was very guilty of that. I'd never asked questions. A lot of times, it leaves you in a tougher spot down the road. That's great advice for students and even for optometrists. If you're at a lecture and CE, don't be afraid to look silly. There's no such thing as a dumb question. Almost always, honestly, if you have a question, somebody else has it too. Instead of being afraid and making yourself look silly, look at it the other way. You're helping someone else by asking that question. It's a different way to look at it.

As a presenter, we're so excited. We're waiting for people to ask questions. There isn't any such thing as a dumb question. It's usually the people who ask questions in the gotcha moment that don't know what they're talking about. It's the people who are honestly asking questions. It's usually an excellent question. As a presenter, it energizes us that to get questions and we love it.

As a presenter, it feels good to help answer and clarify something for somebody in the audience. I’ve never had a question where I was like, “Come on. I talked about this for an hour.” I never feel that way. It's always like, “I'm happy to. Please.” The fact that somebody's going to leave here knowing a little bit more than when they came in makes you as a presenter feel so good from a couple of different perspectives.

You're being so altruistic by asking this question. You're helping someone else in the audience. You're helping the presenter feel good. You're a superstar instead of coming out thinking that maybe you're dumb or something for asking the question. Student, new grad or veteran OD, it's important to ask those questions. The second of the two questions is, with everything that you've accomplished, Mark, to this point and everything you're doing, how much of it would you say is due to luck and how much is due to hard work?

That is an exceptional question. I was thinking about that. What everyone needs to realize and this is not optometry related is that they sometimes will see social media. I post all my accomplishments. I don't post all the rejections but that's normal. I will say this. I’ve been practicing for many years. I'm a dinosaur. In my professional career, you cannot imagine the number of rejections or perceived injustices in the sense like, “I deserve that and someone unqualified got it or someone got it because of a connection.”

That's happened to me more times than I can even remember. The thing is it can seem after a while that it's hopeless or you're never going to make it. The thing is that in the end, if you keep at it and I'm talking about many years, I'm not talking about 1 or 2 years, eventually, you'll be rewarded. We were talking about some of the things I’ve been proud to achieve or that's happened to me. That's not a last year’s situation. That's a 20-year situation.

What I want people to understand, especially students and anybody reading this is it's not that some people have it all figured out and they get one achievement after another or one offer after another. Pushing through that rejection, those times of total humiliation and complete unfairness are going to get you ahead of life.

Some people have it all figured out, and they get one achievement after another or one offer after another. But pushing through that rejection, those times of total humiliation and complete unfairness are going to get you ahead of life.

That's incredible to share. Thank you for sharing that. It's a shame we don't share enough of that on social media. I suppose that's not the right platform to share. Although some people do it to get a bit of pity and get a lot of likes for that reason too. There's a whole different thing there. Social media generally is a highlight reel. People get caught up in watching Mark become the President of the College of Optometrists, the ambassador for this thing, as well as part of this elite society for glaucoma. They say, “Everything's working out for this guy.” No, it's the years of work that you've put in and then you start to get lucky.

The answers I’ve heard or I like to think for myself is the harder you work, the luckier you get and the more opportunities you create for yourself. A lot of times, I’ve heard people say to me, “You're always in the right place at the right time.” That's offensive because I'm like, “You don't know how many wrong places I’ve been in to end up in the right place this time.” It's all part of the process for sure. Thank you for sharing that. Any other final words of wisdom you'd like to share before we wrap up?

I wish I could share all the failures and rejections. Social media, which I love, has an excellent part but also has a negative side. You always have to understand that, yes, there's luck, which you touched on. I’ve usually been lucky when I’ve done the preparation and they say luck is when preparation meets opportunity. I have my regrets and I’ve done stupid things. Things haven't worked out or there have been people who will try to backstab you or ruin your career and all these things.

I’ll say this, which is another point on the same theme. If people aren't attacking you in some way, trashing you or speaking poorly about you, you're doing nothing right. They may be correct that you did something wrong. You have to be open to that criticism. I'm simply saying for most of us who are thinking about what we’re doing and are not like, “I'm doing everything right,” and who have that introspection, the reality is people will be jealous.

Not everybody who's liking your post is celebrating you or people who are watching your story. Half of those people never say anything positive. I know they're not watching it because they love me. The thing is you have to understand that when you are in a position or you're going places, people are going to try to bring you down. That's the nature of the world and you have to accept it. Know that there's nothing you can do about it and keep moving forward. If there is criticism even from an enemy or someone negative, you can consider it and judge it by its validity or lack thereof and then move forward.

Wonderful advice from a very experienced optometrist from the clinical perspective, research perspective and all of those. If you are pushing boundaries, you're going to probably make people uncomfortable. You'll likely get some of that “hate.” How you move forward is all going to be about how you deal with that. Thanks for sharing that, Mark. Thank you for taking the time. I appreciate it. You had incredible amounts of insight to share. No matter whether somebody's reading, if they're a student, a new grad, a veteran OD or something else and they're in the research side of things, they're going to find value in this whole conversation. Thank you for that. I appreciate it. It's been great to finally do this.

My pleasure. It was wonderful to speak with you again. Honestly, from a selfish standpoint, I can't wait to see you at BCDO and party again because you're way cooler than I am. You elevate me with your presence.

That's very kind of you. My wife would laugh at you for saying that but thank you. That's awesome. Thanks again, Mark. I can't wait to see you there, for sure. Thank you, everybody, who's reading this episode of the show, Canada's number one optometry show. I appreciate all the support. There's so much value. Whatever part you found valuable, please take a screenshot, throw it up on Instagram or share the link on LinkedIn or share it with a friend through a text message. Let everybody know that Mark was here and talking about all these great things. Stay tuned for the next episode coming very soon.

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About Dr. Mark Eltis

With twenty years in practice and 14 years in academia, Dr. Eltis has presented and published internationally and has been sought as an expert for national television and print. He is the current president of the College of Optometrists of Ontario (provincial regulatory body) and the Canadian Ambassador for the American Board of Optometry.

Dr. Eltis is a member of the Optometric Glaucoma Society (OGS) and a ACOE team chair for residency site evaluations. He has been a consultant for academic institutions overseas, law firms, and a subject matter expert for competency evaluations.

Dr. Eltis has also been a previous examiner for NBEO and the Canadian board examinations. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry and a Diplomate of the American Board of Optometry. Dr. Eltis has practiced in New York, California, and Toronto.


Episode 89 - Dr. Joseph Allen - The Story You Haven't Heard About Doctor Eye Health

Dr. Joseph Allen is arguably the most well-known optometrist around the world thanks to his incredible YouTube channel Doctor Eye Health, which has well over 700,000 subscribers. But, Dr. Allen isn't just a social media celebrity. He is residency trained, a fellow of the American Academy of Optometry, and a Diplomate of the American Board of Optometry. In this episode, Dr. Allen shares some stories about what it has taken, personally and professionally, for him to achieve this level of success in his career. This interview will bring you a whole new level of appreciation for Joseph and Doctor Eye Health.

Watch the episode here

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Dr. Joseph Allen - The Story You Haven't Heard About Doctor Eye Health

Thank you so much for taking the time to join me here, to learn and grow. I'm happy to have you all. I'm always grateful for everybody who reads and even more importantly, everybody who shares, comments, and leaves a review. I am excited. I have one of my absolute favorite people here, Dr. Joseph Allen, whom most of you have heard of. If you haven't, make sure you read this whole episode because he is going to tell us a lot about what it's taken to get to the level that he's at. Dr. Joseph Allen, aka Doctor Eye Health, the biggest name in eye care online.

Not to overshadow his actual academic accomplishments. Dr. Joseph Allen graduated as salutatorian and magna cum laude from the Rosenberg School of Optometry. He is a residency trained. He's a fellow of the Academy of Optometry and a diplomat of the American Board of Optometry. He is a very impressive person, but also a super humble, kind, and friendly person. I'm happy to have you on the show. I’m happy to have you back.

Thank you. This is a huge honor for me. I read your show. I'm always impressed whenever we get together at any meeting. It's always a huge pleasure.

I've had you on the show a couple of times. The first time we did a little collaborative IG Live. We talk about the day in the life of an optometrist. The second time was during COVID. I did a panel discussion and you were generous to come on and share your insights at that time as well. The first time I had you on is in the early days of your YouTube channel. You had about 50,000 subscribers at that time, which even then was a mind-blowing number. Now, you're sitting at well over 700,000 subscribers. To me, that is unfathomable as somebody who a long time ago tried to start a YouTube channel. First of all, I want to know what does that mean to you? I know you're striving to increase that number and reach more people.

It's mind-blowing. When I started it, I didn't know if anybody was going to watch, follow or subscribe. I had the drive of like, “This is something useful. This is something people want to watch.” It didn't happen the way I thought it would. Some people have that idea when they start a YouTube channel, they say, “I'm going to build this social media account and I'm going to get all these followers,” and then they realize very quickly that it doesn't happen overnight. It's not going to come instantly.

You have to work hard to even get one person to hit that subscribe or follow button. There are unicorns out there. There are people's channels that will post one video and somehow they made 2 million subscribers off of that. Nobody can explain that. It's been a long journey. Every day when I see that 1, 300 or more people subscribed in a day, I try to be very thankful for that. People leave too. I have people who unsubscribe every day. Thankfully, the amount of people who do subscribe is more than the number of people who unsubscribe in a day.

You're heading in the right direction. There's no doubt. What's the target? Is there a number in your mind that you would reach and you would say, “I've made it,” or have you already surpassed that number?

I surpassed that already. When I hit 100,000, it shocked me. I was exhausted. That was right at the beginning of COVID. There was a lot going on at that time. I don't think I appreciated it at the time, but now that it's continued to build. I want to hit 1 million. That's a huge benchmark in the YouTube world. That's when they send you a big gold play button. It'll be a big moment for me at that time.

What is the plaque that you have?

That one is the Silver Play Button. When you break 100,000, they send you one of those. That was huge for me.

That seems like a massive milestone. I can see you get into the million the way that you're going. I knock on what I truly hope you do and I will be celebrating with you. We're going to talk a little bit more about some of the emotions and what happens behind the scenes because people don't see that enough and they see somebody like yourself or some other person on Instagram who created a big account and puts out content regularly.

They assume that they're just putting out content. They don't think about what goes into it. I want to rewind the clock a little bit and ask you, if I saw Joseph Allen at ten years old, would I be able to say, “I see that thing a personality trait, behavior, something in him that might lead to him becoming Doctor Eye Health?”

Maybe not necessarily a personality trait. At ten years old, I loved movies. I quoted movies all the time. I still do. I drive friends and family nuts because if there's a scenario that reminds me of a funny movie, I'll start acting out and quoting it. Some people who don't know what I'm referencing will be confused. I was always interested in technology. I played a lot of video games as a kid. If somebody didn't know how to get their VCR or DVDs. That's how old I am.

They didn't know how things work. I was the guy that would call over and I'd know what wires to plug in to get everything working. Even in high school, I was part of the Computer/AV Club. If the computer system broke down in high school, they would call me over the intercom to go fix something. Thinking back, I'm like, “I have at least slowly built up the general knowledge of, ‘How should this at least be built?’ The mechanical things of like, ‘I need to set up a camera, microphone, and lighting.’ I enjoy getting everything put together.”

One of the first times we spoke, I still remember this because, at that point, I had more YouTube videos than you did. This is a long time ago. We were chatting because you're like, “There's not a lot of optometrists in this space.” I was like, “Here are some of the settings I use,” then you asked me about color correction. I was like, “I have no idea. This guy only put out a few videos, but he's already way ahead of me as far as his knowledge in this arena. It's amazing I loved it. I'm going to stay glued to this man right here because I know his videos are going to be high quality.”

Clearly, there are certain traits that you've carried through from your younger years to now that help you enjoy and optimize what you're doing. I want to step away from the digital world for a second because something we were talking about offline is that I assume people see you online and just think that's what you do. It takes so much time to create the amount of content that you create. You are one of the most highly trained and educated optometrists that I know. You're still seeing patients. If you don't mind, describe to me what your day in the clinic is like and lead over to how do you balance that with all the YouTube stuff that you do.

The easy answer is that there isn't a balance. I'm in the clinic two days a week. I don't own a clinic myself. I work at a privately owned clinic, who is owned by two of my mentors. They're practicing fifteen years more than where I'm at. They have built an astounding dry eye anterior surface disease large-scale clinic. They're building their second location. We usually have 2 to 6 students a trimester. It's a big busy clinic and very focused on disease and practicing at the full of our scope in the state of Minnesota, where I live. On a typical clinic day, I'm seeing patients every twenty minutes or so, sometimes more if we have to double book or overbook.

My students are seeing patients in between which I have to go and then I see the patient, but also help teach the students by reviewing, “What made you make this decision? We should take a picture of that. What other technology could we use? What could help us make a better diagnosis?” I’m drilling them about medication options, “We're going to prescribe an oral medication. What type of oral medication options do we have? What if they're allergic to that? What other option?” You push them a little bit further.

Imagine challenges on your own clinical abilities too or forces you to stay on top of things.

I do enjoy and not only does it push me to teach the other students, but being in a clinic with a bunch of other specialists. We have a cornea contact lens specialist who's fitting Sclerals and Ortho-Ks. Dr. Trevor Fosso does some lectures. He knows so much more about those than I do, but I aspire to learn from him. I'm always asking him questions. We have a pediatric specialist that knows everything about myopia control that I could hope and dream for.

I have my mentor, Nicholas Colatrella. He does a lot of anterior surface disease, dry eye things, and a lot of amniotic membranes. I get to learn from him. Dr. Stacy Hinkemeyer, Dr. Colatrella’s wife and co-owner. She's in residency-trained ocular disease specialist as well. We have Dr. Shalon Ronning. We brought on a new student or a recent grad. We are always just pushing and learning. It's great.

Doctor Eye Health: We should constantly be pushing and learning.

There's a well-known quote, “You're the average of the five people you surround yourself with.” That's generally referred to in your personal life. To me, it occurred that could be applicable in your clinical career too. You used to work in a different office. Now, you came to this one. You've surrounded yourself with these experts in these different fields so you can absorb information from them. It's going to make you a better clinician as well.

There's a phrase, “You don't want to be the smartest person in the room. You always want to learn from other people.” That serves many purposes. First, “Who I am as a person?” I want to always be learning and striving to be a better doctor. In the world of YouTube when I started this, I knew I'm putting myself in a public space. I am an ambassador for our profession. I have to know my stuff. I have to make sure what I'm saying is accurate. I need to be on top of what's fresh and new. It helps me in both worlds.

You have been an ambassador. Continue to be a shining light for the optometry world. I can imagine the amount of awareness that you've brought to our profession in eyecare in general. The number of people you've been able to reach is incredible. It's far beyond what anybody else has been able to do. It's amazing. Let's go back to YouTube then. How many comments and emails do you get from people around the world, and how do you deal with them? I can only imagine your inbox must be flooded every morning.

It's a lot. First, there is the YouTube comment section. When I first started it, I was answering every single one. I'd be done with whatever else at 9:00 PM. I'd sit in front of the TV. I would have Netflix on, but I'd be sitting there commenting on every single comment on the channel. As the channel grew and more people jumped on, you cannot keep up with the comments. You got the other platforms, whether it be Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. You have to accept the fact that you can't get to everybody. You got emails. I get emails. It's got some cool stuff because you get fired up when someone has a positive remark or they tell you, “Thank you,” or shares an in-depth story. You get for some people who give you negative feedback. That's how the internet is.

We call them keyboard warriors, the people who feel like they're somehow superheroes because they're sitting behind a screen and got a keyboard. What negative comments can people make? You're putting out educational content about eyes. What's somebody going to say? I can't even think of one, “The lighting in the background is not nice enough?”

People would pick small things. In one video I posted, I had a booger hanging, there is broccoli in my teeth, or people tried to correct me, saying that I'm wrong about this subject. People will argue, “Your dry eye is not caused by this and that. It's caused by soybean oil.” Who knows? Maybe there is some truth to that. There are a lot of claims people will make that aren't evidence-based or factual based. The tough thing is that I have to be in this space. I believe we owe it to our profession, the patients, or everybody reading. We have to be more evidence-based and have that. It makes it difficult sometimes to handle those comments.

We get those comments in the exam room. That's one patient at a time. Somebody asking, “I've heard that I can do exercises for my vision. This thing will help if I pour honey on my eyes,” or some random things. I'm like, “I don't know. Maybe?” I cannot say yes to that because there's no science behind it that I could. If you do it, then you come back and you say, “Harbir told me to do it. Now I'm in trouble.” That's one person at a time face to face. The number of comments you must get, I can't even imagine the craziness.

I put out the one video many years ago about nearsightedness and its causes. It gave a common understanding of what it wasn't. I can't tell you how many comments I got on that one video about, “This is made up. You want to sell glasses. The base method is the thing,” and so on. The question I have to ask is if somebody's trying to start their channel, can you give us some tips and tricks and advice on 4 or 5 things that you would recommend somebody do that would help them go on, and get on the right track?

That's a big thing. A lot of people don't realize that there's a lot that goes into building a channel. Number one is having clarity. Spending some time understanding why you want to be on social media. if you want to build a YouTube channel specifically, are you doing it because you want to build something as big as a channel as that I've made? You can build a channel specifically for the goal to just attract patients and bring them into your clinic. That could be your main goal. If that was my goal, the videos I would make would be a bit different from the videos I'm making, which is purely to build the channel independent from any clinic to be a resource of video education for the public.

Many people don't realize that there's a lot that goes into building a channel. Number one is clarity and spending time understanding why you want to be on social media.

Can you distinguish 1 or 2 things of what are you doing specifically to build your channel versus drawing patients in? Is there a certain hook, the way that you're talking, or things that you're doing that are geared to that?

I don't talk about the clinic where I work at. I don't advertise that. There are a few videos I've done more where we did a tour of the clinic or I talked about the dry eye testing that we do specifically at our clinic. That is amazing because, in that video I posted, I had two patients who traveled to come to see me as a provider specifically for their dry eye. One guy drove an hour and a half in Minnesota. This other gentleman flew from Dubai into the United States. He like, “This doctor who does dry eye lives in Minnesota.” He took an airplane to Minnesota, got a rental car, and drove all the way to our clinic to see me.

That's cool. In general, most of my videos are meant to keep people watching my videos. At some point in almost every video, I'm like, “If you want to know more about Demodex mites that we talked about, you can check out this other video I did all about Demodex mites.” I refer to it. At the end of the video, I'm like, “If this video helped you out, don't just hit the like button and subscribe, but you may also like this other complete playlist I built all about dry eye treatments specifically.”

It builds this idea that people can binge-watch all of my content. They can sit there for one hour and learn more. That is a little bit different. I'm not trying to tell people, “Come see me.” I'm telling people like, “This is all information I want you to know about.” People after a while, thankfully, are feeling comfortable enough with me that they say, “This guy knows this stuff. I want to go see him.” They're tracking me down.

We listen to a lot of podcasts. When you listen to one podcast for a long time, it's almost like you know the host or that person. You know the weird and quirky things they say. You know how they talk and personal things about them that come up through conversation. It's almost like you become friends with them. I can imagine people feel that way about you. I imagine if you put out how a little more frequently where you work, you'd probably have a lot of people showing up just to say hello or get a selfie with you. What else? How important are the lighting, the background, and that type of stuff?

You can get fixated on it and I have. I'm friends with other big people in the YouTube space now. There are channels that don't get fancy and they do amazing. It's about the quality of the content that you're putting out. Everyone worries about the camera picture. I've spent thousands of dollars on good cameras and lenses, but most of the time, if you have a mediocre-quality camera or whatever you're shooting with your phone, that's more than good enough. The audio does matter. To anybody, if you're going to start a YouTube channel, have a good microphone so that you can pick up good sound quality because if the sound is bad, people will be faster to skip off of it sooner.

Doctor Eye Health: Most of the time, if you have a mediocre-quality camera or whatever you're shooting with, that's more than good enough. But the audio does matter because if the sound is terrible, people will be fast to skip off of it sooner.

The quality of the content, having a good title, something that's catchy, having a good thumbnail so people understand by looking at the picture, “This is about dry eye. This is about eye disease or improving my eyesight.” They're able to click that video and in the first few seconds know that, “This is the video I want to watch. This person is speaking clearly. I can understand what they're saying. I understand what this video is going to deliver to me.” That is important. Worrying about the lighting and the quality of the camera picture and how things are set up is more vanity than anything.

All of your thumbnails have your own face. Your picture of you looking at something pointed or at least there's another image in the background that depicts what that video is going to be about. How important is it for your face to be on there? There are going to be some people who are a bit less comfortable with that.

That was a choice based on a lot of research. I didn't have any formal training in marketing and advertising. I didn't go to school to become a YouTuber or anything like that. I went to optometry school. When I started this out, it was not growing. I wasn't getting anybody watching. I spent a lot of time listening to podcasts or watching other YouTube videos and trying to learn from other people about how to build a YouTube channel. They've done marketing research and have found that, “People's facial expressions, do we become familiar with it?”

It invokes emotion. There are even small fine details of people with their mouths slightly open. People may more likely to click on that than somebody who has their mouth closed, and their eyes are popping open. They're able to see contrasting colors. There are a lot of people who constantly dig into the research of this and the psychology of why people click on it. I'm comfortable with my face on it, but I have some thumbnails that don't. If the videos on colorblind glasses, I have one that's colorblind glasses brand versus another. It doesn't have my face on it, and there are other ones.

We won't even go into the keyword thing and all of that because we'll be talking about that for days.

I'll have some CE that if people want to get into this, then they'll be able to come to see me and break down how I do it.

Come to Vancouver please and talk to it. I've alluded to this now a few times. I want to get to a little bit more of the personal stuff. We talk about your professional career, your YouTube, and your unbelievable 700,000 plus subscribers. Some of the stuff we've talked about offline over the last couple of years is, “What's going on behind the scenes? What are the challenges? What are some of the struggles?”

Let me phrase it to you this way. What is one thing you would want people to know about what it's taken you to build this channel up? I know you've already said that in the beginning, it wasn't growing that well, but personally, what would you share with us so people can understand a little bit more about what you've been working on and how much you've been working?

It's not easy for me. In fact, it’s something I do have to work on. I have to wake up every morning and tell myself, “I need to not only come up with another idea of a video,” that the video is on a certain topic and it could be a topic that's not necessarily a sexy topic in eye care. For example, tea tree oil. People have been asking if tea tree oil is good or bad for your eyes. That all stems from one research article that was published in early 2020 or 2019.

I had to research that and read probably 15 to 20 different articles all in tea tree oil and Demodex, and not just read the abstract, but request those articles, deep read those articles, know and understand the subject, and then find a way to structure that video that it's entertaining, addresses the problem, and gives a resolution and a call to action for people. It's a lot more challenging to put that all together, but then muster up the energy to be on camera, look excited, and show that emotion. Once you're done, pull it over to a computer and sit in front of that computer for maybe 6 to 10 hours, hearing your own voice over and over, all the times you said the wrong word, slurred your words, or the retakes.

I'm running a TV channel about eye care. When you're mostly a one-person job, it is stressful, especially considering I make a lot of my own income off of the channel. I still work in the clinic two days a week, but a lot of my income is based on how good the channel does. It runs as a business, then I have the stress of like, “I have to do this and I have to do it well because the better it does, potentially not only more viewers, but more income it may make for the channel and to keep me able making stuff.”

The kind of stuff that most people don't see is, “Turn on a camera and you'd say something about a topic,” but reading fifteen articles about tea tree oil. There's pretty much nothing you could do. You'd have to pay me for sure. Other than that, there's nothing you could do to convince me to do that and to make it interesting. The other part that a lot of people don't see or think about is the editing part. I know that you do enjoy that to some degree. I enjoy it too. When you sit down and edit, it's amazing to see it come together. Once a month or something, I enjoy doing that. Do you do two videos a week?

I do one full video a week. It's been my goal to get to two videos a week. I found that when I push myself that hard, I would burn out and the quality would go down.

To spend that many hours in front of a screen to edit one video is incredible. That's a lot of work that many people don't see. Everybody sees that five-minute video at the end of it. How many hours went into it, the stress of it, or the time spent reading? That's the thing I wanted to highlight and bring forward. When people know that, they appreciate your content a lot more, at least I know I do.

If there was a blooper reel of all the times I've said the same sentence or paragraph 2 or 3 times because I stumbled over my words, used the slightly incorrect word or there are videos where I've had to decide, “I didn't notice this when I first shot it, but in editing, I'm seeing like I misspelled the word inflammatory behind me.” There are things you have to learn to laugh at yourself.

In that case, you have to rerecord the whole thing.

In that specific case, I would've had to. When you do something like that, you think, “This isn't a sexy topic. Maybe only a few thousand people will ever see it. It's not a big deal.” In that case, that video happens to have over 1 million views now. I know that some companies are even showing it during like CE lectures and things like that to other doctors. I'm honored, but at the same time, it's like embarrassing.

Pick one where I haven't made a spelling mistake.

The true reality is that we are all human and we all make mistakes. It helped me in my own personal development in dealing with the stress of being a healthcare professional because a lot of us, especially those coming out of school, get this feeling that we need to know everything and be right about everything.

The reality is that you're human first. You're a human before you're a doctor. Understanding that you weren't born knowing all this stuff. You had to learn it through school, reading articles, listening to mentors, and getting experience. That changed my own mindset even about making mistakes in YouTube videos. Sometimes it's like, “I can redo that.” Sometimes you got to be like, “It's more important that I'm getting this information out there right now, this day than it is for me to spend another twelve hours remaking a video.”

Many of us, especially coming out of school, feel that we need to know everything and be right about everything. The reality is you're human first. You're a human before you're a doctor.

I was referencing this quote in another show, “Done is better than perfect.” That is the better way to phrase it. There are a lot of people who dwell on perfection and making sure every little detail is correct, but getting the content out there, and doing the thing is the more important thing. The next time around, you can improve it. I understand that for some people, it's easier said than done. What would you say has been the biggest challenge that you've faced in this whole journey of yours?

That's a tough one. I may have to think about that.

Let me ask you another one. Is there a point where you didn't want to make another video? Have you felt like quitting?

Maybe not all the time, but it does come frequently. Early on when I first started it, after about 1 or 2 months, I hit an existential crisis because I was spending so much time not just planning my content, but learning how to shoot content, edit, playing around with the editing software. You work all day. At that time I was working 5 or 6 days a week and still making content. I'd come home and sit in front of the computer until 10:00 to 11:00 at night. I'd do that every day trying to make one video, then launch it and five people watch it like nobody watches it.

That was going on for 1 month or 2. Nobody watching or subscribing. I had eight subscribers and they were all my family and friends. You'd go on there and try to find the channel. It wasn't even coming up because, at that time, when you first started a channel, YouTube doesn't even realize who you are or where you fit in the web of everything that exists on YouTube. I was like, “What am I doing this for? Why am I spending so much time on the weekends, on Saturdays?”

I'm at the clinic for eight hours with my gear, shooting a video by myself and doing hundreds of retakes because I keep on saying things wrong and I'm nervous. I feel like I look and sound funny. I'm thinking, “My friends are out. They're going on a hike, to a movie theater, or out to dinner. They're doing all this fun stuff on the weekend, and I'm sitting here still working. Why am I doing this?” That was so early. I wasn't making any money from the whole deal. It was tough. I'm very thankful that at that time, one of my good friends, Alex lives in Texas.

I was telling him about it. He's like, “You're being too hard on yourself. How about you dial it back? Stop trying to push out one video a week. Why don't you do one video for 1 month or every 2 months, whatever works for you in your time? At the end of it, you'll at least have a nice library of some videos to share with patients, or be able to be like, ‘Look at this cool stuff I made?’” That took some pressure off my shoulders. I kept on with it, but slower, then the channel started taking off a few months later.

Now the challenge is that with such a big channel, with many followers, and then the pressure of being like, “You've had all this success, what's next?” It’s like, “I'm still trying to make the video for next week. What if that video only gets 4,000 views instead of 100,000 like other videos?” You feel like you're not doing as good of a job, that somehow your video's not as important as the other ones.

You have these inner battles of perfectionism and the voice is telling you you're not doing something good enough or there is something wrong with the lighting or the camera, what you're saying isn't accurate, or that your own personality isn't as entertaining or attractive as some other YouTuber, doctor, or professional. I'm thankful I have a therapist now. It brings up a lot of deeper emotions of self-doubt and self-criticism. That's probably the biggest and hardest challenge I think.

I appreciate you sharing that because there are a lot of personal feelings coming through. I enjoyed talking to you work your way through that. I felt like I resonated personally with so much of what you're saying. That's why I'm grateful that you were open to sharing that with us here because I guarantee you 100% that there are many people out there and I bet readers resonated with something that you said there at some point, if not multiple things that you said.

There's that impostor syndrome sometimes people get, or the pressure once they are achieving more and better or in the beginning stages where you think, “What's the point of any all of this? Nobody's even watching or paying attention.” Many people are going to be feeling that. The point of this whole show is to share those stories so other people in our industry can say, “I can do this too. I can do the thing that I want to do as well. It's not going to be easy or a straight path. it's going to be a struggle, but Joseph and somebody else did it. They got through it. I can do it too.”

The biggest thing that has helped me, and what I've even told the other professionals who are thinking about getting into the social media space of talking about their passion and our profession is that it's very easy for us to get hung up on how we look or sound, “Am I professional enough? Am I saying this correctly?” and those self-doubts. Unfortunately, when you break it down and think about it, that's self-centered.

TTTP 89 | Doctor Eye Health

Doctor Eye Health: It's easy for us to get hung up on how we look or sound. When you break it down and think about it, that is very self-centered. The reality is if you're making content, you’re making it for another person and not for personal reasons. You’re doing it for somebody out there who needs it.

The reality is that if you're doing this and you're making content for another person like, “I'm not necessarily making a YouTube video for my own personal reasons. I'm doing it because I know that there's somebody out there right now who is struggling because their doctor said something about glaucoma, but they don't know what it is. They were either afraid to ask their doctor or their doctor told them ten minutes of something, but they only heard the two words, ‘You have glaucoma. You could go blind,’ or something. I need to step up and make this an educational five-minute video. The hope that this person will find it, watch it, and be like, ‘I get it now. That's why I need to take these eye drops. That's why I need to keep seeing my doctor.’”

My hope is that I'm doing this not for myself. I'm doing it because it's going to help somebody. If anything, it's going to encourage them to go back and see their local doctor and ask them the appropriate questions. Thinking about that helps me overcome my own anxieties and self-doubt. I hope the readers can maybe take that as motivation if they ever want to step into the space.

I didn't think of it that way, but it is that powerful to think about. You're being selfish if you're just worried about how you look and sound. It's more about getting that information to the person whom you're creating the information for and helping somebody. That's powerful. I love that. Do you feel you are successful?

Let me tell you why I'm asking questions like this. This is my own personal development. I would tell my own quick little story here. I did a series of interviews with leaders in these various organizations. I had to mentally prepare myself to interview these people. Part of this interview is a friendly conversation. We're friends. We can joke and stuff, but I didn't want to have that type of conversation with those people.

I had to mentally get myself in the state of mind to ask a question and keep a straight face. I feel like that energy is transferring over to spilling to the following interviews that I'm doing now. I would love to know your personal insights, not just the surface level like, “You're a big YouTube star. What's that like?” Feel free to not answer or give an answer that you're comfortable with. It's all good. I think somebody would look at you and say, “He's successful.” Do you feel that way?

Probably, no. I loved that you had all of those interviews. It takes a lot of courage to do that. In fact, I think those are the hard conversations that we, as a profession, should be discussing. Our professionals are discussing those issues behind closed doors. You and I know that at every meeting, we're talking about these concerns and potentially, how they may impact us individually and our profession down the road, whether it be happening in Canada or the US. The fact that we're not publicly talking about this or inviting people like you've done from these companies or from these players in the industry to discuss these things is a huge failure. We need to be talking about this. Thank you for bringing so much to light.

To go back to your question, do I feel successful? What does success mean to me? That is a tough question. If you would've asked me when I was first finishing optometry school, success was graduating optometry school, then getting through residency, a job, and paying off student loans. Once I completed all those tasks, I felt a bit lost. I've entered a world of much more self-reflection and battles within my own head. I’m still trying to find what success means to me, maybe not even trying to find success, maybe just trying to be comfortable with myself, enjoying life, and being surrounded by friends and family. What would I find value in that's beyond money or accolades and all of that?

The older I get, the more I feel that way as well. I question myself as to exactly what success means. It's more about living in the moment, enjoying who you are, and being happy within your own being and own body. That's my definition of success these days, but it's always changing. I wanted to see if you had any thoughts on that because from the outside looking in, somebody's going to say, “Look at that, 700,000 subs. He's successful.” What's next for Doctor Eye Health or for Joseph Allen? What's the plan? What are you doing? What are we going to look for?

This is something I've been spending more time on. I've been doing a lot of journaling and trying to think goal-oriented like, “What is something that I would like to accomplish and get off my bucket list?” Next, I am maybe contemplating the idea of having a podcast and talking more about optometry, but more about doctors, not so much about the general consumer. I’m writing CE. I want to get into that realm and potentially write a book, whether it be about YouTube, healthcare, or optometry. That's something on my bucket list. I want to write and get something published like writing a book.

At some point, we'll see a gold plaque in the back there.

That'll be huge. I'll be very honored. I don't want to just do it for myself, but also to be like, “This is for like the profession of optometry. This is a representation that our profession matters.” Even one time, the surgeon I worked with a few years ago was like, “Whoever thought people would be this interested in eyes?” We've got our little club of eye doctors who are super passionate about it, but whoever just knew the general public would be so interested.

I started making those YouTube videos. It was in 2012. It's funny because multiple people told me, “It's nice what you're doing. It's fun to watch, but not a lot of people are going to watch videos about eyes.” That's not the reason I stopped. People were saying that. I'm not surprised to hear people would've said that to you a little while ago. I'd be surprised if somebody said that now after seeing your YouTube channel. We underestimate how many people there are in the world and how many potentially may be interested in a certain topic. It's cool that you pursued it and that you could show everybody that no matter how small or niche of a topic it is, there are going to be people out there.

I'm not the only doctor who's making content on YouTube. I'm quite honored that I've inspired several of these other channels and other doctors to do. I may never be always the largest channel out there. These other doctors may be better at making content. They may make more viral content than me. I'm thankful for what success I have had, that I've been able to reach and help many people with their knowledge, even enough to go to their doctor and ask the right questions so that they can get better treatment.

I may not be the largest channel out there. Other doctors may be better at making content or making more viral content than me. But I am very thankful for what success I have had and that I've been able to reach and help so many people.

There are always two questions I ask every guest before we wrap up. I asked you these before you came on the panel. I would feel more complete in this interview if I asked you them again. You may or may not remember what you answered at that time because that was many years ago.

I'm a different person now. A lot happens.

Those were lockdown days. It was a long time ago. The first one is if you could hop in a time machine and go back to a point in your life when you were struggling, and it could be recent or many years ago, you could share that moment if you're open to it, but more importantly, what advice would you give yourself in that moment of difficulty?

I'll be vulnerable and open up about this. I'm dealing with divorce. I had a dark time, not just with losing the relationship. The relationship has dissolved. You enter these dark times when you have a lot of questions and you reflect. You think that either nobody cares or you've done something wrong, that you're somehow less than other people. In these dark times when you have these thoughts that you feel like there's nothing for you to keep going, there's no sunrise on the other end. You lose hope.

In these dark times where I've had, I've been thankful that I do have friends, family, and my coworkers, the other doctors I work with at the clinic. They care about me. There are many people that do care that you exist and that you are in this world. They care what you do. This is even more important. You are more than optometry.

Harbir, you are more than your show. Your profession and what you do is a small nugget on the outside of who you are as a person. You're a friend and a husband, you have a sense of humor, intelligence, drive, passion, and dreams. I'm not jumping on this show because you have a cool, awesome show. I'm jumping on this because I like you as a person. That is more valuable than your profession, YouTube channel, show, a book you write, or even your job as an optometrist or the clinic you own. It's about you, not necessarily the work you do.

Thank you for being vulnerable and open in sharing that. I appreciate that. I hoped we would be able to have an open discussion. You have gone all in. You've blown me away with how much you've been open to sharing about yourself and helping us understand who you are more than just the YouTube person. The final question is in everything that you've accomplished to this point, how much of it would you say is due to luck, and how much is hard work?

I do put a lot of work and hard work into everything. There is some luck. There’s a 70% and 30% split or something like that. It's 70% hard work and 30% luck. I was born to a middle-class family with an educated father. Both my parents were very well educated. My father happened to go to college. My mother didn't, which was a shame because she's brilliant. All of the opportunities that led me to the place that I am now, there's some luck in that I was even born in this generation and this time.

You could answer 70/30 and stop talking, but that's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for exactly what you did there and giving that description. You're more generous than a lot of guests. Not to take anything away from other people, hard work is hard work. You can't sit in a room by yourself and hope that something magical is going to happen. You have to get out there and do the work. A lot of people will say, “99% hard work.” Hashing it out the way you did. The fact that you were born, where and when you were born are all very important things that we don't have any control over. I appreciate that. Any last words of wisdom you want to share before we wrap up?

You're making me think, “I need something profound.”

Give some Michael Scott quotes. That'll be a perfect way to end. If you missed 100% of the shots, you don't take Wayne Gretzky or Michael Scott.

There are many good quotes from The Office. I didn't watch The Office. I'm newly going through it. I love it when he's drinking white wine, smells it, and is like, “This is white.”

A great way to end the show with a nice laugh and a nice joke. Thank you so much. I appreciate this so much. This interview was everything I was hoping it would be, if not more. You are candid and open. You're like a shining light for the profession. Everything you're doing, the number of people you're reaching, and the amount of awareness you're creating are incredible. I don't want anyone to overlook the fact that you are highly trained and still seeing patients at such a high level. I appreciate on that level that you're pushing the profession forward as well. Thank you.

This is a huge honor for me. I appreciate it.

Thank you to everybody who's reading. Make sure you share it. This is one of my absolute favorite interviews. Please make sure you take a screenshot, put it on Instagram, throw it up on LinkedIn, and send a text message to a friend. Hit like and subscribe. There's a whole bunch of stuff you're supposed to do. Please go ahead and do it. Make sure you let me know what you thought. I always love hearing the feedback. We'll see you guys again in the next episode.

See you.

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About Dr. Joseph Allen

Dr. Joseph J. Allen is a practicing optometrist in Minnesota and the founder of Doctor Eye Health, an educational YouTube channel with more than 700K subscribers. There he provides information about eye health, ocular disease and vision products. His videos cover a range of topics that his subscribers frequently ask about: eye floaters, glaucoma, dry eye syndrome, contact lenses, eyeglasses, and more.

Dr. Allen has been featured in Ask Men  and Oprah Daily  and was awarded the Media Advocacy award  from the American Optometric Association in 2021. In his free time, he enjoys rock climbing, running, playing video games, hiking, and biking.


Episode 78 - Become The Disruptor With Dr. Brianna Rhue

TTP 78 | Become The Disruptor

There’s so much room for optometry to grow yet. So how can we take control of that future and become disruptors that will change the industry for the better? Here to talk about that is Dr. Brianna Rhue, CEO and Co-Founder of Dr. Contact Lens, an online platform that makes ordering and purchasing your prescription lenses easy. She joins Harbir Sian to talk about how optometrists and professionals in the industry can better care for their patients by also focusing on the business side of things. Technology is not a bad thing, but we should have a say in incorporating it for the benefit of patients and doctors alike. Listen in to hear more!

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Become The Disruptor With Dr. Brianna Rhue

Hello and welcome back to another episode of Canada’s number one optometry podcast, bringing clarity to optometry, business and entrepreneurship. Thank you again for taking the time to join me. I am always so grateful for all the support, all the comments, the reviews, and all the people I connect with in person who tell me that they tune in to the show. It means so much and warms my heart. It energizes me to come back to create more content and reach out to more amazing guests such as my wonderful guest for this episode, Dr. Brianna Rhue. If you have not heard of Brianna, I am sure you will soon because she is everywhere for good reason.

Brianna is Owner/Partner at West Broward Eye Care. She is the Cofounder of Dr. Contact Lens and TechifEYE. She is the mother of two boys. Her son, Dalton, was the inspiration for you to lean into the whole myopia control side of your business. I would love for you to tell me more about that. Thank you so much for joining me. I am super excited about this conversation. We are going to have an energetic and passionate conversation here. I am excited to have you on.

I am excited to be here, Harbir. It has been a long time coming, especially after meeting you here. You really are tall.

I am tall. I lost count on the first day how many times people say, "You are taller than I thought you were." You cannot tell when I am sitting here but it is all good. It is better than the alternative of people telling me that I am shorter than I look. I will take the taller version for sure. There is a lot for us to talk about. I’ve condensed your bio here. I would love for you to fill in a couple of the gaps. Is there any important information you want to share with the audience before we dig in?

I grew up around optometry. I got my first pair of glasses in second grade. My father had two optometrists that were mentors my entire life. I always loved the optometry side and also the business side. That is where I have been able to merge these two passions between optometry and business, hence why these other businesses have been started. My dad was a furniture builder my whole life. I saw what small business ownership looked like. Some of that got ingrained in my brain from a very young age and that is where we are now. I met my husband when I was doing my rotation at Bascom Palmer. I’m very versatile on all the medical side of things. I then went into private practice and became a partner/owner, and then Dr. Contact Lens and TechifEYE emerged from those.

I mentioned in the intro there, “Bringing clarity to the optometry and business.” Entrepreneurship is the big thing that I like to talk about. I know the audience loves it too because when I go back and look at the stats of the podcast and downloads, it is always those conversations about business and entrepreneurship that seemed to be resonating with people. I love that myself, having dabbled in the entrepreneurial space. I find that it is such an exciting place to be when you are able to start something from scratch and have a guest like yourself, who is not only a partner in a brick and mortar business but also has started this technology company yourself with your partner. I am excited to dig into that. My first question to you is, in your opinion, what is the definition of an entrepreneur?

This is what I live my life by. Being an entrepreneur is you can wake up every day and build your own dreams or you can wake up every day and build your own. Entrepreneurship can take on many different levels. You can be a small business. You can be a technology company that reaches multiple businesses. You can be a consultant. It is what you make of it and it is messy. You can laugh and cry and go through all those emotions in one single day. It is little things of starting with why and what your purpose is.

We all have to understand that in optometry, we are small business owners first. We are all wearing that entrepreneur hat because we did create it. We have created multiple things from scratch. It does not have to be a company that you start. It is your own practice. In our practices, it is not only us being small business owners first that happened to practice optometry. We are optometrists first that happened to be small business owners. That is where the big disconnect is when we are looking at things. We can dive into that deeper.

I did not realize that your answer was going to go that way. It is so important to think of it. I was thinking entrepreneur in the way you initially described it. It’s either helping someone else build their dream or building your own thing. If you own your own business, you are doing that. We are trained that way in school though. We learn all the medical and optometry and then it is like, "Here is a little bit of business on the side for the few of you who want to go into that direction." It is ingrained in us that you are an optometrist first and a business owner second. It has to be the other way around, at least if you want to be successful in that. What do you want our mainstream optometrists to know about leaning into that entrepreneurship role that they should be in?

You can wake up every day and build your own dreams, or you can wake up every day and build your own.

It is continuing to broaden your horizon and learn different things. Just like we learned optometry, the eye, everything that is connected to it, and the importance of yearly eye exams, it is also not hard to learn the business side. We read numerous books and made numerous note cards. I found my notecard book and I am like, "I cannot throw these out because there is so much connected to it." Just like we invested in that part of our education, you have to keep investing in the part that is going to help you pay for that part of your education. Picking up a business book or listening to things like this can take you from 0 to 1, and not get stuck at level 0.5.

We are talking about, “Is it a podcast that you listened to? Is it a book that you read? Is it tracking certain metrics?” It is also about working on your business and not in your business all the time. Those four little walls, as you said in your amazing TED Talk, are not just saying one or two. There is a lot that comes behind that. That also has to extend out so that you can be able to say one or two. If you do not have a business, you do not get to say that. If you do not take care of that side, you are fully not taking care of your patients to the ability that you can be. If you do not have the money to invest in new technology and invest in your staff and invest in your patients. You are doing them a disservice. That is how we have to flip it.

Zero to One by Peter Thiel is a good book. We are going to get into the business type of conversation. When it comes to numbers, I am savvy with the metrics. I love talking about that stuff. I love learning about it but I am still not an expert on it by any means. When I have someone like you on, I am like, “Tell me more.” Tell everybody else what KPIs and whatnots we need to be looking for. I want to talk about you more personally first. One thing I already got from you before we met in person and from seeing you online in all these different forums and platforms was the energy. It is amazing. You are everywhere.

I mean it in a good way. Sometimes people say that to me like, “You are always showing up on my feed.” I am like, “I do not know if that is good or bad. I cannot tell by your tone.” I mean this in the best way. It is incredible knowing that you are a business owner, entrepreneur and mother. How do you find the energy? Where does the energy come from? Where is the inspiration? What is getting you out there to do all these things? We were on a webinar together and your talk was incredible. I love the enthusiasm you put into it.

A lot of people come on and be like, "Now we are going to talk about this thing," but you are like, "Look at me. I am doing this. I am the queen of my castle." I loved it. I want you to know that I love your energy. Tell me, if you do not mind, where do you think that comes from and where can people tap into that for themselves too?

I have many nicknames surrounding my energy, from Energizer Bunny to Pop-Tart because I would pop tart out of bed in the mornings. I have always been a cheerleader. It is my nature of being a dancer, gymnast and cheerleader. I am everybody else’s cheerleader too because it is what I love to do. I could be doing backflips and standing on my head for the rest of my life, and that would be my super happy place. I get energy from feeding off a good circle of people. It is important to find your core group on what keeps you motivated. I have always been coachable and I love people coaching me, and me trying to help other people through stories and content like this to help us to get that dream.

Not only to the "be happy" part. Happy is used in the wrong term in a lot of ways. It’s like, “I will be happy if I get this. I will be happy when I do this.” “Happy is always moving,” I heard that and I cannot remember who said it but it is replacing the word happy with joy. These things bring me joy. My practice and my patients are different parts of it. The business side is what accelerates all of this and sharing that with people that had been my mentors forever.

TTP 78 | Become The Disruptor

Become The Disruptor: Continue to broaden your horizon and learn different things.

I feel like I am expanding on the universe and what is in front of us to be our own bosses, be in charge of the industry, and drive the industry forward where it has been status quo for a time. Become that disruptor because I feel like we are all being disrupted. We go to so many years of school, and give up our entire 20s and our 30s to become doctors. What is driving me here is I am sick of the doctor-patient relationship being cut out of the equation. If we keep doing that, everybody loses, from industry to patients to us. We have to be advocates for the future. There are not enough of us standing up for that. That is what gets me up every day.

I knew this already but the things that we align on in that mindset of advocating for the profession, "Let's get up and move this thing forward," is something that I can get real fired up about every day any time of day. Let's get into that. I have heard you say this before. The first time you said it to me, it felt like a light bulb went on. It made so much sense. We are so used to being disrupted and being the disrupters. How do we become the disruptors? How do we leverage and take advantage of the disruption ourselves? Why cannot we be doing that from the inside versus what some external forces do? I would love to hear your thoughts more on that, and then share with us what you are doing to be one of the disruptors from within.

That came about with Dr. Contact Lens. Jenn Tabiza and I went to school together. We both bought private practices close to one another. She is in LA and I am in Fort Lauderdale, but we closed the deal together. We had conversations time and time again about what was happening. We all have that reaction when a patient sits down in your exam chair and says, "This is the best eye exam that I have ever had. Your staff is amazing and all the equipment that you have. Can I have a copy of my prescription?" That hurts all of us because we have not gotten a raise from one of these vision plans in a very long time.

I know in Canada, you operate differently. In the US, it has been that same amount for a long time. How we take care of our businesses and how I am able to invest in my patients is by selling what I prescribe. That comes to glasses and contact lenses because we know it is medical devices at the end of the day. That is how we take care of our patients and figure out if they are diabetic or have glaucoma and get them back in for their yearly exams. It is tying part of the refraction to the medical diagnosis and what it should be. Dr. Contact Lens was born out of that feeling of always playing defense, "Please order for me. I have your rebate. I have your vision plan." It is not a good place for you to be as a doctor and it is not a good place for your staff to live.

We wanted something that was like, “Perfect, I have uploaded your benefits. Your rebate is loaded and you can download and print your prescription so you have access to your record 24/7 or you can order here in one click.” That is why this was created. It is playing in giving the patient that little bit of control that they are asking for. I am not a huge advocate for saying, “If a patient asks you for a PD, that patient is way out of your door already." There is nothing that you are going to say that is going to recapture that sale and make you feel good at the end of the day. You got to meet them where they want to be met. If you do that and you make it convenient, then everybody wins. We just have to give them the opportunity.

There are differences as far as the vision plans that do not apply in Canada, but there are other analogous things going on. If you replace the word “vision plan” with whatever our government healthcare pays, there are some analogies there in a way. Where I live in British Columbia, there was huge deregulation a while back. We are required by law. I know certain things like this are starting to happen in the US. There are whispers of the FTC regulations changing, but this has been the case for us. By law, we have to provide the prescription with the PD written on it. It is not a matter of the patient asking us anymore.

It has to be given. If you do not give it, the patient can take some recourse but usually, it is nothing like that. We have had to try to adjust that. I have been in that and everybody else has been in that awkward position of almost begging the patient to stay, "Please look at some glasses here. We will match the price on the contact lenses." I have been there. That needs to change. How long is that going last? How long are we going to want to grovel for our patients to purchase from us? Why not accept that this is where it is at?

We have to be advocates for the future

Meet the patient where they want to be met. This is a lot of what we were talking about. You and I did this eCommerce type of webinar. A lot of the stuff we were touching on is like, “This is where people are living. Why don’t we just go to where people are living and meet them there, rather than trying to force them to meet us where we are?” A lot of our colleagues are struggling with this mentality of this switch. What is the roadblock there? What is stopping them from taking that step?

You uncovered something here. There are a couple of things that play here. One is that everybody can say that they have ordered something online that has been delivered to their door. What makes this box of contact lenses or potentially a box of glasses different from that box that somebody ordered? When we walk into our practices and open that door, for some reason, we forget that we were a consumer before we hit that door. It is calling them now, which everybody else is calling our patients healthcare consumers. They are there. They are allowed to have access to their care. I am having a new infant. Some of my purchasing is happening at 2:00 in the morning. For most Amazon purchasers, you can tell if somebody is a new mommy because stuff arrives at 2:00 AM.

There was something done in the ‘80s and ‘90s that was saying, “You want your patients to come back and pick up this box of whatever it is because you are going to show them and sell them another thing.” Looking at that and saying, “No, they are not. They are trying to get to daycare at 5:00 PM because now they are being charged $20 for every minute that they are late or they got to get home and get dinner on the table." We are all busier than ever trying to get home. I do not have time to go back to my optometrist and pick up my boxes of contacts.

Your staff is not showing them that frame that came in because they are going through the same thing. You have got to get this direct ship-to-patient model going. I am over 95% direct ship-to-patient in my office. We do that by providing free shipping on anything. You can play with this and there are ways there to make money off of that, but it is meeting the patient where they are. The number one reason that something is abandoned online is that there is no free shipping attached to it because that ship sailed 5 or 6 years ago.

Definitely, during COVID, free shipping is an expectation now. That is the standard. It is no longer like, "Cool, they threw in free shipping," You have to have that minimum. It is such an interesting point that you make. I have done these lectures. I have given these lectures on behalf of a contact lens company, introducing a product or talking about the increase in touchpoints. When a patient comes in to buy their contact lens or comes to pick up their contact lens, there is the increased touchpoints, therefore more opportunities for sales.

In theory, that makes sense. Maybe it did up until a few years ago. After COVID, that does not. Let’s think about what the average person is trying to do. They are trying to get from point A to point B to point C to home. Unless they have a real appointment set where they are going to come in and spend time in the office, they are coming to grab the contacts and then, “I will see you later.” Meeting them where they are and having them deliver it to the house and using that. When you have a box of contacts shipped to a patient, is that an opportunity to provide messaging to the patient within that box? Are there other contents being delivered that remind the patient, "Do not forget us at West Broward Eye Care or Clarity Eye Care."

It is not about touchpoints anymore. It is about creating raving fans and raving patients. If you can meet the patient and send them a link where they can download and print or order their contact lenses in one click, you are going to go from a customer service experience from a 5 to a 10 because you met them. You had free shipping. They got their boxes and they do not have to go back. Not only is it a different type of touchpoint, but you are also elevating that patient experience versus them coming in at 5:00 PM, and Susie behind the front desk has four other people to check in or check out. They have to wait ten minutes to get their box.

TTP 78 | Become The Disruptor

Become The Disruptor: Just like we invested in that part of our education, we have to keep investing in the part that will help pay for that education.

Think of that customer experience that you want to create and set, and how you can look high-tech for these offices. Especially since it is being jammed down our throats with telemedicine and like, “Order your contacts here and order your glasses here.” We already have the brick and mortar. We already did that. We did the hard part of this. Now we get to do the easy part, which is the eCommerce side. It is not about touchpoints anymore. It is about meaningful touchpoints.

You know this more than I do, but there is so much resistance that we meet when we talk about eCommerce, getting online, and digital marketing. Is it a fear of the unknown? You could everybody some numbers like the value in switching to a platform like this whether it is Dr. Contact Lens or something else. The numbers speak for themselves. The dollars and cents are there, but there is some other mental block. Is it too much on the training side or educating the staff side? Is it like, “I do not think it is going to work.”? Is it too much of an upfront financial investment? From your experience, what has the pushback been for the most part?

It has been interesting being an optometrist and then coming to the sales side, and trying to get us out of our own way for making money. We have been taught to save money for some reason. That is not where the opportunity lies. It is looking at true ROI. We are good at doing it with machines. I buy a digital camera. I know that I am going to charge XYZ for it and make this much and pay it off in this amount. That is a hardcore value that we can measure. When it comes to the online world, it is all trackable if you look at it. All of us have built things in our platforms to do this. It is understanding that even if you are doing good with your annual supply rate and your capture rate, there is still so much leaking out of your practice.

For instance, if you have 1,000 contact lens patients in your practice, which is normal for a 1 to 2 doctor practice, and your capture rate is 80%. That means 800 patients ordered something from you and 200 walked out of the door. If you captured 5% of those walking, it more than pays for the cost of a service. If you take that a step further from the 800 that ordered something if your annual supply rate is 50% and mine is 40%, and I built a system. That means 400 patients need to reorder from you. If 200 walked and 400 need a reminder from me, that means 60% or 600 patients walked out of the door that I was never able to try to do business with again. I hope that they call me in six months to order from me, which they will not because it is at 9:30 at night when they throw out the last contact lens that they want to order.

It is understanding that the $200,000 is low hanging right there. Invest a little bit in a process and going from paper to EMR, we all did it. To come back to your question, it is a lot of staff and changing a process if you stick with something for a year. I hate the word “try.” We tried it and it did not work. Implementation for some of these processes can take a while, but we are there to hold your hand. If your staff is excited about it and we are not meeting a dead wall, we are here to be an open book. If you go in cross-armed, you are going to get out what you put in.

We sold an account. The doctor was super excited about it. She came back the day before we were going to implement it. We had already pulled in all of her information. We showed her where $257,000 was hiding. She was like, "We are not going to move anymore because my staff voted." "Here is your money back, but I want to show you what you are leaving here.” I am not there at this point to sell her to stay. That is not what I was there to do. It’s to educate her and say, “I get it. You are up against the staff here but at the end of the day, you are a business owner. They cost you potentially $257,000. I am not sure if you wanted your staff to vote in that case.”

It does not sound like a staff voting type of situation to me. That is insane when you have those numbers in front of you. I am guilty of this too. If I am not showing those numbers, I am out of sight, out of mind. I will assume everything is working. Once you show me, "How do you like them?" I will be like, "Let's do it. Let's go." When it comes down to those kinds of numbers, that is not a vote that the staff gets. It is like, "Here is the plan moving forward." It is crazy.

You have to meet the patients where they want to be met. If you do that, and you make it convenient, everybody wins.

On the implementation side of it, anything takes time to implement. We are trained medically so when you bring in a retinal camera or you bring in an OCT, you already know how you are going to implement it. It is going to fit into your patient flow like this. When you start talking about technologies like, "Who is going to be running it? Who is going to be implementing it?" That is extra work for me to monitor now. A few of those people and patients captured automatically pay for this thing, and then it is off to the races from there. What are we going to do? We have to get out there and yell from the mountain top. We got to get on to more podcasts and do more webinars. We got to get in front of more people and say, "Come."

“It’s fun on this side of the fence.” I do not like living in doom and gloom like we’ve been taught. You do not have to live there. Our most valuable patients, because I know this side of the industry so well, are really our contact lens patients. We are all trying to drop vision plans or get into my opiate management or scleral contact lenses or dry iris prosthetic, where you find that clinic and the clinic of your dreams not to just be busy but to be busy with the right patients is your contact lens patients.

That minus three mom, 34 or 35-year-old that has been wearing contacts is your dry eye patient that walked out of the door that potentially went online to not renew from you. That is her kids that are potentially myopic that you are trying to build in myopia practice. It is also being laser-focused. You can only focus on so many things. I get it. The medical side is easy for us to focus on because that is what we know. That is what I can control in my practice.

It is funny about this slide that everybody has referenced me as the Queen of my Castle thing. I got this from Susan Resnick. She is like, "As much as I say that I am the queen of my castle, some the days, I am not. I depend on other people to help me and pick me up." That comes to your office manager and it comes to having that cheerleader in your office. They do not care, at the end of the day, if you make more money. They do care about taking care of the patient like you do. If we word some of this differently with our staff, then we are keeping a clinic healthy and that is what we are there to do.

We use this analogy in so many other cases. It’s the oxygen mask on an airplane thing. You are going to put yours on before you can put it on for the person next to you. The business owner’s business has got to be breathing and successful, then you are able to help your staff and help your patients. You have to have the energy to do all of that. Sometimes we look at it the other way around as if the patient has to provide you with the mask when it should be the other way around. We will go back to the whole cheerleading thing before we wrap up.

Let’s talk more about some of these metrics within the office. One thing you touched on is that the contact lens patient is most likely your most valuable patient. A lot of times, ECPs worry that if a patient buys an annual supply, then they are not going to have as much money to spend on something else. There are surveys or studies that have been done that show this. My personal experience shows me as well that those patients will still spend the money in all those other places. We have the 40-something who buys the multifocal contact lenses, but then wants to get the dry eye treatment.

We have the radio frequency and the IPL and they are willing to invest in that, and then they still want to buy the nice frames because they know that they got to wear the glasses. They are not going to wear contacts all the time. Usually, it is patients in that age group. The 40s and 50s have more disposable income as well. It is not like where we are closing our other opportunities by selling these contact lenses. We should be looking at it as opening a door to all these other revenue streams within our practice as well. Is that something that you would experience as well on your site?

TTP 78 | Become The Disruptor

Become The Disruptor: If you don’t have the money to invest in new technology and your staff and your patients, you’re doing them a disservice.

A hundred percent. Those are the patients that come back more often that do have more disposable income that is open to what we prescribe. There are a couple of bad words in my practice. One is calling a vision plan insurance and asking, “How many boxes do you want?” Box is a bad word. The word “follow-up” is a bad word in my practice like, "We will see you back for an eye problem evaluation or a dry eye evaluation," because follow-up condones free. I am not about to give my service away for free. You start to get on that path and not recommend but prescribe. It’s not, “I am recommending this contact lens for you?” It’s, “I am prescribing this contact lens for you.”

If you can start to change one little word, it makes a difference to the patient. They came to you because you are an expert and they want to hear from you first on new treatments. They do not want to see an ad on TV and then come in and ask for it. That is what I have always been an advocate for. We are always learning. We are physicians. We are supposed to always be learning. Just like we learned this side, we can learn metrics, business, ROI and little business words. The big word now, I do not know about this in Canada, that nobody knew about years ago was EBITDA. Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization.

If you are looking to increase that, you can do something as little as investing in a process because that is what these people are coming in to do. They are putting processes in place that are broken, just like the contact lens ordering process is broken. It is a 28-step process from start to finish for a box when it is shipped back to your office. We cannot be having our staff do these mundane tasks anymore to save $5. It is also about patient information. We are all giving our most valuable intellectual property away for a 2% rebate. What do I mean by that? You are going to give whoever it is a 2% savings.

If you order 100 boxes of contact lenses and you save $2 a box by doing the 2% rebate, you save yourself $200. What you could have done was get a contact lens patient back that is valuable to your practice at $350 or $500 or $700 depending on where you are located. I lost money by trying to save money and not giving your intellectual property away for a 2% rebate. TechifEYE was born to show us these things because this is what we have been up against as a tech startup and helps doctors evaluate certain things.

That intellectual property thing is something that went over my head. I did not realize it. I even asked you like, "Who is taking my data?" I want you to share that if you do not mind. For the different companies and manufacturers that we are using, I said, "I do not give them any of my information," but there is still information being shared regarding our patients. What is the value of us holding that data versus giving it to a big corporation? Can you explain that a little bit more?

When you are giving someone access to your records or if you are putting something in as far as a rebate is concerned, they are capturing the patient’s first name, last name, what they ordered, and their zip code where they can look a lot of stuff up. They are putting in their email address for marketing. Are they using it in this form? Maybe not right now but who knows where that could be driven in the future? This is a statistic that is outdated. I found something that was saying that one patient is worth about $1,500. That is way underestimated, especially if you are looking at the LTV or lifetime value of a patient.

If you are seeing a patient that spends on average $500 a year in your clinic, they come back every two years, and you see them for the next 30 years, you can figure that out quickly. These companies all have that. That is fine. That is not what I am saying. Do not stop doing that but I want you to empower yourself with the data. I want you to understand and use the data that they are, and the way that they are using it because it is fun over here. It allows you to spot check things. For instance, I was in my clinic. I spot checked a patient within Dr. Contact Lens. I realized there was something that was not billed. It was $70 that got missed and was not billed properly. Let’s round this up to $100 because I could easily go into my practice and find $100 a day that was not billed properly. We can all do this.

There’s a place for telemedicine, but there’s still something to human connection. That’s what we’re all about.

At $500 a day for 5 days a week, that’s $2,500 a week. If we push that out, what does that equal here? That is $130,000 that I found in one click. It is not about being happy with the wage that you are making and we cannot blame that on anybody else. It is finding little tweaks that make a huge difference on that backend.

Those are all the things that technology now allows us to do. The reasons why you, in particular, are out there sharing this message and almost being evangelical about it, “Everybody come on board. There is so much here for us.” It can be that simple. It might sound like an exaggeration for somebody who has not looked into this type of stuff but this technology is there for us. I love that I have an optometrist. I have started a series of these. I had another interview with an optometrist in the UK. He is an entrepreneur and started his own company. He is doing well and doing big things. Now I have you. I feel like I am going to start a whole series on entrepreneurship and eye care.

It is inspiring and hopefully, it inspires others to step up. Let's be the disruptors from within. It does not have to be that something is always knocking us sideways from the outside. Let's be the ones that grow the profession and take control of that. On that note, I want to get your thoughts on where do you think eye care is going? Do you think there is going to be more of these disruptors from within? Do you think we are going to continue to get disrupted from the outside? If you can look at this both ways, what is your blue sky, best case scenario 10 to 20 years down the road? What do you hope to see? If things do not go so well, where could we potentially end up?

What I hope for the future is I think there is a place there for telemedicine and do not get me wrong, but there is still something to human connection. That is what we are all about. That is about listening and being compassionate. That is why we became doctors. In order to get to do that, we have to be the driver of that and show what is wrong. This brings me to our EMR companies, our Electronic Medical Record companies. They have been the ones inhibiting innovation. I cannot tell you how many conversations I have had with these people where they are like, “We are not going to integrate with you.” I was like, “You made a decision for 10,000 of your users that did not know that you said that.”

We have to be the ones that are seeing the future and coming at it and pushing these EMR companies forward to open up access because it is not their data. It is our data that we should be able to get to use. Fast forward when I am 70, I do not want a computer taking care of me. I want the computer to help take care of me. I do want someone with that knowledge and that compassion to look at me from head to toe. How many tumors have we all diagnosed? How many diabetics have we all diagnosed? How many connections are you making within a community? All of that is the driver to being here on this earth.

If I look at it from the other side, technology is going to help us be better and catch things sooner because healthcare is not circular. You are going to this doctor and they have records here or this doctor and they have records here. It is not all together under one umbrella. That is going to be here sooner than we think, which will be great. It is a whole cohesive person and being integrated into that care versus being stuck in a dark room all day. We have to be the ones that are saying, we need this to better take care of our patients so we can be on the offense. It is all integrated.

Is the future of our profession looking bright or dim?

TTP 78 | Become The Disruptor

Become The Disruptor: It’s not just about touchpoints. It’s about meaningful touchpoints.

I think it is very bright because a lot of us are starting to wake up and take action. We need that to happen sooner than later. It is getting to conferences, coming out, talking and having these connections and these conversations that we have been able to now have. I can reach you from here to Canada to the UK to South Africa. We are all connected now and that is cooler than ever. In the past, we never would have had platforms like this.

We are starting to understand the business side and share it. That is where we get to have fun to invest in the medical side of our practices to better take care of the patient. A patient, when they say, "Doctor, you have all of the craziest and coolest equipment I have ever seen." I say, "You invested in me, so I was able to invest in you." That is how I thank the patient. It hits home with them saying, "I did help her buy that to take care of me." It is a roundabout way. I am all about planting little seeds. For some reason, they all like to sprout at the same time. It is the little words that we use and chooses to use that can make a huge difference.

We hear that in our office as well. I am sure many of our colleagues do. Those of us who are trying to stay up with technology, and we do get that. Patients will say, "I have never had that. You invested in this. I like that.” It is because the patients have invested in us. That is very good. There are two questions for every guest on the show before we wrap up. Before we get to those, please share how people can find you. Where would you like people to go?

They can find me on LinkedIn, Brianna Rhue. They can visit DrContactLens.com. You can reach me there. My email is BRhue@doctorcontactlens.com, and then like, share, post and comment. We are all part of this. We are all learning from each other. That is all part of the engagement.

The last two questions. You were at the Vision Summit in New York, right?

I was.

That is funny because one of the ladies that was speaking who was an entrepreneur said, “I do not like when people ask me what advice would I give to my younger self?” That is the first question I usually ask my guests here. I will say, "If you could go back in time to a point in your life where things were a little bit difficult, what advice would you give yourself?" After she said that, I was like, "Maybe I will not ask that anymore." The questions she thinks that is more relevant and that I started asking now because it is a cool question. It makes people think quite a bit. What would your 10 or 15-year-old self say to Dr. Brianna Rhue now?

It’s little words that we use and choose to use that can make a huge difference.

I have never given up. You all get knocked down. Having been bullied in middle school and I could have chosen to live there or I had a huge support system to get me where I am. Be careful with who your top 5 or 10 people are that are in your life. I was able to be steered in a way that was very positive. I always never heard the word “no.” I always hear, “Not right now.”

You talked about that right off the top too when I was asking about your energy. You said it comes from those key people that you spend time with. I found that in my own life that is so important. The older you get, the more you realize it because your circle gets a bit smaller. You filter out. You do not have as much time for so many people, so you end up filtering down to the key people. That is the answer that I give to so many people when somebody asks me, “How do you have time to do all these things?” I do not necessarily think that I am doing more than anybody else but somebody asked me that question. I am only able to do the things that I am doing, whether they are more or less than what other people are doing because of the people around me. My wife, for number one, is able to support me in all the different ways that she does. My parents and my family and my close friends give me brutal and honest feedback when I am not doing something well.

That stuff means something and it is extremely valuable. I wanted to say that earlier but since you brought it up again, I will 100% agree with you on the importance of that circle of friends. That is so key. The last question is in everything that you have accomplished so far in your life, in your business life, professional life and personal life, how much of that would you say is due to luck and how much is due to hard work?

There is a bit of luck. Right place, right time and seeing the vision. A lot of it is hard work and energy and getting knocked down but getting up again. One of the stories in the Dr. Contact Lens venture as we were at that point was somebody knocked us down real hard and we had two paths to take. One was to give up or one was to figure it out and move forward. I am glad that we chose to move forward with it.

Hard work or luck or both? How much of each?

I am a true believer in you have to find signs in the universe that you know that you are on the right path. A lot of the time, you can get into a dark place, especially as an entrepreneur. It is hard work but the right work. I am a huge believer in the book, Traction. It is being that visionary and finding integrators in your life where you can live where you want to be living to keep creating and focus on the work that you want to do.

People ask me all the time, “How do you do all of this? You must not sleep.” I am like, “I sleep pretty good.” It is being focused. In the book, Deep Work, it is not having a hive mindset. It is being laser-focused and coming up with that five-year plan, your one-year plan, your 90 days, and then breaking it back out into weeks. That comes down to daily habits and daily goals that you set for yourself. It is hard work but a little bit of luck.

TTP 78 | Become The Disruptor

Become The Disruptor: We have to be the ones saying, “we need this to better take care of our patients,” so we can be on the offense.

They are both necessary. It would be nice to sit in a room and wait for luck to happen but you got to get out there and do it. You are doing it. Thank you for doing everything that you are doing, especially being this voice and this advocate for growing the profession to take it to different levels and different heights, and encouraging our colleagues to be the disruptors from within. We need that. That voice is rising up and it is nice to have you at the core of it. Please keep doing it. If there is any time you need somebody else to shout loudly with you, I am happy to join you whenever you need.

One last note there, optometry is super bright. You can have a career, a husband, a baby, another baby, and build businesses. There is more to optometry than just the exam chair. That is what makes you your money but if you tweaked little things, you can build the life of your dreams. It is important to find people that are doing it like yourself and others in the industry and collaborate.

Anybody out there who wants to get out there more or feels like some of the messages that I am sharing or resharing sharing are resonating with you, get in touch. Dr. Brianna has got her contact information here. You know how to reach me on Instagram at @HarbirSian.OD. Thank you again, Dr. Brianna Rhue, for joining me on the show. I appreciate all your insight. I am excited to watch you continue doing your thing out in the world.

Thanks, Harbir. It was my pleasure.

Thank you everybody who is tuned in to Canada’s number one optometry show. I am super excited to bring you more and more amazing content. I will see you in the next episode.

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About Dr. Brianna Rhue

TTP 78 | Become The Disruptor

Brianna Rhue earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Arizona before earning her Doctorate of Optometry at Nova Southeastern University. She completed her residency at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami and is a partner at West Broward Eyecare in South Florida.

Dr. Rhue is passionate about health care technology, myopia management, specialty contact lens fits and practice management. She enjoys sharing her love for technology and myopia management through speaking engagements to help optometrists understand business, technology and new areas of care to help all parties involved.

Dr. Rhue is the immediate past president of the Broward County Optometric Association. She is the co-founder of Dr. Contact Lens, TechifEYE and Myopia Patrol. Outside the office, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two sons, playing tennis, standing on her head in yoga and traveling.


Episode 77 - Dr. Harbir Sian On The Power Hour

How can you build your personal brand while remaining authentic? Join Dr. Harbir Sian as he takes the hot seat opposite Dr. Bethany Fishbein (CEO of the Power Practice) of the Power Hour Optometry podcast. Together, they discuss how to build a personal brand and why it is important for professionals in all industries. Dr. Harbir shares the story of how he started sharing and building a community in optometry by educating his audience about the industry. Be re-introduced to his mission and his purpose for the podcast. Tune into this episode and learn more about the voice behind the show.How can you build your personal brand while remaining authentic? Join Dr. Harbir Sian as he takes the hot seat opposite Dr. Bethany Fishbein (CEO of the Power Practice) of the Power Hour Optometry podcast. Together, they discuss how to build a personal brand and why it is important for professionals in all industries. Dr. Harbir shares the story of how he started sharing and building a community in optometry by educating his audience about the industry. Be re-introduced to his mission and his purpose for the podcast. Tune into this episode and learn more about the voice behind the show.

Watch the episode here

Listen to the podcast here

Dr. Harbir Sian On The Power Hour

Thank you so much for taking the time as always to join me here to learn and grow. I am truly grateful and appreciative of all the support as the show has been growing. I have been connecting with people and learning about who is reading, what they like and when they are tuning in. All these things have been incredibly humbling. Thank you for all the support. As always, I would ask you to please continue to support. If you like the content and find value, please share it with someone. Leave a review, a comment and a like. All those amazing things that you have been doing, I truly appreciate all of that.

For this episode, I am going to share an interview that I did on another show called the Power Hour, which is one of the longest-running, most well-known optometry-related shows. It is something that I have been listening to for years. I was honored to be on the show and speak with Dr. Bethany Fishbein who is the CEO of The Power Practice, an amazing and well-known consulting firm in the US. We talked about building a brand and the value of building a brand for an optometrist and healthcare professional and how I went about building a brand for myself and our clinics.

What I wanted to share here was a reintroduction of myself to the readers of this show. By sharing this interview, you get to learn about me. For all the new readers or the people who have joined in over the last couple of years reading this show who do not know me that well, this is going to give you a chance to meet me and learn about me and how I got into optometry in the first place. I hope you love it. Please do check out the Power Hour. They put out amazing content. Stick with us here at the show. We are going to come out with amazing new interviews. I hope you enjoy this one. I will talk to you real soon.

At Power Practice, we talk a lot about helping optometrists achieve their dreams. When we ask clients or potential clients what their dreams and goals are, typically, people give us their goals for their office like, “I want to have a $3 million or $5 million practice. I want to collect this much, net this much and have this many staff.” We try to get people to think about their goals beyond the office, not only for what they want their practice to be but what they want for themselves, their contribution to their profession and the world. It is always a pleasure to talk to somebody who is making a big impact beyond the exam room.

My guest is Dr. Harbir Sian. He is an owner of 2 practices in British Columbia, 1 private practice and 1 sublease. He is a podcast host of The 20/20 Podcast, has done a TEDx Talk, author of many articles and has appearances on TV. I learned that his most important job of all is being a dad to his two daughters. You are making it happen. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk in this episode.

Bethany. thanks so much for having me. I appreciate it.

To people who are thinking about creating content in some ways, often, we create our own barriers.

It’s my pleasure. I got to know about you through LinkedIn where you have a very active presence. In this episode, I want to talk about building that personal brand. Before that, I am interested to know about your path. How did you find your way initially to optometry?

How I found my way into optometry is not that exciting. People ask that question because a lot of times, we like to hear these stories that have some passion behind them. My mom’s vision was terrible. I wanted to go into this field to help people with that. Towards the end of my undergrad, I was trying to make a calculated decision about which profession would suit me best. I volunteered or shadowed a bunch of different professionals, including optometry, pharmacy and MD. Optometrists seem like the profession that aligned with my personality the best. Speaking with the optometrist, they tend to be laid back. None of them were that type A, which I am not.

One optometrist in particular, Dr. Amrit Pawa here in Vancouver, when I sat in the exam room with him, it was such a cool experience. It did not feel like the doctor-patient. It felt like two people connecting and conversing at the same time. One of them happened to be helping the other person with their vision and eyes. I felt like that interaction resonated with me. It was not a very clinical experience but more of a personal experience. That is what I like to try to emulate at work as well. When I was applying to optometry school, there is one word that sticks with me. I do not know where it came from but when I was filling out these applications, I would always write that I want to be an advocate for the profession or an ambassador for the profession.

I am not sure how I knew that when I was 21, still in undergrad and doing undergrad things. Somehow when I came out of optometry, right away, I started writing blogs, which I had never written blogs before, and emailing friends. They would send those emails to their friends because it was a fun fact about eyes. I kept that up for a couple of years and then I started making YouTube videos, Instagram and then the podcast. It snowballed and grew.

The underlying theme from all of it has been to somehow advocate for the profession, educate the public and let them know that as an optometrist, I am not simply spinning dials and giving you a pair of glasses. There is so much more to what we do on the health side of things and the education side of things. That has been the driving force behind some of the things that you listed off the top of the TEDx Talk, the podcast and everything else.

When you started doing that and you are writing these blogs, did you have a practice at that time that you were promoting?

No. At that time, I was working as an associate.

Were you doing just blogging personally or for any promotion? Is this a personal passion that you had?

TTTP 77 Dr. Harbir | Personal Brand

Personal Brand: It's just simply for the sake of education and for the betterment, hopefully, of the profession because there are a lot of forces out there that are creating friction or difficulty for our profession to move forward.

Yes. We talk about personal branding. Looking back on those years, I was personal branding before I knew what it was. I was writing these blogs simply from Harbir to the world about eyes. I look back and I do not know for sure but perhaps I thought that it was going to help me gain more patients somehow. I was doing it to educate. That was the number one driving force.

That genuine desire comes through in what you do. People are hit with so much self-promotion from all over, which is disguised as education. People can see through it. One of the things I have noticed about the articles and the TEDx Talk is you are putting information out there in such a genuine way that it builds trust. It is not something you intentionally came to because of how it started and that is who you are.

I am glad it comes off that way. If there is some other ulterior motive, I try to make it clear if I am speaking on behalf of a company or something like that. Otherwise, it is simply for the fact of education and the betterment, hopefully, of the profession. There are a lot of forces out there that are creating friction or difficulty for our profession to move forward. Some things are happening here in BC that we are not necessarily fighting but we are trying to rally the whole profession to make sure we can still stay strong in the long-term and not let these other forces diminish and devalue the profession. That is where most of the energy comes from.

When you were in school, you came to the profession thinking, “I met this optometrist. I like this optometrist. I could be him.” Where did you start to realize that the public had this misperception or would benefit from this additional education on what it is that we do as ODs?

It was right before I officially graduated. In May of 2010, there was a big thing that happened here in BC, big deregulation of eye care forced by an online company called Clearly.ca. They are a BC-based business but they are huge. They forced the government to make a change where they deregulated everything. People could go online and buy glasses or contacts without a valid prescription. Without seeing an optometrist, they could go ahead and do that.

That is the biggest thing that our industry has faced out here. It shook the whole profession and everybody was nervous and anxious. That was the impetus for me to get out there. I was trying to figure out how I could contribute at that point as a student or a very new grad. I thought that putting the word out there and educating the public was the best thing I could do. That is where it started.

You intended to go back and practice in Canada all along. You are from British Columbia and went all the way across North America and down the country to go to New England College of Optometry. Did you intend to go back and practice in BC?

Yes, 100%. There was never a doubt in my mind. I skipped residency for that fact because my singular goal is to come back to Vancouver and open my practice. I did not need anything else to get in my way. As far as moving to Boston, geographically, the closest optometry school is in Oregon, Pacific University. I was accepted there. I am a city guy and I did not realize it until that moment. I went down and was like, “This is a very nice campus but tell me where the stores, pubs, bars and nice places are.”

“The obstacle is the way.”

They are like, “You have to drive 45 minutes to Portland for all of that.” That was not my jam. In Canada, the only English-speaking school is in Waterloo, which is also a fairly small college town. It then came down to between Chicago and Boston. I loved Boston sports and everything. Something resonated with me there.

When you started with these blog posts, what content were you putting in there? Was it thought out and strategized or was it, “This is what is on my mind this time?”

It was the latter and that is how I live my life. I am not the most strategic person and a person who plans a whole lot. Although as you get older with businesses and family, you are forced to. I like to do a lot of things on a whim and off the cuff. That is what the blog was like. I would say, “Every Wednesday, I am going to release a blog.” Tuesday night I would sit down and say, “What am I going to write about?” I did not realize how much I enjoyed writing or trying to express myself through writing.

I tried to make it relatable and fun. A lot of times, I try to bring pop culture into it. There was a rap lyric from a Lil Wayne song or Snoop Dogg that said something or a hockey player got hit in the eye with a puck. I would write about these types of things and how they are relevant to eye care. I would try to make them fun like that. That resonated with a lot of people and it was fun for me too. I was not writing dry.

Did you work to build your audience or did it build organically because people were interested in what you were doing?

It was organically. I did not do any promotional stuff other than I did send these out in emails but I did not work to necessarily grow my email list. Naturally, those emails were getting forwarded from people on to other people. You could see the numbers on the blog increasing month after month. Certain blogs got a lot more attention than others but it grew naturally. I was doing it without thinking about its growth. I was doing it to put the education out there. I could have leveraged that growth more and use it for other things or actively grown it but I let it do its thing.

The podcast evolved from there. How did it happen?

TTTP 77 Dr. Harbir | Personal Brand

Personal Brand: If there's an obstacle that you perceive to block your path, don't try to go in a different way. Let's just find out what that obstacle is and figure it out.

There were a few steps in between. The blogs led to YouTube videos. I am fortunate to have good people around me who give me honest feedback or good advice in general. One of my closest friends said, “You should be doing YouTube.” This was back in 2012. YouTube had been around for a few years but had not blown up yet the way it has. I started making videos that I found fun and interesting. I started making these videos. I created an alter ego or a second character that I called Dr. Eyenstein. He did not talk but he was dressed up professor-like with glasses, a bow tie and a white coat. I had me who was doing most of the talking most of the time but he was the comedic relief in those videos.

One thing I have known for a long time is I like video and editing videos. I learned that many years ago and I have loved it. It gave me the chance to be more creative there and do these side-by-side types of editing things that were exciting for me. As anybody who does YouTube will attest to, it takes a lot of time to film and edit. As soon as we had a baby, I was like, “I cannot spend six hours creating this video. I have a business and a child.” I dropped off the YouTube video thing for a long time. It naturally led to podcasting. It was getting big. I was trying to see what other way I could create content.

One thing I would like to share with people who are thinking about creating content in some ways is often we create our barriers and reasons why we think, “I do not have the time, resources or finances to do these things.” When I was looking to create this podcast, I wanted it to look polished and professional but it was going to be just me doing all of it, filming, editing and posting. I thought that if I am also doing a video with it, I am going to need a good camera, lighting and microphones. This was pre-COVID so I tried to have as many guests in person as I could. I needed microphones for the guest as well. I put it off for a year, maybe more.

One day, this thing is nagging me. It will not leave me alone. The same as when I started my YouTube videos, I kept having this thing that was nagging me and not leaving me alone. When the YouTube videos happened, my fiancée at the time went out and bought me a nice camera for my birthday. She was like, “Here. Shut up and make these videos. You keep talking about them.” The same thing happened with the podcast. I was like, “How much do lights and microphones cost?” The lights were a fraction of the cost of what I thought they were going to be. I could buy these little clip-on mics that plug into my phone for $30. I was like, “I can afford this.”

I finally reached out to a bunch of people that I knew and said, “Would you mind coming in for a podcast?” I recorded 5 or 6 episodes first to make sure I felt like it was something I wanted to do. I then went, “I am going to do this.” A lot of times, we create these barriers and obstacles in our minds. I am into stoicism. I read a lot of this stoic philosophy type of stuff. One of the biggest ancient stoic philosophers is Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, thousands of years ago. One of his key theories or dictums is the obstacle is the way. If there is an obstacle that perceives to block your path, do not try to go differently. Let’s find out what that obstacle is, go that way and figure it out.

For me, these obstacles were imagined and not real. When I went that way, I found that I could continue down this path. It has been amazing. I love doing the podcast. It is another way for me to creatively express myself but most importantly, help amazing people and experts have a voice to continue to promote, advocate and improve our profession. That path has been winding like many paths are but it has been fun for me as well.

Talk about your podcast, The 20/20 Podcast. What is it? Who are you speaking to?

The 20/20 Podcast: Bringing Clarity to Business, Entrepreneurship and Optometry is the full title. Years ago, I launched my eyewear brand. It was an eCommerce company. Through that, I was exposed to a lot of people in different industries as I was trying to grow the brand like entertainers, athletes and business people. I was networking a lot trying to grow the company and build its awareness. I met such amazing people like these celebrities to different levels and other people. At the same time, I was speaking with students or new grads through social media about how they can build their influence and personal brand and become better at business.

Most people are pretty happy to share their stories or contribute and help others if you give them a chance. 

I thought, “On one hand, I have these amazing successful people that I am speaking to through my online business. On the other hand, I have these young people who want to grow their business and become successful. How can I bring them together?” That is where the impetus for the podcast truly came from. I reached out to those people that I had known through my eCommerce brand and said, “Would you mind sparing me an hour to talk about how you became this television personality and this super successful business person?”

One thing I have found over the years is most people are happy to share their stories or contribute and help others if they can and you give them a chance. The podcast was an opportunity for those people to share their side of the story, their struggles and successes. One common theme is that everybody has struggled. You could read an episode from a successful hockey player and you will say, “I have been through that myself. I remember being in a certain position like that myself.” Knowing how they got out of it, you’ll learn the next time you go through that same rt, how you can work your way out of it and come out better.

The goal of the podcast is to share those stories. Somebody said that it is more like a success podcast. I do not think I would use the word success but it is not your standard clinical type of conversation for the most part. Half of my guests are from eye care and the other half are from other realms. My favorite guest was Hayley Wickenheiser who is unanimous. She is the greatest women’s ice hockey player of all time.

She has got multiple Olympic gold medals and World Championships. She is one of the grittiest people I have ever spoken to or met. After her hockey career ended, she went and finished medical school. She is in the process of finishing her residency. It is crazy all of the stuff she doing but it is more about how or what her mindset was going through all of those things. I love to share that. That is the core of the podcast.

My husband is Canadian and is very determined to raise our children that way too. My son growing up, one of his favorite books is called Z is for Zamboni. It is a little alphabet of hockey. I forget if Hayley Wickenheiser is H or W but she was in there. That is how I knew her name. How did you get the TEDx Talk? How did that happen?

It is funny how you hold certain thoughts in your mind and somehow, they come to fruition. It is hard to say exactly how it happened but I have envisioned myself doing something like that for a long time. I have even gotten to the point where years back when I was doing my YouTube videos, I was like, “How can I recreate a TED Talk?” Not to say that I am doing a TED Talk but I want to recreate that entire stage and environment and make my series of talks. I was going to call them TOD Talks. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design so I was going to make it Technology, Optometry and Design.

I was like, “Where can I get the big red letters made? Who is going to film this?” I was planning this whole thing out. It became too big. I had this vision in my mind that I was going to be on that stage somehow. I thought that if I could recreate this and have optometrists come and speak on the stage, I thought that would be cool but it was too big of an endeavor for me.

TTTP 77 Dr. Harbir | Personal Brand

Personal Brand: When potential customers or patients see your videos, they can learn your personality and build that trust with you before they've ever come in and seen you in person.

Many years go by, I threw all the networking that I have done. Through the passion that I exude or express when I talk about optometry, eye care and eye health, it ended up being someone that I know happens to know the organizer of a TEDx event. That organizer happened to express that they were organizing an upcoming event and actively looking for speakers.

Our mutual friends said, “You should talk to Harbir.” That is what it came down to. I believe other things were happening in the background. I do not know how many people think about things that way about the universe and how energies work but clearly, something happened along the way that made that conversation happen. The organizer got in touch with me.

Initially, the talk was supposed to happen in 2020 and then COVID shut everything down. At that time, they said, “What would you talk about?” I spat out all these ideas of, “I love philosophy and stoicism. I could talk about the mindset and all these things and then my podcast. I have learned about these things.” They are like, “Many people talk about mindset in TED Talks. What are you bringing as an optometrist? That is what we are interested in.”

I showed them some YouTube videos that I had made. I call it Chiasma. A chiasm is a place where the two nerves come together at this junction. For me, it was this theory of bringing optometry or eye care and philosophy together. I am big into philosophy. I do these short one-and-a-half-minute segments. It is like a Jay Shetty talk, bringing in philosophy and then how that relates to our eyes, how powerful our eyes are and how much of our brain is taken up by our vision and the visual system.

I made 5 or 6 of these videos. I showed them and they said, “We want you to do this on stage because this is different. It is poetic and philosophical but you are talking about eyes. There are a very few TEDx speakers who have spoken about eyes.” That is how it all came together and it became a roughly ten-minute talk. I would love for everybody to go and check it out. There are things I could have done a little better but I am happy with the way it turned out. The message is conveyed fairly clearly that our eyes and eye health are very important. We should make it a priority in our lives.

In private practice, we get caught up in getting through the day sometimes. You’re like, “Here we are at work. This many patients are going to come in. We are going to do this and this. There is an emphasis on making money.” It was a good step out to get that 10,000-foot view on, “This is important to life, health and sight.” It was a good perspective. I would recommend everybody to check out that TED Talk video. You have done other cool appearances too. On your LinkedIn, you have got links. You are the go-to expert on TV when they are looking for someone to talk about eye stuff. Did you actively seek those out or did that manifest itself as well?

I was a bit more active in pursuing that one. I tend to deliberately put myself into uncomfortable situations so I can grow and get better at them. My family would laugh at me for saying this but I was not the most comfortable in public speaking. They know that now I am okay with it but in the past years I would say, “I would like to be comfortable with that. I want to be that guy on the stage. How would I do it?”

Trust is what brings people in. 

The only way to do it, in my mind, was to get on stage somehow and look for those opportunities. The same went for these TV appearances. I saw people on TV and thought that would be cool. I aligned not just simply to be on TV but with my goal of becoming that advocate and ambassador to be out there to want to share the important messages.

One of the key things I share with everyone or young ODs who are trying to build themselves up in the profession and build a presence is to be involved with their association, provincial, state or whatever local association. It is called BC Doctors of Optometry. It is our association. From day one, when I graduated and became an optometrist, I was a member and then got involved on committees. They started sending out emails like, “We have this opportunity. Is there anybody who would like to go on the radio or TV?” I would instantly respond as soon as I saw it and be like, “Yes.” They realized that I was interested and then comfortable enough doing it so they started to reach out to me.

We have a small group. There is a handful of us in BC that when our association needs someone in a certain region, they will reach out to us. It is cool to be that key person. It was something that feels right to me to reach out to express or advocate and be an ambassador for the profession as a whole. Being involved in the association is the number one thing I have put on the top of the list for any time I am talking to any OD.

If you are wondering how you could be out there more, that is the best thing to do. Many opportunities have come to me as an optometrist as far as public speaking because I have known someone through our association who needed something and they reached out to me for it. I would highly encourage people to do that.

These things are out there enough that have turned around and helped your practice. You started with this vision, “Maybe someday patients will want to see me because I do this,” but it was not the primary driver and it sounds like it has never been for you but how has it affected your practice that you are being this person and advocate?

It has impacted the practice for a few years but I have not looked at it and quantified it. I was not looking for it to be that for me. People are more comfortable sharing certain things. In the past, people would say, “I found you online.” They would not say anything else. I did not probe a whole lot but then people are openly saying, “I saw you on TV or Instagram.” Instagram is a big one. “I saw this video that you did so I thought I would come to you.” It is being shared.

Almost every day I go to work, there is a patient that says something like that. It has become a more common thing and it is helping the practice but I am also a little awkward when people say that to me. I am sitting in the exam room with them and they say, “I saw you on Instagram.” I feel like I have to be that Instagram person, “Which video did you see? What was I talking about?” I am trying to bring that same energy here in the eye exam. It is helping the practice grow, especially since we are doing more specialty stuff.

TTTP 77 Dr. Harbir | Personal Brand

Personal Brand: If your leading motive is to bring value to the person on the other end, that's how you bring authenticity.

We are doing a lot with dry eyes, radio-frequency, IPL, iLux and more myopia control. When I talk about those things, I know there are going to be people who see me locally who would be more interested in learning more and come to see me in person. I know that my videos are being seen across North America. I am getting messages from ODs in Texas saying, “Tell me about your radio frequency.” Patients in Toronto are saying, “I would love to get this treatment. Where can I go?” It is broadly being shared for everybody’s education but locally, people are going to come and see us because they see that I have this technology that could benefit them.

Not only do several new patients come in to see you but the thing that happens when someone has seen you speak and has come in because of that is they are coming in with a level of trust that you have to work for with somebody who truly saw you online and picked your name off a list. The patients who are coming in are primed and ready for what you are presenting because they have already heard it and liked it.

In my podcast, I am doing a series on marketing. I have a few guests coming on who specialize in personal branding or online digital marketing. That is one of the key messages that they are sharing in this series. Video is the number one way to get out online to share your personality. When potential customers or patients see these videos, they can learn your personality and build that trust with you before they have ever come in and seen you in person. That is where being online and building your brand is so important. I did a COPE-approved lecture at the beginning of 2019. The concept of personal branding was still new to a lot of people.

I did this lecture and was surprised at how many people showed up. It was personal branding and online marketing. At the end of the lecture, an older OD put his hand up and asked, “Why are you doing this lecture? What is the purpose?” Either my whole presentation fell flat or I am ahead of the curve and these guys do not know why this is important yet but I hope most people know why it is important.

I was trying to show that if you get out there, you can build this trust. Trust is what brings people in. Building trust is so hard. If you can do that before someone even sets foot in your office, that is a huge win. That is why I keep encouraging ODs to get out there. Start to do this type of thing, get on video and share.

I have heard a couple of good solid pieces of advice here. The things that I am taking are one, do it for the right reasons. Do it because you want to and you have something that you want to contribute, not going in with the intent to monetize it or, “I am going to do this to get patients.” Do it because you have something nagging you that you want to put out there. The second is, do not let perfect be the enemy of the good. If you have something, do it. It does not have to be the perfect setup. You can start and improve from there. Do things that make you uncomfortable. That is a big one.

I am hearing that personally. Video is important and I am dragging gills to the ground like, “It cannot get you there.” Also, a bit of, “Just do it.” The young ODs are coming into this profession having heard podcasts, followed ODs on Instagram and have favorites they watch on TikTok. They are coming into this thinking, “How can I be that?” Any other advice to give?

You have to think of yourself as not just the person putting out content but as the audience as well. 

In that lecture and in general, I share the three pillars of personal branding. It goes for online and offline but we are talking mainly online. Number one is to bring value. If your leading motive is to bring value to the person on the other end, that is how you bring authenticity. Value goes in a few different ways. In my opinion, education is the easiest way to bring value because we are all experts and professionals. We can talk about an eye drop, a technology that we offer or something in the eye. We can educate the public. We might think that it is mundane information but there are a lot of people out there who do not know this information.

The other ways you can bring value are comedy, humor and telling passionate stories, however you can integrate those things. The Singing Dentist does these funny songs where he makes up his words to a song and they have nothing to do with dentistry. He is so popular on YouTube. If you have a hobby or something that you are good at, that can be the value that you bring. Number one is value.

Number two is engagement. When you are online, actively engage with people. Let’s say you put up a post and someone comments, “That was funny.” You respond to that. That is the simplest way to engage. “Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed it.” It is like a Google review, make sure you respond and engage when you get a Google review. The other way to engage is to actively go out there and find people to engage with.

You have to think of yourself as not just the person putting out content but as the audience as well. Go find people who are relevant to you in the community you would like to be part of. Go comment on their stuff. Go reach out to people. In-person, that would be like going to an event and networking with people. If you are going somewhere, you are going to shake hands. “What do you do? That is interesting. I would like to learn more about it.” That is essentially doing that online. If you use hashtags, you can search #Optometry or #EyeCare and comment on relevant posts.

The last one is consistency, which means two different things. It means posting regularly but people get too caught up in that. The second type of consistency is posting on different platforms where you have the same voice. Instagram is my primary outlet but I post on LinkedIn, Facebook and other channels. TikTok, not so much but I will post the same video or post on all channels. Different people will see it but they will all hear the same voice. Consistency is important.

On that note about getting comfortable, at the end of 2018, I decided I was going to make a dedicated effort to become more comfortable online. I told my wife, “You are going to see me on Instagram way more. Do not make fun of me. Let me figure this thing out.” I decided that for 30 days, I am going to go on Instagram and do a story. On Instagram stories, they only last for 24 hours and then they are gone.

I felt like, “Good. It is not permanent. Even if I say something silly, it will not be there forever.” You can always take it down or edit it. I thought, “I am going to do 30 days of stories. This will help me be consistent and comfortable.” It was always a video. I am holding the phone, looking at it and talking about something educational or informational thing. It ended up running for over 100 days straight. My second daughter was born and then that day or the next day, I had to stop because I had other priorities.

What you see is a result of getting comfortable. I would highly encourage that if somebody is looking to get out there, start like that. Those videos are maybe 1 minute or 30 seconds. Get comfortable with looking at the camera, saying stuff to people and educating. Eventually, you can pick up your phone in public and be like, “I am here. Look what I am doing.” That was uncomfortable for me for a long time. It still is a little bit but that consistency of doing it regularly is what is going to help you get better.

It does not take long. Many people say, “I do not have the time.” If you go sit in a room somewhere, open your phone and talk to the camera, “I wanted to tell you about near-sightedness, which means you cannot see far away.” End of conversation. That is all you need to do for 30 days. You will slowly start to build the other things on top of that.

That is a good way to get started. It’s super interesting to learn about you and hear your story. This is terrific. Harbir, thank you so much for taking the time and giving time to me and my readers. Everybody out there, thank you for reading.


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Episode 57 - Omega-3 Almighty with Dr. Kimberly Friedman, VP of Physician Recommended Nutraceuticals

TTTP 57 | Omega-3

Dry eye afflicts a third of older people, and one in ten of younger patients. To combat this condition, physicians have used a multitude of treatments, including nutraceuticals such as Omega-3. In this episode, Harbir Sian interviews Dr. Kimberly Friedman as she shares some eye-opening findings about the power of Omega-3 for our ocular systemic health. Dr. Friedman is one of the founders of Moorestown Eye Associates and the VP of Physician Recommended Nutraceuticals (PRN). She shares step by step discussion points for patient interactions and how to know which omega is right for you and your patients. Tune in for more expert insights from Dr. Friedman today.

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Omega-3 Almighty With Dr. Kimberly Friedman, VP of Physician Recommended Nutraceuticals

I'm grateful to be here with an incredible guest, Dr. Kimberly Friedman. You've heard me talk about dry eye. I'm trying to build my dry eye practice and trying to integrate different things. Dr. Friedman truly is an expert in the field. She is one of the founders of Moorestown Eye Associates and the Director of the dry eye clinic at Moorestown. Her resume is incredibly long with many achievements. I'm going to list a few, and then I'm going to let her talk a little bit herself about who she is and what she does.

She's a Diplomate of the American Board of Optometry. She's a fellow of the American Academy of Optometry. She has been on many TV shows to talk about dry eyes and eye health, including the Rachael Ray Show. I'm sure lots of us know what that is. She spends a lot of her time educating, speaking, lecturing around North America. In fact, I was fortunate to attend a lecture here in Vancouver but also in Las Vegas, hearing her speak and having the chance to speak with her personally. I'm excited to introduce Dr. Friedman. Thank you, Dr. Friedman, for being here on the show to share all of your amazing insights.

Thank you so much. That's quite an introduction. I'm very excited to be here with you. I’ve got to say I did not know as much about optometry in Canada as I learned when I was up there in Vancouver with you. I am amazed by all the great things that you've got going on there and your show, business, how you're growing and thriving in this dry ice space as well. It's exciting. Kudos to you as well, thank you.

One thing I want to start with is I'd like you to tell us a little bit more about yourself but specifically, one thing I know you've said in the few times I'd met you is that you're a self-proclaimed nerd. I'd love to know from your perspective what makes you a nerd and how has that benefited you up until now?

I was one of those academic students. I graduated from, at the time, PCO now, part of Salus University in Pennsylvania. A long time ago, I was there in the ‘80s and early ‘90s. That academic background led me through the years to where I am now and where ever I will be tomorrow or the next day. That tendency to always strive to learn led me to what has been the hallmark of my career, which is a constant reinventing of oneself. If you're doing the same thing over and over again, year after year, it does get a little stale. It was exciting for me to do, which is better 1 or 2, maybe for the first 5 years of my practice but after that, I needed to do a little bit more.

The fact that I am a bit of a nerd and I do read a lot, I do look at the studies and I'm always trying to evolve and improve led me to different emphasis during my career. When I first got out, I was doing a lot more pediatrics at that time. As I got older and my patients got older, I developed Sjogren's personally. I started to have dry eye issues and I want to learn more about that. That led to my diving into a specialty clinic on dry eye.

My use of dry eye products and learning more about them in different treatment modalities led to where I am now as a Vice-President of Physician Recommended Nutriceuticals because I was using nutriceuticals as part of my practice. The nerd in me has served me well. It is allowed me to reinvent and reinvigorate myself in this wonderful career because we don't have to take a one size fits all approach in optometry and being a nerd has helped.

I am also a self-proclaimed nerd and I've leaned into that more as I've gotten older. I realized the benefit of being a nerd and, of course, there's this negative connotation around it but being that person who is so driven by learning, absorbing information, and then you have to apply it, which you've done. Let's talk a bit about dry eye practice. I'd love for you to share maybe more from a beginner's perspective. What if somebody was in the early stages and they want to build a dry practice, A) Is there value in it? I know that's a rhetorical question. B) What are the early steps? Not going too deep into too many devices and equipment, but what would you recommend a place to start?

I say to doctors when I'm talking to them about dry eye all the time, “The only thing you need is a slit lamp and your ears, that's it.” I have a lot fancier equipment than that at this point but I didn't start with that. The patients will tell you if you listen, and if you ask the right questions, you can discern what's going on with our patients. What's that rule of thumb like 80% to 90% of the time you already know what the diagnosis is by the time you've done the history, and that's not that different with dry eye disease. Paying attention, asking the right questions, and taking a look at the slit lamp, anterior segment, Meibum, see what's going on. That is 99% of the battle.

You can get a lot of fancy equipment that can help with patient compliance, the bottom line of the practice, treatment modalities, and such but the reality is to get started, you need a slit lamp and your brain, and that's about it. In terms of how I started and how many people started, we do go back to that nerd thing. You do have to go back and learn. You're going to want to read as much as you can read. You're going to want to attend a few beginners dry eye lectures. It's ironic because I grew up in the ‘60s and ‘70s. Before I became President, my job or my role with the NJSOP was that I was in charge of developing their continuing education classes.

Ironically enough, this would have been roughly in the ‘90s or so, the big thing then was, “Not another dry eye class.” At that time, we didn't have the scope of practice that we have now. There wasn't as much with therapeutics, narcotics, advanced lasers, and things that we can go and attend these intense, robust continuing education classes. Back then, it was like, “The only thing they're going to talk about is dry eye and red eyes.”

90% of the time, you already know what the diagnosis is by the time you've done the history. It's not that different with dry eye disease.

It was considered superficial fluff that they would give to the optometrist because they couldn't give us anything with any meat to it. Now come full circle all these years later, we realized that dry eyes are a heck of a lot more than here's your boatload of artificial tears. Try them all and figure out which one works for you.

Now, there are dry eye classes that are terrific, intense, scientific, and will feed the nerd in you as well as allow you to develop means that would be very successful for your practice. I'll give a shout-out to one in particular but there are plenty. Arthur Epstein does a series that is good, where it's like a four-part series that he does through the year quarterly. It's a webinar. You get continuing education classes, credit for it as well.

It's a nice one because he starts with the basics like, “This is what you might need to do. This is how I set up the protocol in my office.” He goes a little deeper, into equipment, and then those strange outlier cases that are particularly tough but it's a nice building philosophy and I know that there are other ones like that as well. There's a Dry Eye University and a bunch of them like that. I will say I didn't do that. The way I did was a lot of self-learning and reading but there are some great classes out there that can get you started if you don't have the motivation or the wherewithal to do it on your own, those classes are good.

We're fortunate now to have many resources online but quality resource like Dr. Epstein is one of the more well-known names, but the Dry Eye University is great stuff too. I know they spend some time talking about the business of it too, not just the clinical, which is important. When we’re doing this, we want to help our patients.

We want to improve the results clinically but we need to be able to support that side of the business by making some money from it too. You've already touched on it. I apologize. I forgot to mention it in my intro, which is that you're the Vice President of a Physician Recommended Nutriceuticals PRN, which I'm sure many of our colleagues have heard of.

In particular, the talks that I had attended of yours were more related to Omega-3 and its benefits. Before your talks, I knew Omega-3 was important. I was telling my patients, “You’ve got to look for the EPA, the DHA.” After your talk, I've completely changed. My office manager even came up to me. He's like, “We're selling a lot more Omega-3.”

It's a little bit different from the way I talk to my patients. Thank you for that, Dr. Friedman. We're going to see our patients are noticing a lot of benefits in the near future but let's dig into that. If you can, maybe on a broad level, what's the benefit of Omega-3 systemically and then for eye health, and then we'll go a little deeper.

What happened was going off what we were previously talking about when I started the dry eye clinic, one of the things that I started to realize was when I looked at the data. The data relative to Omega-3 fatty acids is even a little more robust than the data that is present on certain drugs that we have available to us. As with anything, we learn as we go, we make our mistakes and adjust. When I started working in the dry eye space, truthfully, what I would do is I would often use Restasis at the time. It was before the Xiidra and Cequa.

Bring them back in three months and if they were not feeling better, I would add the Omegas. What I learned in time was that I was probably doing it backward and I probably should have used Omegas as the foundation, as an inside-out treatment first, in order to address the inflammation that's happening systemically and thereby being reflected in the eye as well, and then I would add on the topical. I flipped my protocol.

When I did that, I started noticing not only whereas I have seen better results behind the slit lamp but I was also getting happier patients back. Overall, what Omega-3 fatty acids do in the body in the right form is reduce inflammation, which we now know is the hallmark of dry eye disease. Omega-3 fatty acids, in a broad sense, come in different forms but the form that works for the eye is the EPA and DHA form, which is the Marine, fish, shellfish or algae-based Omega-3 fatty acids.

TTTP 57 | Omega-3

Omega-3: If you're doing the same thing over and over again, year after year after year, it does get a little stale.

Unfortunately, the plant-based Omega-3 doesn't have an effect on the ocular surface and systemically in the anti-inflammatory way that we once thought they did. That would be the ALA like the flaxseed oil stuff. We want to avoid those but in the space of EPA and DHA, and we can get deeper into it if you want to but that will have an anti-inflammatory effect in the body, which is beyond the eye.

When I'm talking to patients about this, I'll say, “We're going to start treating this with a systemic inside out approach to dry eye, which is not going only to benefit the eye but it's also going to have benefits for your overall health, whether it be joint inflammation, the cardiovascular risk for issues there and skin health.” The benefits of Omega-3 throughout the body are incredible and we're not getting enough in our diet but I will say, “For our purposes, I'm doing this for your ocular health. You're going to start taking this product. I'll see you in three months. We'll reevaluate where you are, and then decide if we need to go on.”

When I present it that way, the patients are usually thankful that I'm going with something that has a 90% reduced risk of sudden cardiac death. That's a nice thing. The fact that I'm making them feel better in their eyes are great but the fact that I'm reducing their cardiac risk as well, and other things, is a good thing. Overall, the patients are happier because they know that they're getting a more natural systemic benefit as well as an ocular benefit. Honestly, in terms of tear osmolarity, MMP-9, and all those lovely little numbers that I measure in my office, they get better as well.

The different indicators that we are looking for, Omega-3 improves more of them than some other prescription medications that we often will prescribe to our patients.

The Omega-3 fatty acids in the right form and dose at all are not drugs. The nutriceutical industry, not just PRN where I work but the nutriceutical industry in general, is an industry and a business. When you know that you have Omega-3 fatty acids that can have a reproducible dose indicated a benefit to our patients and a company wants to come out with those, they have two choices, “Am I going to go the drug route or am I going to go the nutraceutical route?” If I go the drug route, the average cost from inception to out in the market for a drug based on a Tufts University study is $2.7 billion.

It is incredibly expensive to get through the trials, the FDA process, the regulatory process, let alone then go and get it on the formularies and get it so the prescription drug plans will pay for it without a high copay or deductible and then do the coupon game. We all know it. We deal with it every day. The prior authorization game, all that. That game's expensive, $2.7 billion for one little drug to get out there in the market.

We know Omega-3 fatty acids play a role in anti-inflammatory in the entire body. If I decide to go a pharmaceutical route, the way the Vascepa, Lovaza those drugs did, I'm looking at a $2 billion price tag to get there. The other way to do it is with a nutriceutical company, certainly a price tag to get there but it's not in the billions.

If you do it with a nutriceutical approach, the countries are different. In Canada, you can make different claims than you can in The United States. In Canada, you have to prove efficacy in order to get it there. In the United States, you have to put a disclaimer that says, “This product has not been indicated for the treatment cure or prevention of the disease.”

It's interesting how the different states and different countries deal with nutriceuticals but a nutriceutical is not necessarily less effective than a drug. It was a different business decision on how to get it to market. You do have to have a nutriceutical company that is using good practices, that is willing to submit their product for lab analysis and show a certificate of analysis and things like that. All nutriceutical companies are not created equal but with a good quality nutriceutical company, PRN is not the only one. They are producing products that could make an impact on our patients, just as a drug does but as a different approach.

Finally, I would like to add, going back to nerd again, look at the studies Restasis, hit the endpoint of Schirmer's. Xiidra hit the endpoint of corneal staining and a dry eye questionnaire that they had developed. Cequa hits the endpoints of Schirmer's, staining, dry eye questionnaire, and their stainings were conjunctival as well as corneal. If we look at an Omega-3 fatty acid in an EPA and DHA form in the right form dose ratio, that hits the endpoints of MMP-9, tear osmolarity, corneal staining was improved by over 50% as well. The OSDI was improved by over seventeen points. The blood index level.

Omega-3 fatty acids in the body in the right form reduce inflammation, which we now know is the hallmark of dry eye disease.

All of the objective and subjective markers that we utilize for dry eye have been shown to be met with roughly 2 grams, 3 to 1 EPA to DHA, re-esterified triglyceride form Omega-3 in a blind randomized multi-center placebo-controlled study. Comparing study to study, there is a heck of a lot more endpoints there in the Omega-3 box than there are in some of these topical boxes that we use.

When I first heard you say that, I was blown away because I knew Omega-3 was valuable and how to place it in my dry eye treatment protocol but I didn't realize that it was hitting all of those endpoints. Maybe more so I didn't realize those other drugs were only getting 1, 2, maybe 3 because they don't tell you. We didn't hit these other endpoints. They zone in on a dial-in on the one that they did. It's important to know that this nutriceutical that can have these other systemic benefits to our health, as well as improving dry eye symptoms and signs, can help this much compared to the medications.

The next thing I wanted to ask you was something you already touched on, the form, the dosage and the ratio. A lot of my patients that I'm talking to, I'll say, “You got to be on good quality and taking Omega-3 daily, which we don't get enough.” Most patients say, “Don't worry. I have already taken one.” I'm going to let you talk, and then I'm going to give you my side of the story but if you can tell me about the difference and not all Omegas are made equal, what are we looking for in a good quality product?

I am the Vice-President of PRN, I'm biased but when I'm doing an interview and things like this, I want to play real with you. I want to not be an infomercial here. I want you to have the information that you can have to make an impact in your practice and in your patient’s bottom line in terms of their health. What it comes down to is regardless of what product you use, form, dose and ratio.

Form, we need it to be in re-esterified triglyceride form. In Canada, I'm pleased to say that most of what is sold in Canada is in the re-esterified triglyceride form. Canada has a big headstart than in the United States on this. In the United States, not so much. Most of what's out there are in ethyl ester form. To cut to the chase of the two forms, if you were to get an Omega-3 fatty acid from fish, it would be in a triglyceride form. That is the form that our body can absorb, identify and get all the benefits of Omega-3s.

When we make a non-Omega-3 supplement, we have to clean the oil that is harvested from fish because, unfortunately, we put PCVs, heavy metals and all the lovely stuff in our oceans. In the process of cleaning the Omega-3 from the fish, it biochemically converts them into an ethyl ester. Most of the companies in the United States and the two pharmaceuticals that I talked about earlier as well take that ethyl ester form, put it in a capsule and put it out there in the market.

The problem is that it's not that absorbable in the GI system. Only about 1/4 to 1/3 of it gets absorbed. The rest of it sits in your stomach, gives you fish burps and indigestion. If you've ever had a patient tell you they were tasting it all day, it was disgusting and they won't take that again, it's because they were on an ethyl ester.

The only way you can get a form like that to work is to megadose it. You got to give them 4,000 to get 1,000 in, 8,000 to get 2,000 in, roughly depending. Any of these Omega things that I talk about if you take it on a full stomach, it does absorb a little better than an empty stomach and that's true if it's ethyl ester or triglyceride.

The ethyl ester is not going to be bioavailable enough to make an impact on the ocular surface. The first thing we remember is the form has to be re-esterified triglyceride. That's the same form that is found in nature, only cleaned, and then reconverted back into a triglyceride form. It's as close as you can get to nature in a clean form. Canada's good with that. In the United States, not so much.

We look at a dose, you have to look back again at the studies. There are studies that have shown that Omega-3 doesn't work. There are studies that show that Omega-3s work like the best thing since sliced bread. That's why Omega-3s can be a little confusing in our profession because there are inconsistent results in some of the studies. If you read the studies, you'll see that there are no inconsistent results at all. The studies that show it doesn't work are generally doing 1,000 milligrams of ethyl ester, and then 1,000 milligrams of ethyl ester won't work every day of the week.

TTTP 57 | Omega-3

Omega-3: Overall, the patients are happier because they know that they're getting a more natural systemic benefit as well as an ocular benefit.

The studies that show that it does work are generally doing 2,000 milligrams or more of re-esterified triglyceride. The data that I was pointing to was a study that was published in Cornea in 2016, which to this day is still considered one of the best blind randomized placebo-controlled studies in the dry eye on Omegas and it did hit all those endpoints.

That study was roughly 2,200 milligrams of a re-esterified triglyceride. We know roughly 2,000 is what will work. The last part is the ratio. What that study showed is that the EPA to DHA amount was critical to getting these results. What does that mean? Omega-3 supplements come in ALA, EPA and DHA, largely. ALA does not work. There are studies that indicate that it becomes pro-inflammatory in the body and has a 49% increased risk of macular degeneration.

If you have a patient who's taking a flaxseed oil-based substance or if you're taking it, please stop. We now know that ALA is not a good source of Omega-3 and, in fact, increases the inflammatory burden in the body. EPA and DHA are what we're looking for. If it's anti-inflammatory intent, which is what we're using for dry eye, we want more EPA. It is more anti-inflammatory.

If it is brain health or retinal health intent, we would like a little more DHA. It resides in the cell membranes in the brain and the central nervous system like the retina and EPA in more of the peripheral nervous system and the peripheral body. Upshot all is form, dose and ratio matter. The form needs to be re-esterified triglyceride.

The dose needs to be above 2,000 milligrams, and the ratio needs to be EPA to DHA, and what we use at PRN is a 3 to 1 product. It's the one that's been clinically proven three times as much EPA as DHA for dry eye. Form, dose, ratio, that's pretty much what you can remember. In America, we say FDR because FDR was a President everybody knows.

It's interesting you say that in Canada, we're doing a little better on that as far as the form because if it doesn't say triglyceride on the bottle, are we going to safely assume it's not triglyceride form, it's ethyl ester?

Most likely. When it is a triglyceride form, the manufacturers usually want to tell that. They usually want to sync it from the rafters or whatever because it costs more to produce a triglyceride. It has to go through the normal process that everybody else does but then there's an additional process on top to reconvert it back into a triglyceride.

When you look at two Omega-3 sitting on the store shelf in America, one of them might be $17.99 and the other one might be $39.99, it's like, “What are you going to buy if you're the consumer?” There's a significant price difference between them. Usually, the manufacturers will want to put triglyceride on the label to highlight to the informed consumer that this is not the same thing. That's in the jug official at Costco for $1.99. It'll usually be on the label.

One of the other ways you can tell if it's not on the label is in an ethyl ester form. The poor quality form is usually going to have an enteric coating around it to try to prevent the fish burps or it's going to have a D-Alpha Tocopherol preservative in it to prevent it from going rancid. There are a few other cues that you can take from it but usually, if it's going to be a triglyceride, they're going to tell you.

That Tocopherol, is that vitamin E?

Yes, it gets a little confusing sometimes. Almost all Omega-3s are going to have vitamin E in them in some form. All Omega-3s aren’t equal, and all vitamin Es aren’t equal, either. The full natural form of vitamin E is a sub-components of two tocopherols and tocotrienol combined together. That combination of mixed Tocopherols and mixed Tocotrienol is the nutritionally sound beneficial of vitamin E. Most of your Omega-3 products are going to have some form of vitamin E in it because vitamin E does act a little bit as a preservative. It can help maintain stability.

The reality is that the proof is in the clinical studies and the patients.

What some companies do, going to a cheaper route, is they don't use the full form of vitamin E. They use a synthetic form. One part is called D-Alpha Tocopherol. I've seen it written as Alpha-Tocopherol or DL-Alpha-Tocopherol, it can be written in different ways but it's usually the Alpha-Tocopherol one. That is 1 of 8 sub-parts of a full vitamin E. If you are seeing only that 1 of 8 sub-parts that D-Alpha-Tocopherol, that is a good clue that its ethyl ester.

That is also a good clue that the product may have with it a bleeding risk because you always hear about how they say, “Go off your Omegas before you have surgery. If you're on Plavix, Warfarin, Coumadin or if you're on a blood thinner, you can't be on an Omega-3.” That's not true. Nobody says, don't eat salmon because you're on Plavix. You can eat Omega-3s when you are on a blood thinner or when you have surgery.

What you can't do is take an Omega-3 supplement that is D-Alpha-Tocopherol because it is a blood thinner. It's the preservative. That’s the problem, not the actual Omega-3. It gets a little convoluted but if you turn the bottle over and take a look at what it says on the back, it'll tell you what vitamin E is in there. If it's a full form, vitamin E, you're fine. I pulled a bottle here and it said, “Natural mixed Tocopherols.” That means that it has that full mixture of food-based vitamin E. That's fine, no problem but when you see that D-Alpha-Tocopherol, that’s the synthetic one part thing that has the bleeding risk and you have to be more careful with that.

I know that there are at least a few other people out there who like that stuff because I get people telling me, “I didn't know that tiny little detail.” That's what Dr. Friedman's all about. Since hearing you speak and speaking to you personally, I've been more aware of this. I've been looking at the bottles I have at home.

Every time I pop into a drug store or wherever I'm flipping. There's a store here called London Drugs, which is like Walgreens. I turned over every bottle of Omega-3 and none of them said triglyceride. I was like, “Is there something else I'm missing or all of them are ethyl ester?” They were all at different prices and concentrates. Some were bad as far as the concentration, the ratios and whatnot.

I tell my patients, I'm like, “I get it. You've been taking Omega-3. I've been taking Omega-3 for years but now I realize that the one that I was taking was not the best.” A little while back, I switched anyways but now I'm more conscious of it. I'll tell patients like, “We sell this one here, whether you buy this one or not, next time you buy an Omega, look for this word. If you don't see that word, don't buy it.” It’s because they see me being as transparent as I can about it, they're more likely to buy it from me because they don't want to go through the effort of sifting through all the bottles. They end up buying from us and knowing that we have that better quality product.

I hate to use the cliché that you get what you pay for, I'll say in this particular instance, you do. There is a difference in quality. They're not all the same. If you have an asymptomatic patient, one of the things you can say is, “If you were taking the right Omega-3, you would not be as symptomatic as you are now or if it was working for you, I would not be seeing Meibum, Meibography or the dry eye look like this.”

Sometimes, depending on the study, it takes somewhere between 2 and 3 months to get a clinical effect from an Omega-3 fatty acid approach. Sometimes I'll even like, “Humor me, give me three months, take the good stuff for three months. Let's see what happens if you don't see a difference, I'm not going to argue with you anymore.” They always see a difference.

If I can get them to switch for three months, I know that they will experience the difference and be okay. We are skeptical by nature. There is a bigger price tag associated with the better Omega-3s. If the doctor is selling it in their office, people will naturally get a little bit more skeptical. The reality is that the proof is in the clinical studies and in the patients when they come back to your office. Doctors don't have any trouble talking to the patients about why a daily contact lens is better than a monthly, a yearly contact lens or why an anti-glare coating from company X is better than the cheapy $15 one that they get it online.

We don't have a problem saying that. Why do we have a problem explaining that nutriceutical A from Costco is not going to make a difference but nutriceutical B in a good quality form, dose and ratio will make a difference? We have to stop getting in our way. We don't have a problem prescribing TobraDex. Why do we have a problem prescribing an Omega-3 when it works as well and it's got as much clinical data?

Omega-3: Not all nutraceutical companies are created equal.

We do tend to get in our way when it comes to that. I was guilty of this for so long, too. A patient doesn't want to pay that much and you're afraid of bringing it up with them. Give them the information, knowledge, and then let them make the decision after that. On the note of prescribing, something that we started doing is I have these little prescription pad things that say on them, hot compress, artificial tears and Omega-3. I'll fill in the blanks with what brand or product specifically. I'll tear it off the little pad and hand it to the patient. I feel like that has a little bit of an effect on them psychologically of like, “This is something I need to do as a prescription,” and that’s been helpful to us.

In my office, I have this GI folder and it has a checkoff sheet at the beginning where it's like, “We're going to do this.” I also like it because they can see that there are other things. I may have given them, in your case, the checkoff pad. Maybe you gave them 2 or 3 checkoffs on that pad but there are 3 or 4 other things listed there that you did not check off for them.

Psychologically what that does is that they know that, “If I'm not feeling better in 3 months or 6 months, I don't need to go doctor shop and find another doctor. I sold this thing that he gave me and he wasn't giving me the full paraphernalia yet. There are more things we could do if I'm still having a problem. I'm going to go back and talk to him a little bit more.” It shows them that there's plenty we can do. We're going to start simple and then we'll build up if we have to but I'm not going to throw the kitchen sink at you if you don't need it yet.

I didn't think about that but that makes sense because we have a bunch of other stuff listed on there and I'm rarely ever checking all of this stuff off.

Reinforcing to them that, “This is our starting point. This is going to work on you.” There was a study that was done with a particular doctor out of Wills Eye. In his case, 70% of dry eye patients with the Omega-3 approach were asymptomatic after, in his case, it was an eight-week study. I have hard patients, though a lot of them have rheumatology conditions, co-morbidities and stuff.

I would say half of them are okay on the Omega-3 and an occasional artificial tear approach or the Omega-3 with maybe a breakthrough Lotemax here in there on a bad flare-up in a week or something. A lot of my patients are controlled well with the nutraceutical approach with some little bit of stuff with it but the other half are not.

I certainly am writing my share of Restasis, Xiidra and Cequa. I'm on Restasis personally, so I'm not anti these drugs at all. They work great. When the patient sees like, “This is where we're going to start,” I even say to them, “There are tons of things we can do with this to make you feel better and it took you many years to get to this point. It's going to take me a few months to figure out what the right cocktail is for you.”

“We're going to start simply because if I throw everything at you off the top. It's going to cost you a lot of money, rigmarole and maintenance. Maybe you only needed one thing. We're going to start with this. I'm going to see you back in three months. We'll see how you are.” If you're like the study, 70% of patients, were done but if you're like the 30 percenters, we're going to need to do more. Let's see where you are and then we'll go from there.

That's remarkable, even if it's 50%. That Omega-3 fixes that half of the people that are walking in the door is crazy. My staff was noticing that we were going through the Omega-3 a lot faster than we were. I'm hoping to see those people back and hoping to hear a lot of positive things. You alluded earlier that you spend less time clinically.

Now you do a lot of stuff outside of the clinic, whether it's speaking or PRN. For any young ODs or any ODs out there who may be looking for opportunities outside of the clinic and I feel like I hear that conversation is a lot more. There's a bit more of this entrepreneurial spirit floating around. I'd love if you could share any pointers, tips or whatever for somebody looking to do those types of things.

You have to learn to say yes to some of the opportunities that present themselves because you don't know where they will end up.

I don't remember those conversations taking place like in the early ‘90s when I got out of school. You were going to practice as an optometrist with patients and that other aspect I didn't hear as much about. Now certainly, that is a big part of what a lot of us as optometrists do as well. Patient care is critically important and we all love that. That's why we got into this but it doesn't mean that we can't have an entrepreneurial spirit and look into other aspects.

It comes down to a lot of the same old stuff that is true at any stage of life. It's a lot of networking. It's a lot of getting out there and getting to know people, attending the conferences, stopping by the boosts, introducing yourself, making sure that the products that you personally use regularly in your office, you're the best person to speak about those products. That's how I got involved with PRN.

I honestly did not set out to be doing what I'm doing now. I was fairly content to write out my life as the Co-Owner of a four-doctor optometric practice. I run the dry eye clinic. The office does well financially. I was happy and what happened is, in my case, the corporate world came calling to me. They came to me and they said, “You're going through a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids, more so than your colleagues are at a greater rate. What are you doing? What are you saying? Why is it successful in your office?” I honestly started with them being a consultant and teaching doctors is what I was doing.

Teaching doctors like, “This is what I say, and this is what I say if the patient comes back with this. This is why I think it works.” That led to me doing more speaking engagements for them and teaching their salesforce what I was doing and saying so that they could go out and say it to the doctors. That ultimately, led to me being a Director with the company and then a Vice President of the company. It was about a four-year process from somebody who is a lowly Account Manager in my office saying, “You use this. Do you mind if I give your name to my superior? We could go somewhere with this,” and then going up the ladder that way. I am on the speaker bureau for 3 or 4 different corporate entities now.

A lot of times, it starts at the local level. It starts with the local rep coming into your office and saying to them, “I'm impressed with your product. I've been happy with this product. If there's ever an opportunity where you want somebody to give a testimonial or to speak about this product, I'd be all in. I'm comfortable with this. I like it.” I've seen some of the colleagues in my office get speaking engagements and things like that from that.

Honestly, a lot of times, it's networking, being able and willing to put yourself out there and say, “I'm interested in doing this.” I was on the board for the advisory board for Women In Optometry Magazine for a while and it was the same thing. I met somebody at a conference, we got to talking and they were like, “Would you be interested in doing this?”

It builds slowly and organically over time. It's like anything else, don't be afraid of a little self-promotion. Don't be afraid of going out there needing but if you're sitting in your room taking virtual CE classes and I know COVID was different, as things get back into in-person meetings and such, that's where the connections are going to be made.

I do think that we lost a little bit of that colleague connection and that interpersonal relationship and networking when we did have to sit behind a screen and talk all the time. As things slowly open up and as your comfort level improves, getting out there and getting to know the reps and the Regional Directors is how you can move into other areas in optometry. How do you do it? I've seen you do it. You work in a room like nobody else.

That's taken practice. I don't know if I do it better than others but getting comfortable to go around and talk to people is something that takes practice but 100% agree with everything that you said and, in fact, similar to the answer that I give a lot of people, as well as the networking side of things and getting involved with the association.

I give a lot of the credit for opportunities that come my way. I started with me being involved in our provincial association, being part of committees, attending meetings the conferences and it is a little bit of schmoozing for lack of a better term. Something that I talk a lot about or I did up until a while ago was branding as being a personal brand.

Omega-3: You can eat Omega-3 when you are on a blood thinner or when you have surgery. What you can't do is take an Omega-3 supplement.

Everybody has their own brand, whether you think about it that way or not, whether you're a doctor who sits in the office, sees your patients, goes straight home and doesn't do anything else. Whatever your patients think of you, that's your brand. If you want to be the person who's out there speaking, you have to expand your brand to be something that the industry will recognize as something that they want to present to their customers.

When you're out there talking, think about who you are and why that company or whoever might want you to speak on their behalf, one of them is you sell a lot of their product. That's one thing that's going to get their attention but perhaps you have other qualities and you have to let them be known and like you said, “Never be afraid of a little self-promotion.”

You have to let people know that you're interested. Otherwise, they'll say, “That's a nice person who sells a lot of our product but they don't seem interested in speaking. I'm going to go to the next.” I did plant a lot of those little seeds as well. I continue to when I can and say, “If there's an opportunity, let me know.” I do a lot of the same things that you mentioned.

I underestimate the value of those getting involved with the state or the provincial association. The truth is, even long before I started utilizing PRN products in my office, became a big user of them and started working with account managers, that probably is what put me on the path towards alternate careers right out of school.

One of the problems that our profession has now is that, for whatever reason, a lot of optometric organizations have trouble getting new blood in. It can sometimes be perceived as a woman. It can sometimes be perceived as the good old boys’ club and it's hard to breakthrough or if it's not even a male-female thing, just an almost an age thing where as a younger doctor, feel like you're the only one in the room that doesn't quite fit in.

You do have to be confident, strong enough to work through that, get a seat at the table and show up. The truth is your local organization, state organization, provincial organization, national organization are all volunteers. They're no different than you and the only difference is that they agreed to show up at a meeting. They agreed when somebody said to them, “Would you be willing to come and attend this committee meeting?” They said, “Yes.” Granted, you're volunteering. It takes a lot.

I can tell you that the two years that I was President of the state organization, which would be equivalent to the provincial in Canada. I took an income hit. You're traveling all over the place. You are lecturing all the time and volunteering. You're flying, in our case, to the national organization in St. Louis. It is a dedication but, in the end, you end up being able to have incredible connections, incredible network of people that you know, and you can then move into some of these entrepreneurial and they don't even have to be corporate but all kinds of different areas. It's a short-term investment in your career and the future of your career that ultimately leads to a long-term personal investment in yourself, too. To me, it's the best of both worlds.

On a similar note that you alluded to it there again in your answer but when I have a successful woman on the show, I've had lots and amazing from different industries, athletes, Olympians. I liked to have them share their path and if there have been obstacles as a woman to get to where you are. If you're able to share some of your insights, perhaps for younger ODs or other professions who are trying to build their way up.

I'm hoping that it would be different for a younger female OD graduating now than it was back in 1991 when I graduated. Honestly, in ‘91, it wasn't that bad compared to maybe the women that graduated twenty years before me. I do think that we are seeing improvement in this area, which is positive. That being said, there were plenty of times I walked in the room where it was like, “When's the doctor coming in? or, are you the nurse? Could you send the doctor?” I have had patients refuse to see me because I was female but that was a long time ago. Now, there are more patients that will refuse to see my male colleagues because they want the female. I do think at this point, it can go both ways but there were times where it would come up.

We all need to learn to tune in to that inner voice, that gut instinct, because it generally won't lead you wrong.

I was the first female President of the New Jersey Society. At the time, that was like a big deal. Now, there's been 5, 6 or 7 since me. It's not that big of a deal anymore. We've seen change there. That being said, it will still happen at times. We need to understand that when a certain demographic has dominated a profession for a long time, change comes but it takes a little time. You will still bump up against that occasional person who hasn't kept up with the time, so to speak.

I've been fortunate that I've surrounded myself with both strong men and women that have been inclusive, that have invited me to the table. On those few times, you have to think of it as feeling more sorry for that person that thinks that way because they're shutting themselves out of 50% of the great people in the profession.

That takes strength, courage, and confidence to think that way versus the other way of potentially shutting down and thinking that person has taken this opportunity away from me. That's a lot of credit to you and other women who do continue to work through that. Huge kudos to you for being the first woman President of the New Jersey Society. That's incredible. You paved the path for all the women that came after you.

I really enjoyed it. Going back to networking and things like that, the way that happened was when I was in college. I was working for the NJSOP as an intern. I’ve got to know them, and then when I got out of optometry school, I started volunteering for committees. A lot of this stuff starts a long time ago and they start in these little subtle ways that you don't realize are going to balloon into something else down the road. You have to learn to say yes to some of the opportunities that present themselves because you don't know where they're going to end up. Being willing to walk through those doors that open, that's a lot of it.

If anybody is following me on social media and show, I love philosophy, quotes and things like that. One of my absolute favorite quotes is a long one but the core of it is, “Being bold and moving forward is the key to everything because once you do that, you don't realize what all these other opportunities may present themselves and they may be acting on this one thing that's right in front of your face but once you take that step, all of a sudden, there's a bunch of stuff behind that door that you didn't even know existed.” I've had that personal experience many times. I always encourage people to do that.

The flip of it is as a woman and as a man, you also have to know when to say no because now my problem is I'm over-scheduled. You have to take the opportunities as they present themselves. I'm a yoga teacher. In my yoga world, I do believe that our gut instinct, that internal awareness that we all have, that we tend to shut off and go, “That's a crazy thought. That's a coincidence.” We all need to learn to tune in to that inner voice and inner gut instinct because it generally won't lead you wrong.

If your gut instinct is, “I would love to do this, but…” If you would love to do it, go do it. If your gut instinct is, “Something feels wrong about this,” then don't do it. Don't allow yourself to be put in a position that you're not comfortable with and allow yourself the honor that grants yourself the potential for joy and opportunities by taking them when they come and tell that inner voice to shut up if it's telling you, “You can't do it.” Listen to your gut instinct. You probably can.

The fact that you are also a yoga instructor on top of everything else you do, that's pretty cool. Dr. Friedman, we're getting closer to wrapping up here and I always ask two questions of all my guests at the end of the show. I want to close to you now. The first one is if we could hop in a time machine and head back in time to a point where it was a difficult time for you, feel free to share that moment if you'd like but more importantly, what advice would you give yourself at that time?

The first thing that popped in my head, that's the one I got to go with. I'm not going to censor it. In 2014, I had Legionnaires' disease. I was sick. I was out of work for about six months and I got to this point where I was too sick to work but I was not so sick that I was lying in bed, half unconscious and not knowing what was going on. I was bored out of my freaking mind and I was depressed. It was bad because I was sick, I couldn't do anything and I felt useless.

That's when I created my dry eye clinic because I was sitting in bed, I could not work, my brain was awake but the rest of my body was not awake. I started conceiving of everything. You would do with what you do. I created the logo and look. I figured out the scheduling protocol. What equipment I was going to buy right away. That six months break from life allowed me to decide what my next reinvention was going to be.

Omega-3: Some studies have shown that Omega-3 doesn't work, while some show that Omega-3 works like the best thing since sliced bread. They can be a little confusing because there are inconsistent results.

It allowed me to create the dry eye clinic at Moorestown Eye, which then allowed me to start to utilize products that I had not done before, then introduced me to PRN, to consulting, to my full-time job now and I love it. That was a low point in life. I was sick and scared. It ended up giving me a break from my previous normal day-to-day to create what is now a better life.

The final question that I'd like to ask you then is everything that you've accomplished to this point in your life, how much of it would you say is due to luck and how much is due to hard work?

We create our own luck. We're all given opportunities and we choose whether to take them or not take them. Sometimes, luck and happiness are not things that are necessarily granted to you by the universe. Those are things that we create internally. We can draw luck and happiness to us. Those are decisions that we make and we tend to unempower ourselves to think that these things are either granted to us or not granted to us. There's some grand wisdom out there that, “I'm going to give you luck now and I'm not going to give you luck now. I'm going to grant you happiness now or I'm not.”

Luck and happiness are something that comes from the inside out. It's something that we create for each other and ourselves. How much was luck and how much was work? I think that it was life. I don't know that it necessarily worked. It's attitude and what you believe. It's how you understand how life works. I'm getting very yoga now, forgive me. It has more to do with what you create for yourself. I don't consider that work. The answer is it's not luck. It's work but It's not really work.

I asked the question in that polar way. There's one or the other but I love when guests go off the board and give that feedback. I love the yogic philosophical angle. That resonates with me, too. Thank you for that thoughtful answer. I appreciate it. That's everything for this episode. I do have a bunch of other questions for you but we're going to have to save them for another time. Thank you for taking the time because I know you're busy. There's a couple of more questions. One is where can people find you?

If you have any questions about anything, the easiest thing to do would probably be to shoot me an email. It's KFriedman@PRNOmegaHealth.com or you can even go to PRN Omega Health and click on the Contact. It'll eventually get to me after it goes to them. That's the easiest way probably or you can even do it on my website for my office. Feel free to steal stuff from my website. Not that it's the best thing in the world but feel free to look at the dry eye clinic stuff on my website. That's MoorestownEye.com. You can click on that and that will get to me too, whatever works best.

Any final words of wisdom that you'd like to impart before we wrap up?

Thank you for your time. For those who are reading that work in optometry, you are in one of the best professions in the world. Do not let the naysayers get to you. Don't let them in. People create their happiness. Some people are happy when they're complaining. Don't worry about that. I have had such an incredible life as a result of the profession that I chose for myself.

Omega-3: As things slowly open up and as your comfort level improves, getting out there and getting to know the reps and the regional directors is how you can move into other areas in optometry.

I would choose it again any moment of the day, anytime. There are many opportunities within this profession for how you would like to practice. Enjoy and explore them all. You don't have to define yourself as one way. Get rid of a little box of the definition of who you are and take the opportunity to explore all the possibilities in optometry. It's a great place.

That means a lot coming from the Founder and the Creator of the dry eye clinic, who speaks, lectures, and is also a yoga instructor. That's your living proof, that can be done and we don't need to put ourselves in a little box. Thank you so much, Dr. Friedman. Thank you, everybody, who's reading. I'm sure there was much great value that you could take away from what Dr. Friedman shared now.

If you did find some value, please do share it, take a screenshot, throw it up on Instagram, wherever you like. Hit like, review, comment and all the good stuff. I always forget what you're supposed to do to fit anything that seems a positive thing to help the show grow. I appreciate it. Thank you all so much. I'll be back with another episode.

Important Links

About Dr. Kimberly Friedman

TTTP 57 | Omega-3

Dr. Kimberly Kester Friedman is one of the founders of Moorestown Eye Associates (est 1992) and the Director of our Dry Eye Clinic. Highlights of her resume include:

  • Diplomate of the American Board of Optometry

  • Salutatorian of her doctoral class

  • Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry

  • Multiple television appearances discussing eye care topics. Her television appearances can be seen on our YouTube channel - Moorestown Eye YouTube Channel

    • Rachael Ray Show

    • NBC 10!

    • Fox's Good Day!

    • Cn8's Your Morning

    • Comcast Newsmakers

  • Multiple print articles

    • Philadelphia Inquirer, Courier Post, Newark Star Ledger, Asbury Park Press, Burlington County Times

    • Multiple Eye Care Related Journals

  • Educates doctors, staff and patients throughout the nation and recently presented lectures at the National American Optometric Association Annual Congress.

  • New Jersey Society of Optometric Physicians' President's Award for serving as the first female president

  • "Top Docs for Kids" by NJ Family Magazine

  • "Top 40 under 40" professionals in the eye care field

  • "People's First Award" for the northeastern region of the United States awarded to a doctor who demonstrates excellence in both eye care and community service

  • The National Special Olympics Leadership Award

  • New Jersey OD of the Year Award, the Young OD of the Year Award, the Special Purpose Award, the Chairperson of the Year Award and the Communication Award

Outside of the office, Dr. Friedman is currently a clinical director for the Special Olympics Lions Club International Opening Eyes Program. Dr. Friedman also works as a part-time instructor for anatomy and physiology and is a certified yoga teacher.

Dr. Friedman currently splits her time between patient care at Moorestown Eye and teaching other eye doctors throughout the country about new products and pharmaceuticals in eye care.  She sees patients in-office Mondays and Fridays, and also offers telehealth appointments on select days.


Episode 47 - How We All Can (And Should) Be Leaders With Dr. Richard Maharaj

TTTP 47 | Becoming Leaders

One year ago, Dr. Richard Maharaj shared his thoughts on the psychological impact that COVID was having on those of us who define success through productivity. Today, we revisit that discussion of how we define success one year into the pandemic. Dr. Maharaj also gives us his thoughts on why it is so important for all of us to become leaders in our own way and how we can do it.

Connect with Dr. Richard Maharaj:

Listen to the podcast here

How We All Can (And Should) Be Leaders With Dr. Richard Maharaj

Thank you again for taking the time to join me here. Before we jump in, don't forget to hit subscribe whether you're listening on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or watching on YouTube. Leave a comment let me know what you think and at any point during this conversation or at every point during this conversation that you hear something valuable. There's going to be tons of value given to the guests that I have. Make sure you take a screenshot and post it up on Instagram and tag us both and let us know what it was that you found valuable and what you took away from the conversation.

My guest is a returning guest. It is his third appearance on the show. My mind was blown when thinking about that. He’s the first person to come back for the third time. He’s the Medical Director for eyeLABS Optometry and Center for Ocular Surface Disease near Toronto, Ontario. He is also the Cofounder of the Canadian Dry Eye Summit. He is none other than the Dry Eye Jedi himself, Dr. Richard Maharaj. Thank you so much for coming back on the show Dr. Maharaj.

Thank you very much, Harbir, for having me back. They say the third time's a charm.

If you count the first IG Live that failed, this is the fourth time.

Third on the record. Fourth in general. I'm happy to be here. Thanks for having me back. I'm excited. I’m looking forward to it.

This is the impetus. This is our anniversary episode. The first time we recorded an episode was at the beginning of the pandemic. It was the early days of the shutdown and quarantine period. You had some incredible insights to share with us. Before we go into that, I want to give you a chance to do a real quick intro for yourself in case I missed any important points there. Please let us know a little bit about what you're up to these days.

For those of you that don't know me and that didn't listen to that first episode, I practice outside of Toronto. As Dr. Sian mentioned, I'm practicing at a medical optometry clinic and my particular focus is on the ocular surface and dry eye disease. It’s what I've been known for over a decade or just there and about. A lot of the work that I do in teaching is focused on that as well. There are some changes in the courses. I've also joined an artificial intelligence company as the new Chief Scientific Officer, AI4Eyes. That's new and it's still in development, but that's probably going to set the stage for the next little while of my career. A lot of new things, a lot of old things but pretty much the same old me.

That's exciting, AI.

The cofounder is one of your colleagues out on the west coast, Dr. Henry Reis.

I was going to ask you if that was Henry's project because I know he has been working on something like that.

It’s exciting stuff.

That's the future for most industries. It’s some form of AI, AR, VR, and all sorts of versions of that type of stuff, so it’s pretty cool that you're into that. I'd love to hear more at some point in the future when you're able to share it and when there are more exciting things about that. There were some pretty amazing insights that you had shared with us on that initial IG Live that we did in April 2020.

A lot of that conversation was around what we were going through emotionally and psychologically. There's a term that you used that you had read or heard somewhere. It was The Great Pause. I definitely felt that it was that the world stood still there for a little bit but in that pause, people went a lot of different directions because of it.

If you could give us a little recap because one of the things that you were talking about was optometrists, maybe as other medical professionals, we tie our feeling of success or self-worth to productivity. If we're not at work, which we weren't at that time, it was going to cause us some grief, that was the word that you use. I wonder if you can give us a little bit of a recap and maybe bring us to now, and how you think things have come from there?

We talked and it was a wonderful conversation. At that particular time, when the shutdown happened, a lot of us, and I speak specifically to optometry, but I look at other disciplines and some of the people that I know, and I'm sure you did, as well, that stopped. That pause that we were forced to have, it's probably the first time and certainly in my life that anything like that has happened.

We're constantly on the hustle, trying to get something done and do work before workers due and get ahead of things. Our minds are constantly in motion and that pause either caused you to pivot towards pausing or towards the grief of losing our productivity. It was interesting when we did IG Live because I had asked you, “How do you define success for yourself?”

I asked you what I asked the audience and there are a bunch of different questions. A lot of people give an immediate response, “I define success as happiness and my family.” They’re virtuous answers. I'm not suggesting that they were false but they were quick answers. You took some time and you thought about it and you came back with this thoughtful question.

I hoped that a year later, we all thought about what success is and what it means. During that time, when we lost our ability to be productive, we almost lost a part of ourselves, or at least temporarily. We go through these stages of loss and grief. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross has the five stages of grief. There's denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. We went through those stages.

In Ontario, at least, we were able to reopen but modified and suddenly, we were thrust right back into productivity but it was scrambled. It was disjointed and carried its own stresses of the unknown. Throughout the course of the year, we've been dealing with this modified productivity where we've had to put up PPE and maybe you've invested more in Telemedicine. We have more of those patients coming through depending on where you are, regionally. We started to now talk about getting vaccinated.

We're now dealing with whether our staff we're going to do that. There are all these new challenges. Almost every day has been a new challenge and. I don't know what your thoughts are on this but there was a fork in the road in April 2020 where those of us who felt not defined and tied to our productivity, were somewhat free to enjoy the opportunity that pause gave us.

Perhaps, those of us that are maybe more tied closely to productivity might have spiraled a little bit more. I was talking a lot in 2020 about how it has affected our mental health. That's a big question and I don't hear it enough amongst our colleagues. Some of us are having these conversations but I'm kind of curious about how to have this conversation about mental health in optometry more.

That's definitely a conversation that needs to be had a lot more often. It's always been a difficult topic of conversation for anybody. That's something that you've probably heard of. I'm working with the Lensbox Foundation and definitely one of our mandates is to bring awareness to that topic and provide resources to our colleagues because it is so important. There's a lot of people who are going through some difficult, challenging times, regardless of COVID, they have before COVID, and of course, people during COVID.

To touch on what you were talking about that fork in the road, I envied those people whose happiness and success were not tied to productivity. I was keeping myself busy. I was doing IG Lives, webinars, and things. I was like, “It's my way of being productive.” It was much later that I realized there was a lot more going on in my mind, where I was not comfortable because of the situation and it took me many months to get comfortable. Fortunately, I worked my way through it but I can see what a lot of people probably were going through. I feel this conversation that we're having here is so important.

I'd like to take a quick second to encourage anybody who has been feeling uncomfortable or doesn't know how to vocalize the way that they've been feeling to take a second to give your friend a text, a call, or give one of us a shout. We're on Instagram. It’s easy to find us. Honestly, I'm saying it with a smile, but I'm not joking. Give us a shout. Reach out to someone to say, “What's up?” Have a little conversation. It will help you feel better.

TTTP 47 | Becoming Leaders

Becoming Leaders: When we lose our ability to be productive, we lose a part of ourselves, at least temporarily.

In your experience, what has helped people like ourselves, optometrists, maybe business owners get through this? What do you see that optometrists and business owners may have needed to do? What pivot would we need to have made in the last little while to get through this and now to continue to succeed moving out of this?

I look at my own experience. Let me set the stage and say that I'm certainly not a perfect example of a person that has been able to separate productivity from success but I'm mindful of it. That's the work. The job is constantly being reflective and mindful at the moment. As you said, as business owners, employers, optimistic physicians, what are we doing to exemplify, the right decisions, the day-by-day moments?

There are a few things, but it boils down to leadership. If I could stress this, it's not to suggest that you need to be in a typical leadership role. We are leaders in every aspect of our lives. You're a father. I'm a father. I have a business as well. I do things in my community. We all have influence over somebody, whether we want to or not. What are the key ingredients, if you will, of being an effective leader at a time like this, where there's so much change constantly being thrust at our feet? How do we hoist that opportunity to be compassionate and vulnerable?

There are these key things that are important for leadership. One is, stepping away from being the know-it-all from having all the answers to pivoting towards a sense of being more vulnerable and having questions yourself. Also, showing your staff, your team, and the people that look up to you, perhaps with people that are around you that the right leadership and moves are asking the right questions, as opposed to saying, “I know the answer.”

I'll give you a quick example. I have a team and staff that I work with. I call them my team because I feel we're all in the same water in different boats. The question as to whether or not they're going to get vaccinated comes up. We all have different feelings about this and how to implement this to our staff. I'm certainly advocating strongly for each and every one of my team members to get it but there have been a few that have been a bit hesitant. That could be because of fear because of the unknown.

Instead of admonishing them, the approach that I chose to take was, “What are the questions you have? You say you're scared. Please tell me what you are afraid of happening?” I encourage them to ask those questions. I created this environment. It's important that we try to create that environment around us where asking a question is not a negative.

In fact, it's a trait that I look for. If you come into a job interview and you don't have a question for me, unfortunately, I'm probably not going to hire you. You could probably have the best resume and you could have it knocking it out of the park, but if I don't have a question from you, if you know it all, then I got nothing to teach you.

That's one of the things. The other thing too is about exemplifying accountability. Going back to what I said about being vulnerable, and not having all the right answers. We'll talk about this vaccine. Instead of shaming them and blaming them for not getting the vaccine, it goes back to a place of empathy and accountability. As your employer and my management team, how can we understand that it's coming from a place of fear and not from a place, “They don't want to get the vaccine because they want to make our lives hard?”

That trickles down to even our patients. When our patients say, “I'm not going to get this anti-reflective coating that you've recommended for me. I'm not going to buy this bottle of drops that you want for me.” Instead of shaming and blaming them, maybe we need to do a better job at understanding, what's our role in that? In relaying that information, that diagnosis or that treatment plan, what role did we have to play? Let's learn to be empathetic.

The other last part, managing perception. As a leader, the last thing you want to do is to fool anybody into thinking that you can manage another person's perception of yourself or your office. That's a fool's errand. It becomes important to recognize that being steadfast and stoic, means being vulnerable. You're not there necessarily to be liked, you're not there to be loved. You can try to have a laugh and if they don't laugh at your jokes like most of my staff, they don’t. They are a bunch of dad jokes, it's fine. I'm there to take a swing and if I miss, I miss.

I'm there to be vulnerable but I'm not in charge of anybody's perception. I don't let that shame set in that you might feel around staff not doing what it is that you want them to do or a patient not following your instructions. Those are the three things that are important and that have been important for my office in the last few years, in my office, my family, and everything that I've done. I've found those to be critical.

Super valuable insights and applicable outside of work for sure in the community with your friends and family. Generally speaking, trying to take that objectively. I'm into stoicism. Anybody who follows me on Instagram sees my daily stories. I'm posting pictures from a couple of books that I read. Ryan Holiday’s book, The Daily Stoic has a passage. It’s a great book. It was about the observing eye and the perceiving eye. The observing eye is what you're seeing is seeing a situation for what it is.

Somebody said they don't want to buy the eye drops. They don't want to buy the eye drops. It doesn't say anything about you, personally but that's the perceiving eye. That's our perception of that scenario. I love that rather than taking that perception and turning it on the patient, maybe turn it on yourself. Understand what maybe you did in that scenario or what you want to do differently. It’s important.

With everything during 2020, whether it was the Black Lives Matter stuff, COVID, and all the misinformation around these different events in our lives, it's been so easy for people to turn that perceiving eye on others like, “Look at you, sharing this information. Look at you, anti-masker or anti-vaxxer or pro this or that.” There has been so much of it.

It's crazy. When it comes to untying success and productivity, that's where the work is. The work is in the perception of this situation too. If you're going to break that down and distill it, what do you think are 2 or 3 qualities? If we want to be a leader, what would those be if you break them down into a few words?

The first one is being vulnerable and asking questions. I don’t know if you listen to Brené Brown, but she's great. She talks a lot about this. There are a couple of shows where she dives into this, but I'd say being vulnerable as opposed to knowing it all and being empathetic, as opposed to avoiding tough conversations. You commented on, worrying about the perceiving eye, being mindful of the environment that you're in and being an observer.

You have to recognize that we're all in the same water but in different boats. a lot of people say, “We're in the same boat.” We're not in the same boat. My boat looks different than yours, but we're definitely in the same water. Waves are hitting our boats at different times, but we all need to open the sail. We all need to let the wind carry us through the tough times. Be mindful of controlling other people's perceptions. We can do that.

It's amazing that we have within our profession, within our group of colleagues, somebody like yourself who has these amazing insights because otherwise, we're sometimes afraid to go looking outside of our profession. I would love for you to see if you're other things you'd like to share other lessons that you think we could take away from the year that we've gone through.

Some of the stuff that you posted that you shared in your show resonated with me. We probably aligned on a lot of these things. What's relevant for optometry and I've talked a lot about this. It's understanding Optometry Psychology. We are who the optometrist embodies from a personality standpoint. There are five main personality traits. There's agreeableness, neuroticism and there are a few others.

There was a study done in 2003 and we might have talked about this as well where the generalized personality of an optometrist was for the ISFJ personality, which is an agreeable and likable person almost doing for others in excess at your own demise, in some cases. We’re the helpers in the room. That's the ISFJ. The ISFJ comes with a lot of built-in empathy but that empathy sometimes can create a bit of cognitive dissonance in terms of what we do.

For instance, charging for a service, having a high-end frame gallery, for instance, or charging for in-office dry eye procedures, which are in the thousands of dollars or any specialty for that matter. There's a bit of dissonance with it when it comes to charging for a particular expense or deemed expensive service. Our own ISFJ personality, being able to make that recommendation guilt-free. That guilt sometimes ends up resulting in us withholding the recommendation, for instance, because we don't want to come across as, “I don't want to tell this patient that this is how much it costs. I feel badly about it.” I hear that a lot.

That’s one of the things that I hear a lot about amongst my colleagues. The one thing I answer to that is we have to make sure that our own narrative and frame of mind are not bleeding into the patient experience. It’s not confounding that experience. I would hate for my patient to not have the right treatment because somehow, I felt guilty about recommending the right treatment. Forget about the reason why maybe it's cost. There could be a number of reasons but if cost is the thing that's holding me back from recommending it, they don't get it and get worse. All that patient's going to know is that they came to see Dr. Maharaj. I didn't make them better.

They're not going to know your inner narrative. It's important for us to reflect on our own narratives and what we bring to the table and to leave it there. Be reflective and mindful of our own biases because it's much there and it spills into our practice. It creates a lot of stress because we're trying to do two things at once. We're trying to be likable and we're also trying to recommend, prescribe or have our patients consume a product that costs X amount of dollars. There's this dissonance and that stress makes work stressful. The need to be liked can sometimes be all too consuming.

I could go on all day about my experience of going through that process of struggling with the price versus offering the best service and that type of thing but I can tell you the short version of that story. I completely agree with you. For me, it comes down to wanting to offer the best options and services to the patient, the price, stuff, and conversation that will happen later if it has to. I can't have a conversation with the Dry Eye Jedi and not talk about dry eye.

TTTP 47 | Becoming Leaders

Becoming Leaders: There was a fork in the road in April 2020 where those of us who felt not defined and tied to our productivity were somewhat free to enjoy the opportunity that pause gave us.

We've been investing in some new equipment in our offices and starting to bolster our dry eye stuff. It’s so exciting. I love it. I look forward to offering these treatment options services to our patients and seeing the results that we get. You talked about one quick thing already, the AI4Eyes. It’s super exciting and up-and-coming technology in the dry space. Any other things that you could share with us or things that we can look forward to?

I will happily share a couple of quick things but I'll say congratulations. I know you guys invested in the InMode RF System. Everybody's talking radiofrequency these days. It's an exciting technology that bridges aesthetics and optometry but in dry eyes specifically. It is an exciting area. We have a new handle. I've been working with InMode to bring an eye-specific handle to the InMode platform, so it's called The Forma Eye.

It's a much smaller handpiece than the traditional Forma. It's bipolar, so it'll fit nicely in the periorbital region. I'm excited to be working on protocols as we speak but that's the newest thing. We're the first in Canada to have it so. If I'm not mistaken, I believe that it is commercially available as of now. That’s exciting. I'm looking forward to it.

The day I texted you, as soon as I heard I started texting anyone, I could find an InMode and be like, “Put my name down. I'm getting one. Hurry up.”

It's pretty crazy. I'm excited for it. It's nice to have options in the marketplace and it helps us learn. The more tools we have, the more we're going to learn what works and what doesn't work. Being able to have a hand in this as well is kind of rewarding in and of itself. That's amazing. The other thing that's not new, but it's new for 2021, we opened up sales for the 2021 Canadian Dry Eye Summit. We had you as part of our faculty in 2020. You attended and, and that was a bit of a different experience because it was all virtual.

In 2021, the Canadian Dry Eye Summit will be a mixture of virtual and real. It is contingent on the state of affairs in Ontario when it comes but on November 13th and 14th of 2021 will be our Canadian Dry Eye Summit. We're excited about that. We're building out the program as we speak, but ticket sales are open now. If you go to www.DryEyeSummit.ca, you can register.

For those that want to attend a live meeting, should we end up having to forgo the live meeting for provincial lockdown reasons or any other, your ticket will automatically be transferred to a virtual ticket. We're trying to be mindful of making sure that no one kind of gets left behind but that we are still able to have a robust meeting. If our virtual meeting last year was any indication of what we can do virtually, the experience is going to be even better.

You guys crushed. Thank you for having me. I was humbled. I can't even tell you. I was presenting alongside Dr. Art Epstein and Dr. Laura Periman. I'm like, “What am I doing here, exactly?” It was pretty cool. The way he presented it was so cool. I love that talk show type of setup where you guys were in the studio and throwing it back to people. You had a little cut out of Trevor there and that was all awesome. I love the way you guys presented it. If that's what you do virtually, I can't wait to see it in person. If it's in-person in 2021, I'll be there for sure.

It was great having you there. You said that you didn't feel you were needed. You weren’t worthy of being in that position but that's one of the great things. The Canadian brand of education is unique. That was our third Canadian Dry Eye Summit. In 2021, it will be a fourth but we've had our first-year attendees became faculty in 2020 and that's important. If there's anything that your audience can take from this, the brainpower that we have, the Canadian optometry brainpower is phenomenal. I love it.

I see Mahnia Madan, who's doing a bunch of work on PRP. Clare Halleran on the East Coast does fantastic work with Scleral. We've got such talent in this country and I love seeing it. Just because we don't get the wide-open stage that some of our US counterparts have, don't sell yourself short, there's a ton of good brain power here and I love wonderful conversations. There's a pleasure having you and I look forward to more of these types of conversations at the summit.

Thanks for taking the time to create the platform for Canadian ODs to show that talent and knowledge as well. That’s awesome. I’m Looking forward to that. What are the dates again?

November 13th and 14th, 2021. It will be two full days.

Early registration is open. If you do early bird registration, you get a phone call with Dr. Maharaj. What is it, one-on-one?

I'll put Dr. Diana Nguyen. She was our clerkship student. She's now full-fledged. She's going to knock it out of the park on social media. There's also our parent company MyDryEye.ca which is a patient education physician education portal so, check that out as well. I'm going to the show a little bit from you if you don't mind.

That’s okay.

I've had some burning questions that I've had for you.

We're going to flip the script here.

I'm going to grab the mic and I'm going to ask you some questions. What do you think? You okay with that?

Let's do it.

I know you've been doing this very silently and I've often thought of you as a conscious entrepreneur. Tell me about your Oxford & Kin eyewear. How did this happen and how does one even do this? You have your own line of frames and you reach them out in your optical? How did that come to be? Tell me a bit about it because it seems like a fantastic thing that you've done here and you've done it so quietly.

You're good at this already. I'm afraid you might be taking over The 20/20 Podcast here.

Not at all. It’s all yours.

The Oxford & Kin was a passion project of mine that I started years ago. I did give the longer version of the story on Instagram when the company was acquired. I've always had this itch or passion to try to do more outside of the four walls of the office and I had this epiphany and inspiration. I was seeing companies like Warby Parker and the like.

I'm like, “Why aren't there people within our industry taking advantage of these potential opportunities or trying to at least put themselves out there in these positions?” “Why is it people from outside of eye care coming in and taking these opportunities?” I dug into it, researched, Skyped, and cold calling people in different countries. I went through this long process. I often joke that if I'd known how much work it was going to be, I probably wouldn't have done it. There's this certain amount of naivete that you need. When you're starting something like that, I think it's actually a good thing to have.

I went through the process. I didn't know how to draw or do any kind of design. I worked with the manufacturers. We did back and forth on designs. They sent me prototypes, samples, and ultimately landed on a small boutique collection, just a few pieces. The goal was for it to be primarily eCommerce. Yes, we had some in the optical and I distributed to a few stores here and there but I didn't want to have to hire manpower to oversee all of that.

TTTP 47 | Becoming Leaders

Becoming Leaders: Be reflective and mindful of your biases because they can spill into your practice.

It was primarily eCommerce and the backbone of that was the giving back portion of it. It was this one for one like Toms Shoes kind of model. Before I started it all up, I called Optometry Giving Sight. A pretty big organization that does a lot of fundraising for eyecare around the world, whether it's building schools or providing on the ground services, that kind of stuff. I called and chatted with them about partnering. Basically, we set it up. Every pair of glasses we sold through Oxford & Kin, was going to be the equivalent in the form of a donation, the equivalent of a full eye exam, and a pair of glasses for someone in the developing part of the world.

That was the core of it, to be able to reach and help more people than I could possibly help by working 9:00 to 5:00 in my office. That came from some of the volunteer work I'd done with OneSight and stuff like that overseas. That was the shorter version of it. Eventually, after plugging away for a few years, a company named Lensbox has been building up some steam and momentum. They wanted to have some boutique collections of eyewear as part of their platform. They approached me to acquire the company.

That's phenomenal. I love the genesis of that idea. It sounds like you weren't setting out to take over the world. It was this passion project and look at where it got you. That's amazing. That's also nice that it ties back into optometry, but it's also part of that greater good. I often talk a lot about things that are positive-sum and things that are zero-sum. That positive-sum game, when everybody wins, there's such a good feeling in that. It's very rewarding, but moreover, it's not a personal reward. It's the reward to many. Good for you.

Thank you very much. If anybody wants to learn more, you can go to OxfordAndKin.com or message me on Instagram. It's always the answer to everything.

I flipped the script on him, everybody. He didn't know that. I figured, “We're talking now. We're both busy guys. This is the time to talk about the things we haven’t.”

It's been a big part of my life but it's been behind the scenes for the most part. Aside from learning, I can't tell you how much I learned. I couldn't even try to quantify what I learned from as far as connecting with people. Networking, learning eCommerce, learning digital marketing, all this kind of stuff. I had to learn it all by myself because I didn't have the money to hire people for it. It’s a pretty crazy experience.

It sounds like a great learning experience and hopefully, for some of the younger readers that are out there, there's a lot of entrepreneurs and people that want to become entrepreneurs, especially those that are fresh out of school. All they hear about is the hustle and grind. Hopefully, you hear a little bit about the realism in building something in your bootstraps. That's exciting stuff. If you're okay, I know every time you do this show, you got two questions, and I've been dying to ask you the last two questions. What do you think?

Let's do it. You've already answered them, so I suppose that's fair. I've thought about someone asking me and but it actually makes me a bit nervous about having to think to answer them now.

I bring the pain. I keep it real. I like to dive into people's minds a lot. That's my little magical power there. Question number one. Was there ever a time in your life, if you had a time machine that you would go back to and change one thing or a piece of advice that you give a former version of yourself? Whether it was a stressful time or something like that, what would it be? Tell us about the advice.

I don't know if I could think of a very specific moment, but it would be, “Don't worry about pleasing other people. Don't put so much emphasis on that.” I did that for a lot of my life and it makes you do weird things. They’re not crazy things but you act weird when you're constantly trying to please people. Whether it's pleasing your friends or lay trying to please a girl, like trying to get a girl interested in you, or it's business related, trying to impress other people. Try not to focus so much on impressing other people. I'd say, “Just focus on making yourself the best version of yourself that you can be, whether that's spending a little time on education or spending more time on personal development and not worrying about what other people think so much.” That would be it.

That's beautiful. I can see that. I like to say, “Pivot towards valuing the mind over the muscle. Peace over hustle.” Those are the two things that I used to say. I had a similar answer. It was like, “Learning to say no, and to be quiet.” That was a key thing. Great answer. I like that.


Next question. You've accomplished so much. You've got this fantastic show, The 20/20 Podcast. You've got your Oxford & Kin line. You've got your practice, profession, family, and all these great successes. How much of it is due to luck and how much of it is due to hard work?

It's so funny to have these questions asked to me. This one I've thought about over the years randomly. This is a little existential but I'm taking this from a different conversation somebody was having in relation to understanding time, like, “Now doesn't exist, there was a moment that just passed and the moment that's coming.” He was saying, if you're on a beach and stand at the edge of the water, your feet are in the water, but you're on the beach.

You're neither in the water nor on the beach, or it's both. I feel like that's how I think about this luck and hard work thing. It's got to be both. When you're standing there on the beach, you’re both on the ground and in the water and it's both hard work and luck. Quantifying how much water there is versus how much sand there is, that's hard to do. I feel bad that I asked this question and forced people to make this binary decision.

My answer this is, it's a lot of luck. It’s not luck like dumb luck. I hate the word luck because I've been told I'm lucky a lot of times. In fact, my roommate in Boston in optometry school goes, “Harbir, you just fall ass-backward into luck.” I was like, “I studied for that test. I don't know what you're talking about.” It's always had this negative connotation to me. By luck, I mean fate, or I use the word grace that Tony Robbins uses. It's the universe, bringing things to you.

I couldn't control who my parents are, where I was born, that day decided to move to Canada when I was young. I have this large family here that's a support system. I'm very fortunate to have that. It's extremely important to me. That's luck and for me, that's probably 50% of it. If I didn't have that support system, I wouldn't be able to work as hard.

TTTP 47 | Becoming Leaders

Becoming Leaders: The more tools we have, the more we will learn what works and what doesn't.

I know a lot of my colleagues and a lot of people I have on the show will say 99% hard work, and I get it because the eyewear brand, two companies, two optometry clinics, two kids, and all this stuff at the same time, it's hard work but I wouldn't be able to do it without all the family support and everything I have. I'm going to say 50/50 is my short answer to your question.

That's a good answer. I gave it 80/20 last time. You definitely bring up one of the most important things, which is not to forget the context of the world before us and what we were graced with, to be fortunate to be born, I was born in Toronto, and to be in this country. That alone puts us in a stratosphere of wealth that other countries can't even dream to have. If you're earning $60,000 in Canada, you're earning more than 80% of the global population. That alone puts us in a different position, so I respect that.

That doesn't discount the work and effort that we put into it. Again, what part of that was choice, and what part of that was ingrained in us, in our families and cultures? I can see how the sand and the water are very much all there at the same time. That's a great answer. Thank you for letting me take the mic for a moment.

No problem. That was an interesting experiment. I feel like I spilled my brains out here. I’m clearly not prepared for that. I should be by now after all these episodes but thanks for the suggestion. I appreciate it. Dr. Maharaj, any last words that you'd like to share about how it's been for you?

Personally, it's been challenging. It's had its ups and downs. On the family front, I'm fortunate to have my great family, and they've all been healthy. We've lost a family member on my wife's side and that was challenging. What stood out the most is our ability to navigate through tough times. We forget ourselves. As tough as 2021 has been, and I said this last time on the show too, I still have my practice. My dry eye patients have needed me now more than ever. Looking back, it's been crazy.

Despite three months of income loss and then a trickle back over the course of 2021, we've ended off the year doing okay. If 2021 taught the human race anything, it’s the story of resilience and how resilient we are and we forget it. We hear the government shutting us down again in Ontario, and schools being shut down, it immediately takes us to a place.

Let's not forget our resilience and ourselves, and let's keep forging ahead. This is not to say to create more busy work for yourselves but to create more time for you. That has been the most important thing that I've done this 2021 is to take back some of my time. I took it back and I'm not giving it away again. I would encourage everybody to do the same.

Thank you for being a leader in this regard, in many ways, and for sharing these insights, because I know that they're going to be valuable for a lot of people. They have been for me as well. Where can people find you?

On Instagram, @Dry.Eye.Jedi, and www.EyeLabs.ca, that's another way to find me. There are a few different avenues, or as you can call me up on my cell phone.

Perfect. Thank you again, Dr. Maharaj. I appreciate it. Thank you to everybody who's reading. Thank you so much for taking the time. Don't forget to take a screenshot, post it up on Instagram. Tell us what you took away. I know Dr. Maharaj dropped some pretty solid knowledge that you guys will all find valuable. Give me a shout and let me know what you think. Thank you again. We'll see you again soon.

Important Links

About Dr. Richard Maharaj

TTTP 47 | Becoming Leaders

Dr. Richard Maharaj is well known in optometry as being one of the leading names in specialty dry eye care. He is a co-founder of the Dry Eye Summit, which is a highly regarded conference targeting dry eye diagnosis and treatment. In this interview, we discuss how Dr. Maharaj became a big name in the dry eye space, recommendations he has for those of us getting started, and where he sees the profession heading.

But, perhaps more importantly, Dr. Maharaj shared incredible insights into the psychology around productivity and how our need to be productive may be leading to anxiety during this time of self-isolation.


Episode 2 - Aly Armstrong Discusses the Importance of building and Nurturing Relationships for long-term success

Listen to the podcast here

From growing up in a small town, to becoming a childhood actor, moving to LA, starring in a hugely popular TV series, and then moving to Vancouver to become one of the most sought-after luxury event planners in the city… it’s safe to say that Aly Armstrong has had an interesting career thus far.

In this episode, Aly tells us how building and nurturing relationships is integral to long-term success. We chat about how calling on old friends and colleagues at pivotal periods in her career helped propel her success.

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Harbir: Instagram.com/harbirsianod

Aly: Instagram.com/eventsbyaly